This is my long-storied and very heavily altered Oloro EDH.

This is a slow, passive deck, about sitting silently and gaining weight while building up for a devastating combo. There isn't much in the way of countermagic, but you can defend yourself just fine. It's not a very aggressive deck, but like with all my decks you can build a mini-voltron out of any number of creatures or cloned objects if you muster the cards. You will also almost always have at least one good chump blocker that could do massive damage to whomever attacks you.

The main way this has of completely ending a game is the Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond finisher. You will use the Ad Nauseam + Children of Korlis combo to fetch what you need, and Magister Sphinx and Sorin Markov will put people into marked range for an alpha strike of Blood Baron of Vizkopa or whatever else you can combo off. Failing that, you will eventually drain enough life and build enough of a board to kill everyone. You can also animate your mana rocks with Tezzeret's ultimate if you are forced to wipe the board of creatures.

I've been working on making it more Timmy-friendly while still keeping it streamlined enough for Ad Nauseam to work, which is among the greatest challenges I have faced as a deckbuilder.

You must always make a balance in your deck so that you aren't so oversaturated that you kill yourself with attempting the combo, but having enough good bombs throughout that will be worth their inclusion anyways. You also don't want to be powerful enough by default to be an oppressor, but still have a way of stopping someone from being too overpowered too early. You can add other things to make it more or less oppressive than I have. I had to tone it down extensively from my original version!

I mean, when everyone is countering your Ugins and Karns, merely having them is a serious risk for your Ad Nauseam. There were a lot of speed bumps, as it were, that I took out for that reason. I made it more midrangey. Hence, he lost weight.

It could also be said that Oloro is training for a marathon, and building himself up to the big run. If he can't finish the race, he dies trying, but if he does, he gains all of his strength back and more. So it winds up being all poetic and about self-improvement and such, which could be a useful life metaphor. Oh well.


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I've realized that this deck has become more reliant on noncreature spells and artifact interaction than on creatures turning sideways, and I'm fine with that. Medomai the Ageless served his purpose until Paradox Engine made Savor the Moment playable and cheap.

I also have lost enough of the voltron-requisites to take out Steel of the Godhead. Now that Oloro himself is the only target, and I don't plan on winning with him, I can take that out too. I put in its place Commander's Sphere, the effeminately questionable cousin to Darksteel Ingot, which will bolster my Paradox Engine output especially in the colored mana department. I never liked a colored-mana-fixing artifact that could sacrifice itself, it seems really counterproductive for the size and cost. But I need more colored mana in Paradox Engine, and I need more draw so I can get the card that I fetch with Mystic Speculation.

Oh yeah, I should mention that. It's my favorite do-nothing card and I finally have one. I saw how it could ramp mana with Paradox Engine and that it could essentially go infinite with the right board, and go on to gain infinite life with Aetherflux Reservoir and kill everyone without any black enchantments or sideways creatures whatsoever. So they all went in together!

I took out Cataclysmic Gearhulk and Meddling Mage because they were way too situational and it felt bad to have them in my hand. They take too much mana and piss people way the hell off. I feel like they are dead cards, totally dead cards, in a winning scenario. I don't want to lose my Paradox Engine or my Kambal, just to keep this 4/5 filigree monster. I'd rather cycle Decree of Pain, to wipe the board, or just cast it outright, than lose my artifact position.

I don't like losing all these good cards, but since my other decks are so creature-based I figure that I can allow this deck to be spell-based and combo-based. I might put Meddling Mage back in someday, since she is so seeming for protection of a combo deck that fears disruption and she's brightly colored and doesn't cost too much, but I want to run this for a while and see how it works.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.80
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Decks To Remember
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