Look Ma, No Friends!

Commander / EDH* Killkow


Comment Wipe and Description Reformatting —Sept. 27, 2015

I realized my the page was getting to be a mile long, so I cleared the comments and took a more organized approach to my description. I'm also getting closer and closer to having the whole deck without paying a dime- 1 trade at a time.

Monsmtg says... #1

Vendilion Clique if your willing to spend the money

April 10, 2015 12:04 p.m.

Killkow says... #2

Solid suggestion, Monsmtg. It will go in if I acquire one. Thanks!

April 10, 2015 3:08 p.m.

AdrenalineBomb says... #3

Mastery of the Unseen is an absolute house when brago can blink all the manifested permanents. The life gain is also not irrelevant if you're against aggro decks.

Also Strionic Resonator would enable infinite blinks if you have 2 mana in artifacts.

April 14, 2015 1:59 p.m.

Killkow says... #4

Definitely an interesting suggestion, AdrenalineBomb. I have Cloudform in here already, and it's done nothing but impress me so far. Manifests and blink are completely overpowered.

As for Mastery of the Unseen, it's definitely viable, but I don't know if the 4 mana per manifest is really where I want to be. At that point I think I'd rather just run Lightform for more of the same effect. The life gain off of Mastery is actually irrelevant, since Brago blinking them back in isn't considered "Turning them face up". I could definitely see putting it in if I was replacing something of less value, but I don't think there's space at this point.

As for Strionic Resonator, it doesn't really suit my playstyle. To be fair, this deck is already SUPER unfun to play against. And that's kind of the point of the deck, anyway. Infinite combos aren't something I like, and I don't typically want the game to be over that quickly. I'm fine with controlling the board, and watching my opponents' slow descent into despair as they realize more with every passing turn that there's literally no card they can draw that will allow them to have any more fun this game.


April 14, 2015 2:25 p.m.

AdrenalineBomb says... #5

The way I view it is cloudform already costs 3 mana. I also like the ability to manifest multiple times a turn. If you ever need life you can choose to pay the manifest cost.

April 14, 2015 3:18 p.m.

AdrenalineBomb says... #6

It may cost 4 to activate but the ability to activate it multiple times a turn can really snowball your board into an avalanche of awesome. If you need life for whatever reason you can always just pay the manifest cost. I'd at least recommend it over one of your other manifest enchantments.

April 14, 2015 3:48 p.m.

I've been thinking about adding The Chain Veil to Garrett's Brago Deck for a while now. How often does it work out for you?

April 24, 2015 1:39 a.m.

BTW, Vendilion Clique is not worth the $60.00, there are soooo many options with Brago that are just as good or better. I had it in my brago deck, and it was just so easy to kill that it was never very effective. If you want to spend a lot of money on a card, I would recommend Karn Liberated who is just berserk, removing 1 permanent and a card from hand each turn. anyway, check out my deck, I have a list of over 150 cards for Brago decks. I was thinking of making it a token deck and trying that out. I would put in the 4 different splicers, maybe Precursor Golem, Wingmate Roc, Myr Battlesphere, Pentavus, along with the manifest enchantments, and maybe a couple knights that make tokens. Might be a fun change of pace, and is a completely new strategy I could be using with out starting from scratch.

April 24, 2015 1:59 a.m.

Killkow says... #9

Thanks for the comments, garrettlstewart!

I've been nothing but impressed with The Chain Veil. It's one me almost every game that I resolve Tezzeret the Seeker , since he can search for it, the mana rock, and start the combo with it in just a couple turns. Beyond Tezzeret synergy, it's allowed for a surprise Venser, the Sojourner ultimate by hitting it a turn earlier than my opponents were expecting to deal with it. Otherwise it's usually just a bit of a value card. You definitely need to have enough planeswalkers to justify it, but in brago decks, that strategy's already rewarded before running the veil.

Karn Liberated is a fantastic suggestion, and can directly replace Spine of Ish Sah if I pick him up. As for the rest of the suggestions:

  • Precursor Golem is a bit too fragile for me. Sure you get a bunch of 3/3s, but he usually just eats a million copies of a removal spell.

  • Wingmate Roc is reasonable, but I don't know what it's better than at that cost. I prefer Cloudgoat Ranger over it just by the sheer number of guys he makes, and the optional synergy with his tokens.

  • Myr Battlesphere is already in here. It's hilarious when you -5 Tezerret and turn 30 1/1s into 30 5/5s xD

  • Pentavus if definitely reasonable. He probably deserves more consideration, but my current thought are: He costs 7 mana which is a bit of a choke point for my deck already, and his token-gen is a bit mana consuming. To be fair, by that point I'm not doing much more with my mana anyway, unless I have a draw engine online, but he just doesn't seem overwhelmingly fantastic to me.

As far as the Splicers go, I don't know if 1 token per bounce is enough for me. What would you take out for what splicer, do you think?

April 24, 2015 10:57 a.m.

I'm right there with you in being anti-infinite combos man. If I had my way, there would be a limit to how many times an action can be repeated during 1 turn before it fizzles. I think it just ruins the game. I mean how much does it suck when your on turn 20 of an awesomely competitive 4 player game when the asshole with the Oloro, Ageless Ascetic deck plays his Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond combo?

With, the tokens, it was more an idea i've been mulling over for my deck, I was thinking of maybe making a second deck list with all the available ETB counter makers in it, just to try it out.

Funny thing, as unpopular as Garrett's Brago Deck was, my The Unbeatable Narsessist deck may have topped it in terms of overall hate. Anyway I really like how you organize and explain your deck choices, I've been meaning to do that with mine, but it takes a while, and usually I'd rather start building a new deck.

April 24, 2015 8:32 p.m.

Killkow says... #11

Haha, my playgroup hates that combo so much that we treat those two cards with the legendary rule, meaning you can only have one on the battlefield at a time, or one gets sacrificed immediately. That being said, our playgroup has more than its fair share of infinites, but the players that run them get bored with their deck after a couple months and buy a new one. And at no point do they ever realize they get bored because their deck just does one thing xD

A separate token Brago deck seems perfectly reasonable. If anything, I think it would be a more fair and fun variant than superfriends lockdown, while still being competitive to pull out some wins. Plus, who's to say you can't put in a Mulldrifter ;)

Thank for the compliment! Yeah, it takes a bit of time, but I'm usually bored at work, so I've got more time than I have deck ideas. Plus, if I start brewing, I want to start buying, and that's no good for my wallet. The organization really helps when I come back and want to make changes later too. Being able to compare my justifications for a card to the reality of how it's performed makes it a lot simpler to make cuts.

April 25, 2015 11:10 a.m.

Never really thought about the latter part. I do this all the time where I go back and look at a card in my deck, and can't remember why I put the card in my deck, take it out, remember a few games later why I had the card in my deck, put it back in.

April 25, 2015 5:56 p.m.

KCisSICKnasty says... #13

I'd really advise adding Strionic Resonator. I see you're adamant about not adding it though, so I suggest Altar of the Brood, Jace's Mindseeker, and some stax-y stuff like Static Orb or Tangle Wire. I run a Brago deck myself. Check it out? +1 from me

Blinking Contest Playtest

Commander / EDH* SorinDankov

SCORE: 24 | 22 COMMENTS | 4253 VIEWS

September 9, 2015 7:34 p.m.

KCisSICKnasty says... #14

Like, Strionic Resonator is such an amazing piece on its own. If you don't want to do infinite combos, then just dont do it. xD Even then, its ONE card that CAN go infinite out of 100 and it's easy to stop. That doesn't even guarantee you'll have something out that can GG. I'd really suggest rethinking. (:

September 9, 2015 9 p.m.

Killkow says... #15

Thanks for the comment SorinDankov. I'm still adamant about refraining from having access to infinite combos in this deck. I'm the type of player that will exploit all resources at his disposal, so if there's an infinite combo in the deck, I'll use it- and I just don't want to be 'that guy', because I know how boring it is on the other side of the table. It's the same reason I don't run Time Warp or similar effects. (The deck is mean enough without them). It's a bit hypocritical, I know, but I wanted to draw the line somewhere

Looking at your deck, I think I'd rather run Tsabo's Web than Static Orb or Tangle Wire. Fairly dealing with the pesky Maze of Ith and drawing cards seems right up my alley! I'm otherwise comfortable with the amount of lockout I have access to.

I tried out Jace's Mindseeker, and had mixed feelings. When he hit, he could be interesting, but usually it was a wiff, and I don't want to win by mill, so he got cut. Thanks for the +1! Your deck had some really good insight. I might make some modifications with your in mind!

September 12, 2015 12:26 p.m.

KCisSICKnasty says... #16

Feel free to +1 mine too.

September 12, 2015 5:22 p.m.

O-higgs says... #17

September 20, 2015 10:44 a.m.

Killkow says... #18

Thanks, O-Higgs. I've seen Reality Acid floating around, but I think that might be too mean, haha. It's hard enough to convince people to play against this deck already. I'll throw it in the maybeboard so I don't forget about it though.

September 20, 2015 11:23 a.m. Edited.

I've seen a deck like this before and the name suits it perfectly.

September 26, 2015 2:23 p.m.