FNM - 7/31/15 (2-3)
- Match 1: G/W Bolster (1-2) Game 1 and 3 were just me getting overwhelmed with creatures and being unable to find an Anger. Game 2 I managed to land Ugin and my opponent conceded.
- Match 2: R/G Dragons (2-0) The slower decks don't present much of a problem. I was easily able to counter threats while landing Ugin.
- Match 3: White Weenie Soldiers (2-1) Lost game 1 because I kept a slower hand, not knowing what my opponent was running. Game 2 I kept a hand of all burn and kept the board clear. Game 3 I had two Riddle of Lightnings in hand. EOT the first, revealing 3 lands and putting them all to the bottom. Flip Ugin. 8 damage. Upkeep the second Riddle for another 8, Lightning Strike for win
- Match 4: Den-Mist Abzan (0-2) Nothing to see here, folks.
- Match 5: Abzan Control (0-2) I misplayed Game 2 by Disdainful Strokeing his Rhino while I had a Nullify in hand. Next turn he cast Nissa and animated lands for the win.
Thoughts: Meh, Abzan.
FNM - 7/25/15 (2-1, 4th place)
- Match 1: Demonic Pact Abzan (1-2) I won the first game after a long and grueling back-and-fourth of counters, removal, and was finally able to land an Ugin to close the game. Games 2 and 3 were rough, with him landing an early Brimaz that's extremely hard for me to deal with.
- Match 2: Temur Dragons (2-0) I won the first game off of a misplay on my opponent's part. He used his only two red mana to sac' a Haven of the Spirit Dragon to grab back Thunderbreak Regent. I would've let him take it back and pay for it differently, but he had already passed before I had realized his misplay. Game 2 was really frustrating for him; I essentially played against myself.
- Match 3: Sultai Midrange (2-0) This was against a good friend, and game 1 was a lot of countering and removal before Ugin stuck and ended the game. Game 2 was just as long and ended with a Mindswipe with X=11. After the match, my friend realized that he could've sat there and passed each turn because I would've milled myself out before he did (and I didn't have burn or any way to get back Ugin/Keranos).
Thoughts: Origins hasn't had much impact on my meta. There are some brews in the works, but nothing too scary. Demonic Abzan was an interesting game, as most decks in those colors (especially the CoCo variants) are problems for me. With only two more FNMs to attend before I return to school, the list looks like it will be staying pretty constant for the time being.
FNM - 7/10/15 (2-2)
- Match 1: Esper Dragons (1-0) Yes, we only played one game; neither of us were slow playing, he was at 37 life with an Ojutai out and I was at 6. We were both top-decking, with at least half of our libraries exiled from delving. I top deck an Ugin, wipe, and it takes me another 10 turns or so to whittle him down for a win. This took 45minutes, so he gave me the match
- Match 2: Abzan Aggro (0-2) This was rough. Game 2 landing a Wingmate Roc was the end of me. Very hard match against a very good pilot
- Match 3: G/W Dragons (0-2) Dragonlord Dromoka takes a nice fat poop all over this deck. All there is to say. Unfortunately he was able to T6 it both games.
- Match 4: Azorius control (2-0) My opponent had some rough times with getting land going; he refused to mull past 6, even if it meant keeping a no-land hand.Once a control deck gets ahead on mana in the mirror, the match is over pretty quickly
Thoughts: Abzan Aggro hoses me, as does Dragonlord Dromoka. My Perilous Vaults should help both of these problems, but we'll have to see how my meta changes with Origins being released.
FNM - 7/4/15 (2-2)
- Match 1: RDW (1-2) Played the judge, who is one of the most knowledge players I know, and a very good RDW pilot. Circle of Flame does work, but dash + Impact Tremors hurts a lot.
- Match 2: Temur Dragons (2-0) Not quite sure what this was. Had ramp, Atarka, dragons, and... an Island? I countered everything he attempted to play, ended up burning him to win
- Match 3: G/W Goodstuff (2-0) I was scared of this match because Dragonlord Dromoka shuts me down hard. Thankfully he didn't draw it in time.
- Match 4: Abzan Control (0-2) Land screwed Game 1 and not finding an Island Game 2 made this a quick match. We played a third for fun in which I was actually able to get my lands and won. This shouldn't be too hard of a matchup if I can find my lands
Thoughts: My meta is still aggressive/creature based with a few RDW players and such, as well as two Esper Dragons players. Circle of Flames does work against RDW. I'm looking to strengthen that matchup, as most of the other matchups seem to be reasonable.
FNM - 6/19/15 (2-2)
- Match 1: Mardu aggro (2-1) -- Countered everything games 1 and 3. He managed to land a Thunderbreak Regent game 2, which I had a very hard time removing.
- Match 2: Rakdos Dash (2-0) -- Burned everything when he dashed it in, countered his fatties. Fast match
- Match 3: RDW (0-2) -- Yikes. According to my opponent (who is also the judge), Massachusetts has a high concentration of control decks so he was tuned to beat me even pre-board. Match was over in 10 minutes.
- Match 4: Mardu aggro (1-2) -- Took game 1 somewhat easily. Games 2 and 3 were more of a problem, with my opponent landing some key Thoughtseizes.
Thoughts: My meta is creature heavy, but creatures that are out of Anger of the Gods range. Aetherspouts is going to find its way in here to deal with Thunderbreak Regent, which proves to be a massive problem. Three out of the four decks I faced ran it. I believe that there was only one other control deck there, so I'll be tuning my sideboard to deal with creatures and burn. May even mainboard Nullify and Negate, since I sided them in almost every game.