So here it is. My first Pauper Brew.
I thought
Jace's Erasure
was a really fun card but it never reached it's full potential. Then I came across
Whirlpool Rider
and figured I had to give it a try.
So the goal of the deck is to keep shuffling big hands in your library by playing/blinking your Whirlpool Rider. There are some counterspells in response to removal and the blink effect itself can keep your Rider alive as well when played reactively. Other than that you'll find draw spells to both mill you opponent and dig for the next Rider in your deck.
ANy thoughts/suggestions for this deck? Better counterspells, creatures to keep me alive and more tips are appreciated. Thanks!
Added 2 Palace Sentinels for some decent defense and additional card draw. Flux can be a dead card in hand at times thus I've cut 2 of them and added Treasury Cruise since you'll be filling your grave pretty fast as well.
Once again if you have any feedback let me know. It is greatly appreciated!
Took it to R/Pauper and was given several options. Decided to go mono-blue with it and include blue cards that are just too good to pass. Playset of
makes for the best drawspell.
Muddle the Mixture
makes for a great counterspell and let's you search for Erasure.
is the closest to a blink besides
Ghostly Flicker
but it can be played defensively as well. Someone suggested
Mnemonic Wall
to create a semi-infinite loop in which you Flicker one
Whirlpool Rider
and one
Mnemonic Wall
. You let the shuffle effect take place after which you return Flicker to your hand. Rinse and repeat. Thanks for all the suggestions. I hope to test this deck soon.
Didn't stick with some of the R/Pauper suggestions, partially because I didn't get my hands on a playset of Gush or Mixture. Instead I went all out on milling early and guaranteeing some late game combo.
Tome Scour
isn't a great card but a playset still takes care of 33% in a 60 card deck.
in addition to
Mnemonic Wall
makes for atleast 8 cards you can hit to get 1/4th of the combo (Jace's Erasure, Ghostly Flicker, Whirlpool Rider and Archaeomancer/Mnemonic Wall).
Vision Skeins
helps you search for your next combo piece or just another Erasure. With only one Erasure on the field it also takes atleast 4 cards out of your opponents deck.
Devious Cover-Up
ensures that you can play out your cards safely without having the full combo online due to its recursion effect. You can even consider using a Wall or Archaeo ETB effect to return Devious back to your hand . That's all for his update. Still looking at adding 4x LonelySandbar for both draw and filter utillity. I have also considered putting in a few copies of
Clear the Mind
but I'm not sure if it has too much use in this deck due to all the other recurssion that's already here.
Persistent Petitioners
looked fun but I think they would be the build around for their own deck. If you have any more suggestions, let me know!