First of all, I love the deck> When I first started playing magic (Not that long ago -- Maybe 2012?) I immedialty was drawn to blue mill decks focused around Jace, Memory Adept . Eventually though, I started to notice cards like Mind Funeral and Mind Grind , both of which you have. I eventually changed into land destruction- oriented decks, and had quite a bit of fun watching my opponents literally ripping out their hair. Recently though, I have begun to shift my efforts out of legacy because I realized how much of and asshole my deck could be against pretty much every other deck. I started to look into EDH, and still haven't found a deck that I like. I actually found this deck by accident while looking at a deck oriented around Doran, the Siege Tower. I of course, having read the book "Lord of the Flies" (I assume that's where you got this name.) and loving catchy names, had to look. I have aleady upvoted and have started to look into purchasing some of the cards that I do not already own, and I will keep you updated.
Next, for the recommendations. Three things to begin -- Countermand , Remand , Memory Lapse
Countermand serves as a counter/mill card. Sure, its CMC is high, but I can easily see it replacing your Summary Dismissal . Remand and Memory Lapse serve more as ways to stall opponents, and should generally not be used on dangerous spells unless you have no other counters. In this case, or not though, both cards can force the opponent to wait at least one more turn before they can begin a possible combo.
On the rare chance that your deck backfires, you might want to include a Day's Undoing for the purpose of restoring your chance at victory.
Once again, I really love the deck. :P
November 8, 2016 9:50 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #6
Thanks 2040364, I'm pleased you like this. You're right about the name, it is inspired by that great book... It just seemed so playfully catchy and fitting.
Thanks for the suggestions. I chose not to run weak counters, like the 2 you suggest (Remand and Memory Lapse), simply because they aren't Hard Counters... If I am going to dedicate a slot to a Counter, I want to make sure that whatever I kill with it stays dead. I had considered Countermand at one point, but decided against it due to cost. I may look at it again now, or swap out Summary Dismissal for Forbid (which it replaced, for testing).
Please let me know how you're build goes, if you do build a version... I always like hearing about the decks my ideas spawn.
November 10, 2016 7:53 a.m.
Tortuous_TG18 says... #8
Not a problem Ender666666, as one of my personal obligations is to help fellow players! Good luck with the deck!
November 11, 2016 1:58 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #10
Avatar of Woe is a good card to consider, thanks!
December 19, 2016 8:38 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #11
The only problem, xmistfitxzviprx, being that it would take Mindleech Mass's spot, and I really like the Mass
December 19, 2016 9:40 a.m.
xmistfitxzviprx says... #12
December 20, 2016 7:43 a.m.
MasqureMan says... #13
I have a Phenax deck I'm still working on, I mostly go for cheap walls in addition to good creatures, but I'm sooo glad you reminded of me of Tree of Perdition. So perfect for this deck. Personally, I feel that mostly what Phenax strugges with is mana and really choosing what creatures have big enough butts vs. have desirable effects. Some creatures, like the Tree, give both. I do feel King Macar, the Gold-Cursed and Disciple of Deceit are two cards with effects worth using.
Firstly, inspired was designed with Phenax in mind, and it shows since he can get these guys to untap consistently. Being able to exile a creature every turn AND get some mana is godly. Being able to transmute every turn, if you desire, is also godly. I think Disciple of Deceit should be in here no matter what, it gives you so many options.
January 21, 2017 4:28 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #15
I haven't actually, but mostly because I can't see myself needing it. I have other draw outlets, and don't really see it lacking.
Thanks for the suggestion though. would certainly be good for devotion.
January 22, 2017 5:08 p.m.
xmistfitxzviprx says... #16
If you really want people to hait you run Geth, Lord of the Vault
January 24, 2017 12:37 a.m.
HowlingFoxGPH says... #17
Probably his meta have Homeward Path.. maybe that's why he is not running Geth, Lord of the Vault.. thoughts on Dramatic reversal + Isochron Scepter ?? Upvote +1
February 5, 2017 3:03 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #18
So Geth, Lord of the Vault poses an interesting problem for me. Yeah, he's amazing, and a good fit, but is he the RIGHT fit? If I were to add him, I'd likely cut Endbringer, which can be a devastating miller... I'll give it some thought.
Dramatic reversal + Isochron Scepter is cute, but I wouldn't run Scepter unless my whole deck was built to utilize it. I think the combo is too hard to pull off, for something that doesn't Auto-Win the game.. It's cute though... Thanks.
February 7, 2017 4:12 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #22
Paradox Engine added.
Perplex is fun, but I want my counters to be hard.
Traumatize, while amazing, just isn't my style. Plus it's a one-shot card, versus a creature that I can Tap for repeated milling.
Tortuous_TG18 says... #1
Have you considered Jace's Erasure or Sphinx's Tutelage? Early game, it can be a destroyer and . Tutelage can give you some much needed draw and just obliterates mono-colored decks decks, while the Erasure is cheaper mana wise. BTW, I love mill! It was my very first good deck theme that I played with. I would also recommend creatures such as Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker and/or Szadek, Lord of Secrets to build upon your already godlike ability to mill... pun intended :) As to what you could take out, I'd need further investigation. Solid deck, definitely +1 for hitting me right in the nostalgia!
July 24, 2016 3:50 p.m.