Standard Kingleil


Entomo says... #1

You can go hella long actually with Release and Conjecture. Cast release on conjecture after it's got 2 or 3 counters on it, then release conjecture and get release back so that you can do it again when conjectures on 2 or 3 counters. put in a nice little sorcery and you can grind people out no problem.

May 2, 2018 1:05 p.m.

Kingleil says... #2

Entomo I like the idea of The Mirari Conjecture here a lot. It enhances everything across the board; and I might be starting to like the idea of going straight up control and near 0 creatures excluding Naru Meha. I'm debating that still. I also updated the description to state "on cast" trigger death; instead of ETB. Thank you for the info!

May 2, 2018 3:04 p.m.

I truly think that control is the way to go for this combo, white is probably the best control color to splash with blue in this standard.


Here is my list, I literally took the winning UW control deck in last weeks open and added the combo to it. This is a base idea but I think we can grind it down to be very competitive.

May 2, 2018 5:38 p.m.

franjimen421 says... #4

Kingleil As I'm working now on the arena version, what cards do you think would best replace Baral, Trophy mage, Glimmer, and Disallow?

May 3, 2018 10:21 a.m.

Kingleil says... #5

franjimen421 Any kind of card draw, artifact searching, and more Syncopate and more Wizard's Retort. Treasure Map  Flip or Search for Azcanta  Flip come to mind.

May 6, 2018 9:53 p.m.

franjimen421 says... #6

great, thank you Kingleil

May 7, 2018 5:23 a.m.

nanoseta says... #7

I like this Deck, but UW

My List


May 7, 2018 10:21 p.m.

Kingleil says... #8

nanoseta Yeah, basically this combo works nicely inserted into a blue/white shell, I've been toying with that idea. It is just that basically every single deck in the meta is blue/white control right now. Hitting this combo within that blue/white construct is something I am probably going to build a different deck list with.

May 7, 2018 11:05 p.m.

Darkloft says... #9

This deck is just so beautiful. Thank you sir. Thank you for making a good Wizard tribal deck. Maybe a card to consider Time of Ice. The interaction it has with Merfolk Trickster is awesome and you could put Naru Meha back into your hand for the combo. The deck looks great and full up already but figured its worth a think.

May 8, 2018 10:34 a.m.

Kingleil says... #10

Time of Ice could be interesting as a one of "surprise" for people for certain; spicy indeed. It would break some tempo for my opponent's attack phase as well on the third counter uptick.

May 8, 2018 10:57 a.m.

Darkloft says... #11

Oh, also Metallic Mimic may have a place since you have Naban and Trophy Mage in there. Sorry for overcommenting, just really excited for this deck idea.

May 8, 2018 11:09 a.m.

40fy says... #12

Finally, someone else is building a control oriented wizards deck. Yours is a little more aggressive than mine but its way more interesting than the spammy beatdown lists. Here are my suggestions:

Neither Bontu's Monument nor Trophy Mage are particularly useful unless you are trying to combo off. However, if you do a brief comparison:

Bontu's Monument: 3 mana, does absolutely nothing until you combo off. Legendary, can't even play more than one if you draw multiple copies. At best it might deal 3 or 4 damage if you are going for the beatdown plan.

Trophy Mage: 3 mana, 2/2 wizard body that also sort of draws a card. Not legendary. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Even if you haven't already drawn Bontu's Monument, if you target a Trophy Mage with the first cast of Release to the Wind, you can find your missing piece.

Based on all of this, I would say you should be playing more Trophy Mage than Bontu's Monument. You probably also want to have at least one other thing that Trophy Mage can find (you would only need one copy in the deck). Why? Because there will be times when you play Naban, Dean of Iteration on 2 and Trophy Mage on 3. In this scenario, Trophy Mage triggers twice, and since drawing two copies of Bontu's Monument is kind of worthless, you would end up losing potential value. As someone else recommended above, Metallic Mimic fits this bill quite nicely.

Additionally, is there a specific reason that you are playing multiple copies of Syncopate when you could be playing a fourth Wizard's Retort? In this deck, I would say the latter is almost a strict upgrade. The two main downsides to Wizard's Retort are that it requires a wizard on the battlefield, and two blue mana. You are mono blue wizards tribal. This is your payoff card, play it.

May 8, 2018 2:25 p.m.

Kingleil says... #13

Darkloft point taken, Metallic Mimic is in, I'll sort it out some place.

40fy points taken on the whole about Trophy Mage its just that she's a dead draw when I consider I just want her around to get some more Bontu's Monument to do the combo. The entire point of the deck was to do Wizard tribal as another win condition in addition to the combo; but the combo was the point. That being said, strengthening the board is totally ok.

I will decrease the amount of Bontu's Monument to two. Decrease Disallow to two, and increase Wizard's Retort to four. I'll outright remove Opt and add in three Metallic Mimic.

Also let us keep in mind, I made another deck based off this infinite combo called INFINITY WAR. It is very strong.

May 8, 2018 3:17 p.m. Edited.

wait why are we adding metallic mimic? we dont wan tot win with wizard, we want to infinite combo out...

May 8, 2018 3:38 p.m.

You guys do realize metallic mimic cant be fetched by Trophy Mage right? It says only cmc 3 not 3 or less. I vote Aethersphere Harvester.

May 8, 2018 3:41 p.m.

Darkloft says... #16

Oh I didnt even notice that Legendary_penguin_of_death good call. Wow, what a niche card.

May 8, 2018 4:01 p.m.

Kingleil says... #17

Apex_killjoy02 the deal is that some people think this is a Wizard tribal deck; and that's ok, bc it is sorta-kinda, but at the same time I agree, I prefer to think of it as a combo. The Opt I cut was a way to get to the combo faster, but I do agree the deck is slightly soft on defenses. I'm equalizing the importance of the two essentially with this build. The Metallic Mimic gives the board some more robustness it was lacking, and Opt does a great job at card draw, but we'll get stomped by faster decks in some situations.

Legendary_penguin_of_death I would state that Trophy Mage has only one aim: fetch that Bontu's Monument and be a body on the board. Nothing else. That is her singular purpose. As a point of fact, I might even replace her with Treasure Map  Flip if it wasn't for the fact she was a Wizard :P lol. Aethersphere Harvester is simply too slow at this juncture, and only is good twice, after that its just a three casting cost flyer I have to give up a board piece to crew up. It is a handy card, but I don't like it over two more Mimics or any of the other creatures that are present, and wizards.

Really, the deck is getting traction right now folks because of two reasons:

1) People are not seeing the better version named INFINITY WAR b/c this is one of the "top decks" according to views. Look it at it. It is superior, I believe.

2) People are attracted to Wizard Tribal; and think this is a substantial thing, and want it to be viable/competitive in standard. Without some support color, or a substantial combo (like the one I provided), I don't know if it is, but can do decent at least.

3) This deck is much less expensive than some of the decks involving Teferi, Hero of Dominaria or Lyra Dawnbringer thus people are gravitating towards it.

4) The "Featured Decks" tab is TWO SECTIONS away from the "Latest" and "Top" tabs on this site which should not be the case. Featured decks should be FIRST to be examined; or at least second. Site layout needs a redo, especially since people are paying money to promote the Featured tab. Top -> then Featured could also be argued.

5) Monoblue?

May 8, 2018 4:02 p.m.

Kingleil says... #18

Edit: Because of a "few reasons" lol.

May 8, 2018 4:09 p.m.

Darkloft says... #19

One last thought I guess. 4 Merfolk Trickster seems like overkill. Maybe drop 1 and put in another Baral, Chief of Compliance to ensure the combo is cheaper and more card filtering.

May 8, 2018 4:57 p.m.

Kingleil says... #20

Darkloft can do; prolly not a bad move.

May 8, 2018 7:31 p.m.

nanoseta says... #21

I think the maso should focus mainly on the combo, looking for the combo as fast as possible as well as table cleaners like: Fumigate

The combo must be by surprise, to find the opponent without mana available, that's why I prefer to look for Bontu's Monument with Whir of Invention instead of Trophy Mage

Plan B should go on the sideboard.

May 9, 2018 2:06 a.m.

you would have to put 6 mana into Whir if invetion instead of paying 3 mana (1 of that being blue instead of 3...) AND u get a body to protect you, Im not trying to be rude in any way but playing whir of invetion instead of trophy mage is kinda dumb...

May 9, 2018 10:06 a.m.

S I have been play testing and when I want to draw my last combo piece i draw metallic mimic instead, most of the time mettallic mimic is bad because were no even attacking...ALL metallic mimic gives us is an extra body which we could use a better body instead...(I could robaly find some better bodies then metallic mimic)I'll stop nagging now lol

May 9, 2018 10:15 a.m.

Kingleil says... #24

nanoseta The combo is great, but again, finding it should not be the focus of any deck in the Standard format. There is far to prevalent an aggro meta still and fast damage for JUST a combo to be viable. Counterspells, and control also mean you should have multiple win-cons because of this. Popular aggro decks: BW Vehicles, Mono Red Aggro, Mono Green Stompy, Counter Surge, Black-Red Aggro, Blue Red Gift, Mono Red Gift. All these deck types mean you better have a plan B, and fuck your sideboard b/c game one is a loss isn't acceptable. All these decks I mentioned have sideboards, and can deal with what you have in some cases. Game one must come out winning. As a note, I TRY and build decks to be competitive.

Apex_killjoy02 I don't disagree the combo is slower, so I'm gonna only do three Metallic Mimic and increase it back to three Bontu's Monument. The balance should suffice. I lightly have been playtesting this on the side, but I'm gonna shelf this deck to work heavily on others. I would highly suggest going to the INFINITY WAR because it works like fucking silk. I'm going to make maybe one more change to Infinity War, and then go to some tournaments with it.

May 9, 2018 10:51 a.m.

OwnedbyCow says... #25


This looks pretty beastly. I am able to only offer a couple suggestions, because I haven't built many control decks.

Silvergill Adept does not match your deck, so I think it is safe to remove from your maybeboard. As it looks now, it would be a really expensive 5 drop for a body and a draw.

Wizard's Lightning if you were to go red, but I think mono blue is looking really nice.

It looks like you have a good flow of synergy between all of your cards.

May 9, 2018 11:24 a.m.

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