I'm trying to bring a tribal goblin deck to my local FNM and I needs some advice on it. Every little bit helps.
~The One Drops~
Frenzied Goblin- Now at first this guy might seem like the weak link in the deck, but his ability to stop blockers is incredibly valuable, 'Oh you have a 5/5 I hope you weren't gonna block with it'.
- A great early game option to start putting creatures down. However he shines most in the late game through giving my X/2 Goblin Rabblemaster trample, so he helps push through those final points of damage. Also he give s the finger to Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Foundry Street Denizen- Good attacker when paired with Legion Loyalist, his ability to get +1/+0 usually triggers twice some he's typically a 3/1, first strike, trampler, this is your Ideal Turn 1 play
Titan's Strength- Gives me the power to save my creatures or buff them to deal more damage to my opponent.
Rubblebelt Maka- The exact same purpose as Titan's Strength
Mutavault- A 2/2 creature with excellent evasion that also counts as a goblin.
~ The Two Drops~
Goblin Diplomats- A 2/1 for two mana is decent he can be interchanged with Goblin Shortcutter but I just think it's fun to tap all of your opponents creatures
Ash Zealot- Now before you yell at me about this not being a goblin, I figured if I need it I can keep something back on defense as she is a human and doesn't have to swing
Magma Jet- Cheap removal and I get to scry 2 whats not to love?
Lightning Strike- In case we ever need to be on the burn play I have these to take care of blockers or a chip away at an opponents life total.
~The Three Drops~
Krenko's Enforcer- It's a very okay card 2/2 intimidate, I'm still shaky on it. I think Hellraiser Goblin fits better into his place but I'm not sure.
Goblin Rabblemaster- Without this card the deck is garbage, Pumps out creatures, Get bigger equal to number of goblins attacking with him. An all around amazing card
~The Four Drops~
Stoke the Flames- the final card in our burn package, you can use the goblin token produced from a Goblin Rabblemaster to stop save your goblins from swinging for a turn for an even better combat on the next turn, plus 4 damage takes out most of the pesky threats such as Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Stormbreath Dragon.
Chandra, Pyromaster- Chandra is more of a win more card for me. Her +1 can kill tokens, make a big creature unable to block. Or you can 0 to play a card from the top of your deck, NEVER use her ultimate unless it's necessary I only have 8 Instants
Thanks for viewing! Feedback is appreciated.
~Post Rotation Changes~
Ash Zealot will become three copies of War-Name Aspirant.
Goblin Diplomats will become three copies of Mocking Instigator
Rubblebelt Maaka will become three copies of Titan's Strength.
Legion Loyalist hoping for a new 1/1 haster in this lot undetermined
Mutavault- I will wait until entire Khans set is released
Sideboard will be changed when the set is spoiled in it's entirety.