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LqMtl LanDragon Plunge AcidVat Charmbreak+1 MODERN

Modern* Land Destruction RG (Gruul) Scapeshift



Creature (2)

Instant (5)

Sorcery (3)


Creature (1)

Planeswalker (2)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (2)

As the name says this is a Liquid Metal Coatings land destruction, burn deck.

This is NOT a legacy format deck, Its a MODERN Format deck. I checked all the cards to see if they are legal in Modern, and all the cards, are Legal in Modern

DECK BREAKDOWN: 65 cards, 23 lands

Turn 2 LD:

Turn 1: land, manadude. Turn 2: Beastwithin, or LQ + crush, or Stone rain, or sac manadude, plunge, Roiling terrain, acid slime, invader parasite, LQ + Ancient Grudge

Turn 3 Hoard Dragon, charmbreaker drop:

Turn 1: drop land, drop manadude

turn 2: drop land, LQ + crush destroy a land

turn 3: drop land, tap mandude,sac manadude,Plunge for 3 red, tap other 3 lands, cast Hoard Dragon, or charmbreaker.

or: turn 1: drop land,manadude, turn 2,drop land,2 manadudes, turn 3, cast hoard dragon, or charmbreaker.

4 turn, by turn 4 game lock:

turn 1: land, manadude

turn 2: land, either manadude, or LQ + crush,destroy land

turn 3: cast hoard dragon

turn 4: LQ, if no LQ previous turns, tap LQ,make whatever permanent a artifact, pay 4 mana,into Hoard Dragon to destroy artifacted permanent

Deck has 21 land destruction cards.

6 mana Dudes, 2 mana ramp cards

I have 7 burn cards(rolling terrain destroys lands and deal burn damage, and count as a burn card).

Also 14 of the 21 land destruction cards, and 6 of the 7 burn cards, that are sorceries, instants, are recalled by Charmbreaker devils, and give Charmbreaker a +4 bonus when cast.

Win Conditions:

21 land destruction cards. Charmbreaker, Hoard Smelter Dragon(when combo with Liqui Metal Coating to destroy everything, lock down game), Acidic Slime +LQ + vat, invader parasite + vat, Inkmoth Nexus's, Kessig Wolf Run, Devil's Play's, Brutal Exarch, Garruk Primal Hunter, Chandra Firebrand, karn liberated

Please help,comment, use, and +1 if you like the deck.

Please use deck if want.

Deck Just Hit the 1000 views semi milestone(or will be shortly, now. Its at 999 views now)

Thanks in advance for any help,comments, +1's, using deck

Mike DH


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 12 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 66
Avg. CMC 3.23
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Wurm 6/6 G
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