Lord Markov Rules Here | EDH Tribal Series #4

Commander / EDH Darkshadow327


Please comment on my Weenies Who Smile At Death (Tier 2 Alesha) for the advertise your COMMANDER deck thread, you never did and it's the rules

October 15, 2017 11:01 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #2

Looks pretty good overall :) I build Edgar as well, and he's pretty fun haha. A few small suggestions, though:

  • I'd run Austere Command over Merciless Eviction. I find the modularity of big/small creature removal to be handier than the option to exile planeswalkers, but it depends on your meta.

  • I'd definitely run Phyrexian Arena over (or in addition to) Underworld Connections. It doesn't force you to keep a land tied up in order to draw cards.

  • Anguished Unmaking is one of the best pieces of removal in the game. I'd definitely run it in this deck, probably over Hero's Downfall.

  • Harsh Mercy and Patriarch's Bidding are your best friends. Punish your opponents for not playing tribal cards!

  • I've been considering Cloudstone Curio for my list. It lets you bounce between cheap vampires, so that you can get repeated cast triggers from Edgar :)

  • Malicious Affliction is also a great piece of removal unless your meta is heavily black, haha.

  • I feel like you need some more card draw in the deck. I would recommend Wheel of Fortune, but recent buyouts have pushed it into the stratosphere. Accordingly, I'd go for something like Reforge the Soul?

And as a final suggestion, I'd try running a lot more 1-cost vampires. The ability to flood out creatures in the early game is why Edgar got banned in 1v1 ;) Pulse Tracker, Insolent Neonate, Shadow Alley Denizen, Vicious Conquistador, Vampire Lacerator...All good options, and all very low curve :) I'd try to pull your overall average curve down to 3 or lower if you're able to, so that you can kill your opponents before they put up defenses.

As for cuts...I'd remove Teferi's Protection, Kindred Boon, Blind Obedience, and probably Sorin, Grim Nemesis. They don't pull their weight enough to warrant a slot, or so I've found.

Hope this helps, and happy deckbuilding!

October 23, 2017 10:09 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #3

Thanks for the help Daedalus19876! Those were some cards I haven't really thought about before. I do agree with Anguished Unmaking over Hero's Downfall, exiling is just so much more reliably in my opinion. I love Harsh Mercy, I can't believe I've never seen it before. Patriarch's Bidding is a card I've been trying to find a home for in this deck for a long time. I agree and disagree at the same time :/ about Underworld Connections and Phyrexian Arena, I like having the option to draw cards so I don't lose too much life. However, this is deck has a lifegain subtheme so I should be fine. I don't know, I've been going back and forth between the two for a while.

October 24, 2017 9 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #4

Winds of Change for card draw?

January 2, 2018 12:51 p.m.

IronTiger says... #5

Looks like a good start to a deck! Only a few general points I'd bring up. First and most importantly, the curve seems really topheavy. It's really easy to get jammed up early game when you only draw 5+cmc cards and not enough lands. I decided to make some tough cuts (things that seem good, but you can win without using) in my Edgar deck. For instance, Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood. Certainly on point with theme, and yes, an instant (if not cheesy) win. But I'd much rather have a couple of vampires at 3cmc or less in those slots. Or even draw spells like Sign in Blood or Read the Bones.

Also, I can't overstate how good Cloudstone Curio is for this deck. Especially with the new Ixalan vamps having such good etb triggers.

my deck is found here: Markovia

February 11, 2018 10:26 p.m.

BigBoyBeau says... #6

Your deck looks great Darkshadow327! Edgar Markov is a lot of fun. You have a more balanced mid-to-late game deck for commander than mine, but feel free to take a look and see if you like any cards in Hyper Markov. IronTiger I'm going to check out your Markovia deck too!

August 28, 2018 1:26 a.m.

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