Lockstep Legion

Standard* FrostyK


thyhax says... #1

Evolving Wilds is not, in my opinion, a good card, except for mana fixing. With all the 1- and 2-drops, you almost need to have land come in untapped. For budget reasons, Boros Guildgate is going to be your mana fixing. The problem is the comes into play tapped. Getting stuck a turn behind on aggro can really make or break a deck.

Secondly, in a budget aggro build, fast wins are practically the only wins you'll see. I main board Spark Trooper in my budget build, Modified Budget Boros. Also mainboarded are Skyknight Legionnaire s.

For the Foundry Street Denizen , I recommend putting Legion Loyalist in its place. Where the denizen gets +1/+0 pretty much once a turn, Loyalist nets you first strike and trample for your guys, possibly pushing the opponent over the edge. Add haste for a fast turn-3 Battalion, and this guy becomes a formidable threat. Depending on your metagame, the "can't be blocked by tokens" may or may not be relevant.

I would consider putting in Martial Glory . Sneaking by 3 damage, saving a creature, and/or destroying another enemy creature seems good for two mana.

Tajic, Blade of the Legion seems good enough to maybe mainboard over Spark Trooper , to curve out at 4.

Finally, I might say that a few copies of Dryad Militant in the sideboard would help, but if the flavor doesn't fit, than that's okay. The reason being a 2/1 for W is good, and hating (stomping) Junk Reanimator seems good.

Sorry for the wall of text, but thanks for reading this far! Good luck with it! I'd love to see how it fares at FNM.

May 18, 2013 4:56 p.m.

DrearyYew says... #2

I'm really not a fan of Righteous Charge ... I think you can get more bang for your buck out of a card like Rally the Peasants but it's part of the Innistrad block... you might even be better putting a creature in it's place. Same with Shielded Passage ... just think there are better options. Some creatures that you may be interested in are Skyknight Legionnaire and Armored Transport . I think Armored Transport deserves a bit more respect than what it gets... yes, it's weak for a 3 drop, but it doesn't die from being blocked, and is a good way to make sure your battalion triggers. I agree with thyhax when he says the Foundry Street Denizen could be replaced with Legion Loyalist . I would also drop the Evolving Wilds since, as thyhax said, it's slow, and a Boros deck like this needs to be fast. The guildgates are acceptable, but having 8 slow lands in a quick aggro deck will put a damper on the deck overall. 4 slow lands would be ok, and in this case, the gates are just plain better than the wilds.

I would also take a look at Aurelia's Fury as well as Aurelia, the Warleader . They do fetch a decent price at the moment, but they are absolute game changers, even if you are casting the Fury for two.

May 18, 2013 8:10 p.m.

klumze says... #3

I agree that Evolving Wilds is too slow for the build. I ran a Boros budget deck when I started up again in January/February. The guildgates are fine for mana fixing but can also be slow. Sometimes you need the high priced cards to run the deck to its potential. However Madcap Skills could be a great addition to the deck and I would also agree that Armored Transport would really help batallion trigger.

May 31, 2013 7:09 p.m.

crossbowjesus says... #4

this deck's looking good dude, consider carrying over aspects of it into the newer Boros you linked me

March 13, 2014 9:36 p.m.

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