Lord of the Lies

Commander / EDH* Ender666666

SCORE: 254 | 182 COMMENTS | 31506 VIEWS | IN 95 FOLDERS

Ender666666 says... #1

Thanks Maizena, I will list the combos when I find time to sit down and remember them all and write them out.

March 24, 2017 12:21 p.m.

Spoosky says... #2

+1 for the premier

May 2, 2017 8:24 p.m.

Spoosky says... #3

May 16, 2017 1:19 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #4

Seems a bit Meh to me. What's your line of thinking?

May 16, 2017 1:27 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #5

So, to be clear, Eater of the Dead goes into infinite mill as long as you can exile a creature with Phenax out, right?

June 4, 2017 10:53 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #7

IAmTheWraith Yes, it is semi-infinite. Depending who you're playing against, and whether they have creatures in their deck, it works better/worse. In the case of a deck with few creatures, I'll mill myself a few times and exile my own stuff to ensure I can untap and mill that opponent out. I also will almost completely mill out a creature heavy deck, then exile those critters to get at the low creature deck.

June 7, 2017 10:48 a.m.

Herbysmoke says... #8

If you are going to have a lot of card draw (and can actually find the space), Thought Vessel might be create some good redundancy to Reliquary Tower.

June 7, 2017 5:45 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #9

Yeah, Thought Vessel is pretty great. But you're right, making room is so hard.

June 7, 2017 5:55 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #10

Nice deck; I run something similar. Have yet to post it on tappedout. Have you considered Glimpse the Unthinkable?

June 8, 2017 4:11 a.m.

Ender666666 says... #11

I have, but opted for spells that hit all opponents or creatures which are repeatable

June 8, 2017 8:29 a.m.

No Weaver of Lies? I consider that false advertising.

June 8, 2017 10:36 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #13

This is no longer a Morph build, so Weaver is pointless

June 9, 2017 11:48 a.m.

Tio_Infernape says... #14

I'm definitively saving this deck. I want to build a deck about mill too but using Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker as commander instead because... well... I like his vampiric abs, sue me.

Anyway, your deck surely can provide me some ideas for that, especially because i'm so used to play with green and ramp spells and tribal, so +1.

June 10, 2017 5:52 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #15

Thanks for the comment and upvote Tio_Infernape

June 14, 2017 8:26 a.m.

Beador says... #16

With the release of Hour of Devestation there's a great card that I personally think is a no brainer to include into the deck as it literally doubles your milling. Fraying Sanity

July 19, 2017 6:36 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #17

Yup, I'm on that hype train. I simply haven't updated my list yet. Thanks for the suggestion!

July 19, 2017 10:14 p.m.

sagramore says... #18

Hey, thanks for this deck! I'm using it to help trim down my last 10 cards for a Phenax deck to start testing before I buy. Some really good ideas here although I think mine is a little less streamlined than yours.

One thing that I figured might go really well with your doppleganger/mimic cards is Life's Finale - you board wipe, then you choose 3 creatures from their deck to put in the graveyard, which you can then copy with your creatures later. Just a thought!

July 26, 2017 6:32 p.m. Edited.

Gosse says... #19

How goes it Ender666666... First off love the list alot of interesting cards at play! I also play a Phenax, God of Deception deck and am currently referencing your list for new ideas. Phenax is however my alternative build and i dont have much experience with it on the table or many of the interactions/combos in your list. perhaps you could take a moment to go over a few of them for me? Once i get my own brew hammered out ill comment you in for a look. Thanks in advance!

September 25, 2017 12:36 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #20

Hey Gosse, Thanks for the support and sorry for the late response.

In terms of going over my combos and interactions, well I just don't know what is basic knowledge to you and what isn't. I'd hate to presume you ignorant on anything, so .... It would probably be better if you asked about specifics, if possible. Does that make sense?

I see that you tagged me at your deck. I'll try to look at it soon.

September 28, 2017 11:59 p.m.

What do you think about my version of the deck?

Is there anything you can use? Anything I should be running?

October 12, 2017 3:22 p.m.

Jaredare says... #22

I wanted to recommend Geth's grimiore, with the land that gives you an unlimited hand size, and the creature that lets you discard both your hand, and your opponent's you could get another 7 cards or so pretty easily.

August 17, 2018 2:12 p.m.

Galdwyr says... #23

Really loving this deck, Ender666666! Always wondered how to make mill viable in EDH because of the desire to run Phenax, God of Deception as a commander one day! Wondering if you've considered recent cards like Psychic Corrosion , Thought Collapse and perhaps even Fraying Sanity ? Anyway, great stuff!

April 23, 2019 6:19 a.m.

Ender666666 says... #24

Hey thanks for the the support. I always check new sets for viable additions. I like Psychic Corrosion and will certainly consider adding it. As for the others, they are either a little too reactive (the counter), or just focus on a single opponent when I prefer universal discard effects instead.. Does that make any sense?

April 23, 2019 8:46 a.m.

dejrgne says... #25

will you be updating your list with these cards? Bruvac the Grandiloquent Maddening Cacophony

September 21, 2020 3:50 a.m.

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