

Tiny, fogging fun.

This deck's mission: fog every turn, get the card draw/mill engine running, frustrate opponent, and release the fogs of victory!

Recommendations always welcome.


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The deck did really, really well tonight and I think tiny leaders has tied with pauper for my favorite format. A few comments:

  • Getting Wheel of Sun and Moon on the first draw or within two mulligans and then on the field turn 2 or 3 is an absolute godsend. Was able to pull it off twice and ride the rounds to victory.
  • Considering trimming out a few fog spells to make room for Isochron Scepter (thanks Elocsnrek1 for the card recommendation!). Between Isochron Scepter, Angus Mackenzie and those cards that recycle my graveyard into my library, I pretty much have infinite fogs so the loss would be minimal.
  • I was initially undecided about having Kami of False Hope and Spore Frog in the deck but I'll tell you, they got me out of a few tight spots (cough I made a few stupid plays cough) so they have earned their space.
  • As much as I love the filter lands, I find they are not as efficient in this deck as they have been in others. They will be replaced bysome tri lands for now and possibly upgraded again in the future.
  • I am extremely on the fence about Quest for Ancient Secrets. It's an awesome card but there are enough other cards in the deck with a similar effect that investing all the time into the counters seems rather silly...pretty much the same reason I am on the fence about Spore Flower and why thus-far it has remained on the maybe board. QfAS will stay for now but I would not be opposed to removing it for a better card.
  • Sideboard needs help. I know I want Energy Storm and Orim's Chant but the other 8 slots are entirely up in the air.

- Skycloud Expanse - Sungrass Prairie - Safe Passage

+ Bant Panorama + Seaside Citadel + Isochron Scepter


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Tiny Leaders legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 3 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 2 Commons

Cards 50
Avg. CMC 2.03
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