What is Narset Cannon?
Narset Cannon is a sniper made of a Rube Goldberg Machine, and the trigger is a rubix cube, and it only has one bullet, and the bullet is also a rubix cube. Make your opponent watch as you set it all up, then 360-no-scope them before they get to play; that or fail magnificently.
Why should I play Narset Cannon?
Do you like fair, interactive games of magic? If you thought, "eww, what!?" Narset Cannon is probably your jam. Do you live for the combo turn? For Narset Cannon mulliganing is a combo turn, and then the combo turn is a combo turn; your opponent hardly has to play at all. Narset Cannon is a deck that gives you a feigning grip on unlimited power; don't just have an idea-have all of them.
Card Choices
Narset Cannon is a deck of about forty spells that get Narset, Enlightened Master into play as fast as possible, and about twenty hits that win you the game instantly. The best way to go about this, I think, ig do the forty first then the hits.
The Combo
Put these cards together in different ways to cast a lot of spells for free and win.
4 Narset, Enlightened Master- Our girl, the combo enabler. The card the deck resolves around.
4 Goryo's Vengeance- How we get Narest into play. Vengeance is cheap, fast, and the hinge the opens this deck's door to victory.
4 Gemstone Mine, 4 Mana Confluence, 4 Simian Spirit Guide- These cards make mana to cast the spells this deck pays to cast.
4 Gemstone Caverns- Also makes mana to cast spells, but is a combo enabler by exiling Narest so we can pull her back to the graveyard. Play every game with this deck on the draw to ensure Cavern is online.
4 Serum Powder- Another way we try to exile Narset. Narset Cannon mulligans a lot, and serum pulls double duty by keeping cards in our hand.
4 Pull from Eternity- This is the way we get Narset into the graveyard by way of exiling her to serum or caverns.
4 Faithless Looting- The means to getting Narset into the graveyard without exiling her.
4 Sphinx of Foresight- Look, we won't get all the cards we want all the time. Sphinx digs to the card we need for free, and lets us get deep in our deck fast in combination with looting.
The Hits
There's a few different philosophies on how to build this part of a Narset deck. The first is to go all in on Narset damage. This way plays no cards like Enter the Infinite and Omniscience, but just overloads on things like Waves of Aggression and Relentless Assault with the hope of getting to 20 in one turns worth of combat. One positive to this way are that our fury of the hoards are much better with so many more red spells. We also get to play some number of Griselbrand, and just draw fury with him, for some more consistency. However, this build loses a lot of power; there's a big difference between attacking a bunch with a 3/2 and casting enter the infinite. A deck built this way can't beat infinite life, just a lot of life, or blockers; and also while it has more consistency with Narset flips it can fizzle with it's opponent at 2 or 3 when it all seemed like is was going so well.
At the other end of the spectrum this portion of the deck can be maxed out with enter, omni, Brilliant Ultimatum, and huge heymakers to try to win really hard off just one Narset swing. I like this way better than the former because even if you walk Narset into a 4/4 you can still win and generally just have more power. My build is closer on the spectrum to being built like this, but I think I've found the best spot in the middle with four Conflux in the deck.
I think I'm gonna go in lines to victory and hope it makes sense.
4 Enter the Infinite- The card we want to hit. Second main phase we draw our whole deck, put omniscience on top, then exile two red cards to cast fury of the hoard. Attack again and our whole hand, which is our whole deck, is now unlocked for free.
3 Omniscience- A very powerful card, but it suffers from only being as strong as the cards in your hand. When your hand is all the cards in your library, though, we've unlocked our final form.
4 Fury of the Horde, 1 Relentless Assault- Pretty obvious. When we hit them we just reload and attack again. Fury has the benefit of an alternate cost and opens the enter > omniscience line.
2 Brilliant Ultimatum- Kind of like an attack rebuy, but sees five cards instead of four.
4 Conflux- Ok so I know by now you're wondering, “what does this card even do?” So, when we hit this card with Narset we find fury of the hoard(red), goryo's vengeance(black), pull from eternity(white), Narset(blue), and wild cantor/conflux(green). After that you alternate cast fury by exiling Narset and wild cantor/conflux. We just re-bought combat while setting ourselves up to combo again next turn with pull and vengeance, It's red to maximize fury, we took a couple whiffs out of our deck, and it also changes to enter the infinite in your hand if you find yourself with omniscience in play.
Some Goofball Cards
Wild Cantor- Cantor is just in the deck to cast goryo's off of spirit guide mana. Once we hit enter, if Narset is dead we're stuck for a turn. Bonus for being green and red when we cast conflux.
The Sideboard
This deck folds to graveyard hate. It folds hard and there's not really a way to deal with it because we kind of go off or not, and don't have the resources to do something else first. The best idea I had was to take advantage of serum and caverns and be an eternal scourge deck. -4 enter, -3 omniscience, -4 conflux, -4 SSG, +15 whole SB.