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Commander / EDH BRG (Jund) Control Dredge Landfall



This is my Lord Windgrace EDH casual multiplayer deck!

Lord Windgrace physically altered by artist: Guilherme Barradas (Magicalter.com) Commisioned by Brazato. october, 2022

My deck is designed for a non cEDH multiplayer enviroment, avoiding strategies like Mass land destruction, stacks and abuse of expensive tutors. Despite that, it works pretty well in the casual enviroment, thanks to it's ramp, card advantage, graveyard recursion mechanics and the difficulty of the enemy to usually interact with land strategies.

Art by Bram Sels. Check his Artstation account!

Construction date: 10/08/2017
Power level: 8,9
Format: Multiplayer EDH, non competitive
Budget: High (with foil and promos)
Build restrictions: No Mass Land Destruction, No expensive tutors, Lack some expensive staples.


Meet Lord Windgrace! When Commander 2018 came out, I was truly hyped: One of my most loved characters of MTG history, represented as a Jund land-matter deck? With no doubt he has become one of my favourite commanders of all time.

Lord Windgrace is a pretty old character with much history. He was the King of the panther cat-folks who lived in the jungles of Urborg, Dominaria, long before Urborg became the horrible wasteland we can see in Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. He became a very tragic character: In his long planeswalker lifespan, he survived to see his land destroyed and his people dissapeared, due to the use of technology and artifice. He became witness of horrible Dominaria's events like The Brothers War, the use of the Golgothian Sylex by Urza (Urza's Ruinous Blast) and the lond Ice Age that came before, and the multiple invasions of the biomechanical horrors from Phyrexia. For these reasons, he became a strict technology detractor, condemning the abandonment of the nature that had spread trough the multiverse. Lord Windgrace never contradicted his beliefs, as he finally sealed his fate sacrifying himself to repair the time rifts that were destroying his home in the Time Spiral block events, taking part in The Mending of Dominaria.

I work as a biologist, interested in nature conservation, so I have found in Lord Windgrace one awesome representant of the nature conservation idiosyncrasy both in MTG lore and EDH play style. He is also an awesome panther-folk guy with a strong design inspiration in ancient african and mesoamerican cultures, so its a perfect legend & card for my, in all its aspects.


In this decklist I pretend to absorb a lot of knowledge from my game experiences and from the EDH community about how to correctly build and play a Lord Windgrace EDH deck in a non-competitive way. As I'm a casual EDH player, who prefers social multiplayer games than the cEDH enviroment, I'll try to foccus this article on this kind of metagame, although I'll aslo try to explain other more competitive versions of Lord Windgrace.


Lord Windgrace truly shines in casual enviroments, becoming a hard to deal with force. This is due to some aspects of Lord Windgrace play design: First, he is a Jund commander, a tricolor combination very complete, with access to ramp, card draw, any kind of removal, and very great payoffs. Second, his whole strategy revolves around lands and graveyard recursion of lands. Lands are probably the most difficult permanent to control or remove in non competitive metagames, where land destruction is not so common or just players don't like to use it. Even so, Lord Windgrace decks are capable to recover destroyed lands very easily. For that it's totally comprehensible that some people not awared of Lord Windgrace playstyle find him oppresive due to the difficulty of interacting with his land-matter plays. Said that, although I love Lord Windgrace and I recommend him as a very fun and powerful deck, I also advice that a non competitive truly optimized Lord Windgrace deck should be played at least in a metagame where the other players are aware of this deck mechanisms.

Said that, the truly cEDH Lord Windgrace deck usually abuses of Mass Land Destruction, early game staxs and expensive tutors. These three things are usually taboo in the casual enviroment, as they tend to make the games unfair, repetitive and boring, in a metagame where the goal is to have a good time rather than win at any cost, and players have not so many responses to this kind of cards. For that, I don't recommend use those strategies in casual EDH. The best way to keep a healthy non-competitive enviroment is to talk with your friends about what cards or arquetipes should be considered unfair. I can assure you that a Lord Windgrace deck can work perfectly and win fairly without stax or mass land destruction (like happens with mine), so try not to be rigid about cutting those cards if your playgroup finds them boring.


At the moment I'm still improving this deck bit by bit. I've seen the Mana Curve it's a bit slow, as you can see in the graphics, but is also true that when the engine starts, you can generate degenerate amounts of mana, so you need expensive payoffs to take advantage of that... What do you think? I should sacrifice some of the expensive cards for early ones (about ramp, early removal or more land-matter engines? Or I should keep the deck with a high CMC as it can tolerate it?

Any help is welcome!, as I'm trying to make a really effective Lord Windgrace deck without entering in cEDH enviroment. If you want to share ideas I'll appreciate it!.

Disclaimer, This page is in construction. I pretend to explain more and more about my personal take on this deck strategies in the future :).


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99% Casual


Revision 4 See all

(2 years ago)

-1 Forest main
+1 Snow-Covered Forest main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.59
Tokens Cat Warrior 2/2 G, Dragon 2/2 R, Dragon Egg 0/2 R, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders 1- BRAZATO EDH DECKS, saved decks, Eh.
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