Looks Like We Need Some Freedom Up In Here
Thanks for the advice. I added 2 more remands to the deck and an extra Vendilion Clique
April 9, 2014 11:38 p.m.
Emrakul-the-Format-Broken says... #3
You claim you want to give freedom, yet all you do is control everyone else.
USA in a nutshell. You determine whether I mean the deck.
April 16, 2014 11:32 p.m.
Emrakul-the-Format-Broken says... #4
But seriously. I am so shocked when I see USA control after USA control that doesn't use Mana Tithe . I mean, imagine having one white mana open and your opponent expects anything but a counterspell, so they tap all their mana to cast a spell.
April 16, 2014 11:34 p.m.
Mana Tithe is honestly one of my favorite counterspells. People rarely expect a counter when you only have a white mana left open like you said. I would definitely put it in but I don't know what to remove. There is one problem that both Mana Tithe and Force Spike have which is they are fairly easy to play around when you expect them.
April 16, 2014 11:47 p.m.
luigithefourth says... #6
I'd say no to force spike and tithe. Too irrelevant in the late game.
April 17, 2014 8:39 p.m.
Emrakul-the-Format-Broken says... #7
In a format full of Affinity and Red Deck Wins, "Late Game" has become an endangered species.
April 18, 2014 2:09 p.m.
Personally I'm still on the fence about Mana Tithe . The late game of modern is turn sixish for most matches I've played and at that point Mana Tithe is pretty worthless. The card does the same thing as Spell Snare the majority of the time and it's usefulness is about as long. However Mana Tithe doesn't have the same restrictions as Spell Snare. I'll need to test it out which might take some time.
April 18, 2014 7:57 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #9
Long term UWr player here and I see some problems.I have played uwr geist and geist in control and my conclusion is that he is horrible in today's current meta (bad vs zoo, affinity, jund, twin, pod, etc) and horrible in control as he is narrow minded and clunky. I'd get rid of him and stick to things that aren't geist.
UWr hybrids (control and midrange) also are not good. They dont midrange or control very well so I'd just stick to one of the two more proven flavors. If going control get rid of geist and up cryptic count plus land count by 1. if going midrange cut control cards but keep cryptic around.
April 19, 2014 2:24 p.m.
Thanks for the advice! I will most definitely cut the geists for an extra land and cryptic. I had Geist in there just to see how it worked out and like you said it is pretty bad with all of the aggro and combo decks. If you could give any other advice to me on what else could be changed I would love it. This is the first Modern deck that I've been seriously trying to make work for myself and any help especially from a person who knows how the deck should look and work is awesome.
April 19, 2014 4:43 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #11
It looks pretty stock to me, which is perfectly fine. I dont like remand in control though, its not really a control card and it only delays the card your countering, I also dont like mystic gate as a land. Not that it doesn't help with casting color heavy casting costs, but it gets dicey when, for example, your stuck on three land (tec edge, gate + any blue red land) with bolt and a counter spell. You cast bolt in combat but want to still cast the counter. oops no way to cast it. Keep it if you like it but in some situations like the one above prompted me to get rid of it.
Sb looks fine, many, many options to play. Hurkyl's Recall is an interesting choice. Again, another card that is ok, but is beaten by stony silence in terms of how well it shutsdown affinity (which can recover fairly well from recall), heavily retards tron and has splash damage against pod. Definatly get rid of SOFAI. Its really good but slow and not very good without things to stick it on.
April 19, 2014 5:12 p.m.
Sword is definitely getting taken out because like you said there are very few creatures to put it on. I like Hurkyl's Recall because it absolutely punishes Affinity if they over-extend by sacrificing things to their Ravager but other than that it only gives you a turn or two at the max. I have had many situations that have turned out badly when I kept a hand with Mystic Gate as my only blue source but I still want to keep it in.
Remand seems like the card that could get replaced but honestly I don't know what to run in it's place.
April 19, 2014 5:43 p.m.
Emrakul-the-Format-Broken says... #13
If you wanna pull out the remands, replace them with Vendilion Clique s. Hand control is far better than temporary counterspells.
April 19, 2014 7:41 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #14
Mana Leak is kinda bad too in 4s. #s are better. Try more spell snare's as i have always loved em..
April 20, 2014 10:42 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #15
obligatory YEEEEEEEEEEAH! sorry had to. nice deck though. add an aggro player this deck would be rage inducing to play against
May 4, 2014 3:46 p.m.
Kiteflyerofhell says... #17
Pretty legit, and then 400 Misthollow Griffon. I like your style sir.
May 20, 2014 10:46 p.m.
Is 4 mana leaks to many? A deck like this will last out till they have more than the ability to pay the 3 mana
May 30, 2014 11:56 p.m.
A Supreme Verdict wouldn't hurt and maybe another vendillion Its up to you.
May 31, 2014 4:55 p.m.
Personally, I would add Supreme Verdict instead of Wrath of God in the sideboard. I think in the current meta where there is almost no creatures that have regeneration effects, uncounterable might be stronger. +1
June 9, 2014 8:22 p.m.
The only reason I run Wrath of God over Supreme Verdict is because Thrun, the Last Troll is a serious problem. I can't kill it without a Wrath or losing a Celestial Colonnade by blocking. I don't know how important the uncounterable clause is because very few of the decks that I would bring a board wipe in against are capable of countering it.
June 9, 2014 9:34 p.m.
pacis_victus says... #23
Can you give me a brief battle plan against something like a midrange zoo deck? When I play tested it seems like if you top deck a land or two, you spend the entire game trying to put out a wildfire instead of actually controlling anything. How does Wall of Omens sound to you in this deck? I think it'll make your deck a bit more forgiving since you're running 26 lands, and you get pretty messed up by a Loxodon Smiter on turn 2 or 3.
June 9, 2014 10:29 p.m.
The plan for game one against Zoo or any aggro deck for that matter is to hope to draw the removal you need. Zoo is capable of turn four wins if you don't do anything about it so that's where the spells come in. Bolts deal with the Nactls and Spell Snare can deal with a Goyf on the draw. After that our chances get better because we can start casting Resto Angels to block and put some pressure on the board along with the Colonnades. Game Two is even better in our favor with Anger of the Gods coming in to deal with most of the turn 1-3 plays from Zoo. Wrath of God has a similar effect allowing us to get rid of the opponents creatures and let us rebuild our hand of cards. Banes layer Angel also comes in to help reverse the early aggression by giving us a quick clock and lifegain to put us out of Tribal Zoo's burn. Honestly it's all in luck for the first game as it is for most control decks when they face up against aggro decks. If we can make it to turn 4 and stabilize the chances of winning go up a huge amount.
June 10, 2014 12:31 a.m.
pacis_victus says... #25
I think Wall of Omens would basically lock out zoo, dredge and other aggro based decks with the help of your instants, at least until you can get set up for late game colonnades and restoration angels. I do agree that Electrolyze is versatile, but what role does it specifically play in your deck? I feel like most 1 toughness weenies like Bloodghast are useless to kill off if you can wall them. Consider swapping Wall of Omens in for Electrolyze .
luigithefourth says... #1
I think 4 remand is what's up, considering the vulnerability of things like Pod, Tron, and any ramp deck to it. Also, vendillion clique is sort of amazing, so I'd try to fit more of those too.
April 9, 2014 8:16 p.m.