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Low value Artifacts call the Storm - Jhoira EDH

Commander / EDH* Artifact Combo Storm UR (Izzet)



Low Cost Artifact (2)

Draw / Scry / Tutor (1)

Usefull (1)


This deck is a combo Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain with low-CCM artifact to draw lots of cards during your turn. The goal of the deck is simple : Have Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain, some CCM reductor (like Enthusiastic Mechanaut or Foundry Inspector) and sometimes a draw boost (like Artificer's Assistant or Riddlesmith, then cast a bunch of free artifacts from your hand until you draw a combo card.

As the deck is a combo deck, if no opponent can destroy Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain or the CCM reductor, you can easily win the game at turn 5-6, which may lead you to lost your friends :(.


Words of Wind is one of the most powerfull wincon of the deck. You can easily make an infinite combo to return all other players permanent in their hand.

You have many ways to do the infinite combo. The most common is with Cloud Key, Etherium Sculptor, Foundry Inspector, Helm of Awakening, Herald of Kozilek or any cards that reduce the ccm of your artifact. You also need a Sol Ring and one untapped rocks or a artifact with a ccm lower than 2. You pay Words of Wind ability, play Sol Ring and return the other artifact. Then you tap Sol Ring, pay Words of Wind ability, play the other artifact and return Sol Ring. You can then do that infinitely.

Other ways to do that is with 2 ccm reductor like Cloud Key or Etherium Sculptor and with 2 rocks with a ccm of 2. The combo is slightly the same.

Last way to do this is with Birgi, God of Storytelling  . You can then do the combo with 2 artifacts with a mana cost of 0.

A simple way to win. With Aetherflux Reservoir on board, you just have to play a lot of cards, and you easily win. You need more or less 150 HP to win the game, that means you just have to cast 17 spells in the same turn, which is pretty easy with cards like Retract or Riddlesmith.

You can also storm with Psychosis Crawler and kills the oponent with it (not really the best way to do it, but still funny) or bounce a lot of permanents with Temporal Fissure.

The most early ways to wins with this deck. With some luck, you can do it turn 2. The way to win here is with Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal. If you play Isochron Scepter and imprint Dramatic Reversal, you can cast Dramatic Reversal infinitely because it also untap Isochron Scepter. You just need 2 manas with rocks to do it infinitely.

The way to win then is simple. If you have 3 manas with rocks, you have infinite manas and you can enjoy it. If you only have 2 manas with rocks, you still can infinitly cast a spell (Dramatic Reversal is cast). So if you have storm cards like Temporal Fissure, Aetherflux Reservoir or Grapeshot, they will be copied infinitely. You can also mill your opponent to death with Codex Shredder.

You can win by milling yourself and playing Thassa's Oracle. To mill yourself, you can do it by drawing with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain, but it's not really efficient. The best way to mill yourself is with Brain Freeze.

Additionally, to cast it with a lot of storm, you can combo with Underworld Breach, which allow casting the Brain Freeze as long as you have mana. Underworld Breach also allows you to play low cost artifacts from your graveyard if you have enough cards to exile. Finally, you can play Thassa's Oracle from your graveyard or your hand to win. This combo is pretty strong, as it only require Underworld Breach in your hand, Brain Freeze in your hand or graveyard and enough mana. The deck plays a lot of mana rocks, you may cast it from your graveyard to gain mana to cast Brain Freeze (if you have some CCM reductor, which can also be cast from your graveyard thanks to Underworld Breach).

With the cards Krark-Clan Ironworks and Scrap Trawler on the battlefield, you can have a lot of draws and a lot of manas, which will much likely cause you to win the game. You will also need some artifact on the battlefield, usually a 0-CCM, 1-CCM and 2-CCM artifact (you will almost always have that in a game).

To do so, sacrifice your 0-CCM artifact with Krark-Clan Ironworks. Then sacrifice the 1-CCM, Scrap Trawler will return the 0-CCM artifact in your hand and you can play it again. Sacrifice it and sacrifice the 2-CCM artifact. Get back the 1-CCM artifact, play it and sacrifice it to get back the 0-CCM artifact and play it.

You will draw each time you will cast an artifact with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain. If you draw an artifact with a CCM of 2 or if you have another one on the battlefield, you can do it again to have more draws and manas. With all the artifacts in the deck, the probability of drawing all the deck is pretty high, and you additionally get a lot of manas. You can then win with another win con.

Paradoxical Outcome will usually lead you to win the game if you have a lot of artifacts on the board. Bounce the artifact that are not CCM reductor, and draws lots of cards. Replay them and draw a lot of cards (and gain mana with your rocks). Then, win.

Mirrodin Besieged can make an opponent lose the game at your endstep. However, it is one of the weakest wincon as it don't make you win (if it's not 1v1). But it's a small draw motor.

Possible Improvement

Sensei's Divining Top may be the most powerful addition to this deck, as it is a draw motor, a low-cost artifact and a wincon (infinite draw with Mystic Forge and a CCM reductor, and more or less infinite draw with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain and a CCM reductor).

As the deck is a combo deck, adding some tutor could be a good way to improve it, as it make you draw your combo peaces faster. There are actually only 2 tutors in the deck (Fabricate and Muddle the Mixture). An interesting tutor to add would be Inventors' Fair, which have the advantage to be also a land.

Trinket Mage is also an good addition, as it can bring you Sol Ring, Mox Amber, Sensei's Divining Top or Mana Crypt which are combo peace in some case. It can also bring you a hate artifact, as Tormod's Crypt or Grafdigger's Cage, which are "no-lose-condition" in some matchup.

Other tutor reliable in the deck : Urza's Saga (Expensive, but it's a land and a Trinket Mage), Tolaria West (More usefull if you have Mana Crypt and other strong 0-CCM ramp, but it can also tutor a useful land), Whir of Invention, Reshape, Tezzeret the Seeker, Mystical Tutor (only instant or sorcery, but it can be useful), Gamble...

Walking Ballista could be a good addition in the deck. First, it's a finisher. With infinite manas, you can kill all your opponents and all their stuff and have an infinite/infinite creature. But, it's a pretty "bad" finisher, as it requires you to have infinite mana, which usually lead you to a win anyway (it still "fix" you the win). However, in addition to be a finisher, Walking Ballista isn't useless in the deck. You can just throw it for free and draw with Jhoira (or pay 2 mana to keep Walking Ballista for later). You can also use it as a creature removal and pay like 6 manas to kill an annoying creature with toughness 3 (and draw with Jhoira).

If you struggle against mill deck, remember to keep Underworld Breach in your hand (remember that you can tutor it with Muddle the Mixture), as it will certainly be your win condition. An addition to be more reliable against mill deck would be Elixir of Immortality or/and Campfire. You can easily put these cards in your sideboard. Another addition would be Drafna's Restoration which should make you win easily against mill deck.


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98% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

34 - 2 Uncommons

17 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.96
Tokens Myr 1/1 C, Servo 1/1 C
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