Midrange w/ staples in Thragtusk Huntmaster of the Fells Flip and Olivia Voldaren for creatures.
O wait.
Removal in Dreadbore Searing Spear and Ultimate Price
O wait.
Ramp in Farseek , card draw in Underworld Connections and advantage in rakdos return.
We are waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to chance.
December 6, 2012 3:55 p.m.
Oh yeah, definitely possible. I'd agree with that tact too. Frozr2 definitely violates the terms of use.
December 6, 2012 3:55 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #4
So... your own Grixis deck.. is original? By definition of "traditional" you completely destroyed your own deck. Do you now have to hate yourself, and beat apart your own deck you displayed for the world to see?
December 6, 2012 3:57 p.m.
Thanks, so that's the criterium to judge decks. The usual Grixis deck plays efficient removal, card draw, planeswalkers and counterspell. Your Grixis deck is a netdeck.. See how damn easy it is? I know for a fact you're only trolling, but I'd rather you just logged off and had a wank or something to get those frustrations out.
December 6, 2012 3:57 p.m.
Or tell me how your deck is original and I will leave tho?
December 6, 2012 3:58 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #9
Its original because this exact deck is not the exact deck anyone else is playing.
Its a jund deck. A version of a jund deck. What jund deck wouldn't run some of those cards? It wouldn't be competitive enough, not with this meta.
December 6, 2012 3:59 p.m.
What a deck does stays the same, but cards can change.
wut wut
December 6, 2012 4 p.m.
Uhh... no, I don't.
I agree some staples are required to be competitive. Like Thragtusk lol. But then it comes down to whether you want to win matches or have a good time playing with something that you brewed yourself. It's much more rewarding. Just trust me.
December 6, 2012 4:05 p.m.
There's no such thing as a good magic player, only one with more money. Most used decks does not equal more likely to win. That's a copout. Every deck starts somewhere.
December 6, 2012 4:07 p.m.
Once again you contradict yourself. The normal Grixis Control deck plays the EXACT TYPES OF CARDS YOU PLAY.-Efficient removal spells. (Dreadbore , Mizzium Mortars , Sever the Bloodline )-Efficient creatures. (Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius , Snapcaster Mage , Olivia Voldaren )-Card Advantage engines. (Your whole Planeswalker arsenal, Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius and Desolate Lighthouse )-Counterspells. (Dissipate and Essence Scatter )Thanks, you're giving us tons of ammo against your own arguments. Please, try harder to troll.
And, this deck was made by me and a buddy. It started as a Junk midrange-ish deck. I felt the white was misplaced and added red for Huntmaster and Olivia, then someone suggested I add Rakdos Keyrune. I got my hands on some Rakdos's Return, and that's that.
December 6, 2012 4:10 p.m.
No such thing as a good magic player? Then how come we see the same players at max level events?
December 6, 2012 4:10 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #16
Next time, suggest new and interesting cards to play instead of the common ones...
Its better than calling out someone for 'not being original.'
"Hey, have you tried Fervent Cathar ? He can get rid of that pesky blocker for you, and nobody would expect it."
"Dont run Abrupt Decay , instead run Golgari Charm because it can also get rid of Detention Sphere s in the control matchup, kill off a bunch of 1/1's, and even save your guys against the boardwipe."
Things like that, positive and productive arguement starters are much more appropriate than "HEY YOUR DECK SUCKS, I HATE IT SO MUCH THAT I'M GOING TO REPEAT MYSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN."
December 6, 2012 4:11 p.m.
Everyone be mad.
It would be different if you started playing Jund without any other reference. Grixis is the most underused competitive deck, and I went and made it better than most Bant and Jund archetypes.
December 6, 2012 4:14 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #18
Deetoz, i would just ignore him, he has proven that he doesn't know exactly what he is talking about, and must have some personal vendetta against good decks. Maybe competitive play isn't for him.
Have i +1'd this deck yet? Oh yeah, I have already :)
On another note...
If you DO plan on running a lot of plainswalkers, do you need so many Cavern of Souls ?
December 6, 2012 4:14 p.m.
In a game where the majority does have to do with chance, the best you can do is make a good deck where the odds will be in your favor. There are no "good" players in a game of luck.
There are professional magic players because the MTG community is... stupid.
There, I said it.
December 6, 2012 4:15 p.m.
I was actually thinking of taking the Cavern of Souls out or cutting them down to 2. However, I really, REALLY want to land my threats and the Cavern is awesome for that.Cutting two for 2 Dragonskull Summit would be okay by me, though.. Hmm.
December 6, 2012 4:17 p.m.
FROZR2, you're bad at arguing your case and should stop trolling. Go have a wank instead, please?
December 6, 2012 4:18 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #24
Its true, against the control matchup (i don't run any Cavern of Souls ) I have had some trouble landing my Vampiwolveasts. So, you should still run the lands, but not so many where you could play into a game and draw 3, and not be able to play some of your planeswalkers*.
December 6, 2012 4:19 p.m.
My argument was this is an unoriginal deck. Nothing you do or say will change that, unless the deck is actually changed. You've been confronted. It happens.
Deetoz says... #1
Is it possible to report a player on Tappedout?
December 6, 2012 3:54 p.m.