Lucky Charms

Standard Blackblade


vesalon says... #1

December 5, 2013 12:43 a.m.

Blackblade says... #2

Looking for more of that "kill" card more than another way to draw since i can draw as many cards as i want every round once the combo is in place. Also looking for card suggestions for side board to round out the deck.

December 5, 2013 1:11 p.m.

Fuss78 says... #3

How about running AEtherling as your ''kill'' card. What do you think of Spellbook instead of Library of Leng ?

December 15, 2013 3:57 p.m.

Blackblade says... #4

I like the swap for Spellbook , but AEtherling doesn't really fit

December 20, 2013 11:04 p.m.

Fatboy26105 says... #5

Walking Archive maybe to go with the Archangel of Thune and Horizon Chimera theme. Just a suggestion. I actually really like this deck and wouldn't change much. Your "story" sounds exactly like mine.

December 25, 2013 9:21 a.m.

Spellbook is a very suboptimal card, as it takes up space in the deck and doesn't actually make an impact on the field. Reliquary Tower is a much more efficient option.

January 26, 2014 2:16 p.m.

Blackblade says... #7

Thanks for you comment PhageTheUnbeatable,
I've debated this swap myself, and found Spellbook to be a reasonable alternative to Reliquary Tower because it doesn't use up my land drop for the turn, which can be costly when playing 3 colors.

To be honest I've debated pulling out altogether since it doesn't have much an an impact other than allowing me to have a fat hand.

January 26, 2014 2:24 p.m.

Reliquary Tower does not "use up" your land drop for the turn; it is a free spell attached to a land, which is very efficient. I would suggest only running one Tower, as it does interfere with your mana base. As for the mana base in question, you should be running 4 Hallowed Fountain and 4 Misty Rainforest along with one more of the two shocklands you already have. I would also cut the 2 City of Brass and add 2 Horizon Canopy .

January 26, 2014 2:34 p.m.

You might also want to run 4 Verdant Catacombs .

January 26, 2014 2:35 p.m.

Blackblade says... #10

I'm liking Horizon Canopy a lot, nice suggestion as it fits perfectly into this deck. I was all happy till I saw how much it costs on eBay, totally insane.

January 27, 2014 9:44 a.m.

Moopthe00 says... #11

I would even recommend a Laboratory Maniac Just in case you can not kill them with your creatures, you can use that as a win condition

January 31, 2014 9:21 p.m.

SharuumNyan says... #12

I've tried and tried to build a competitive Standard deck around this infinite combo, with no luck. It's a fun deck to play, but it's just short of a top tier deck. The combo is just too slow and unreliable.

February 21, 2014 11:41 p.m.

Arvail says... #13

This combo is just too slow. As a general rule of thumb, the tri-color decks tend to be a bit too slow in the standard formats. If you're serious about continuing this build, drop Transguild Promenade and Supreme Verdict in the sideboard. You want Rootborn Defenses there instead against control. Your combo is very fragile, so having ways to protect your creatures is needed. For land, consider running a few Temple Scry lands. I'd also seriously contemplate Elvish Mystic over Kiora's Follower because the latter's mana cost and very limited use. You really want to ramp into your bigger threats. Gods Willing is also an option. At the very least, you can consider dropping 2 copies into the sideboard to fill all its slots.

Overall, I think the deck's weak point is that it relies on a combo that requires 3 cards, all of which are 4 drops and above. You might have more success if you run a more mid-range build with cards like Prophet of Kruphix , Master Biomancer , Polukranos, World Eater , and so on. If you want utility or draw power, Bident of Thassa and Jace, Architect of Thought are stellar.

February 22, 2014 12:37 a.m.

Blackblade says... #14

Thanks for taking the time for some feedback. Yes that is definitely the gamble when you play a three color deck, speed. The main combo is heavy to pull off, so it relies on Daxos of Meletis and the Fleecemane Lion to cary the early game with a little help from Unflinching Courage .
I have been debating the swap for Elvish Mystic over Kiora's Follower to speed things up a bit. the follower is in there to help with the correct mana combinations since I can use it to either untap a dual land or the Sylvan Caryatid .
I do like Gods Willing for some extra protection. Maybe drop the Cyclonic Rift for it but Im undecided.
Going back to the speed issue I should have probably mentioned that the primary play for this deck is within a multi-player setting, usually six players, with the occasional 1vs1 play, which in that case I'd be more inclined to do the replacement with the Elvish Mystic .

February 22, 2014 7:07 a.m.

Arvail says... #15

Hmm... Alright. That makes sense. I'd definitely keep the Cyclonic Rift . Consider maybe dropping Simic Charm instead. I feel like the Cyclonic Rift is too valuable in multiplayer games.

February 22, 2014 10:30 a.m.

LtMiller117 says... #16

I love bant! It's a great color scheme. Almost ran it myself for standard(went with esper control instead :/ ) does fathom Mage work well for your deck?

March 5, 2014 11:38 p.m.

Blackblade says... #17

I do enjoy playing this deck, I always have fun with it. The Fathom Mage does come in handy when I can drop it early enough since most of the creatures in the deck will trigger its evolve and allow me to draw. If it get it late I usually just hold onto it until I get the Angel of Thune which really gets things going. Thanks for the vote

March 6, 2014 6:51 p.m.

twospires says... #18

You really need Temples here. Temple of Enlightenment , Temple of Mystery , and Temple of Plenty . They come out tapped, but they sure beat Transguild Promenade and you need all the digging you can get your hands on to put together your infinite combo.

I don't really understand what Kiora's Follower is doing here, you don't have too much to do with it. I'd replace those with--what else? Sphinx's Revelation again! It gains you life, which will trigger Archangel of Thune . And it draws you cards, which triggers Horizon Chimera (double life gain!). Plus, all that drawing digs you into your combo. I really like the Charm package, but I would try to fit something like Gods Willing in to protect your creatures. Alternately, you could go for some countermagic like Render Silent , Dissolve (this is probably what I would go with, as you can scry into your combo), or maybe Spell Rupture .

March 6, 2014 11:01 p.m.

zerotwo says... #19


Twospires is smarter than I am, but, looking at just a couple of draw options:

Beck / Call Give / Take Zameck Guildmage Bred for the Hunt

For cheap (mana-wise) the Zameck Guildmage can make all of your mid-power creatures that little bit nicer and for a few more mana you can draw a ton of cards. Considering your indestructible creatures will easily hold any counters you can use it for damage or for draw.

For a fair bit of mana, you could activate Zameck Guildmage 's ability and then the Call half of Beck / Call , there's four +1/+1s or for a mountain of lategame mana (8 in total) fire 2x Beck / Call to generate 4 cards and 4x 2/2 flying white bird tokens.

All this token business works nicely with Bred for the Hunt too.

You could also mix Ordeal of Thassa in with Zameck Guildmage because the enchantment just generates tokens with every attack.

March 7, 2014 12:44 a.m.

Blackblade says... #20

@twospires,@zerotwo thanks for taking a look and for you comments. I like the way you guys structure your decks and I value your feedback.

I'm right there with you with the scy lands, and I have actually placed 3x in my deck just a few days ago but just never updated the deck yet. As for Kiora's Follower , this was an upgrade from Voyaging Satyr and plays a number of small rolls. One being the mana acceleration, and helps to untap the scy lands when I drop them into play. Second is largely because of what I'm up against in the group that I play where Hidden Strings was becoming problematic for me, and since Kiora's Follower can uptap just about anything it made an impact. To be honest it should really be in the sideboard for when I'm not up against a deck like that.

I agree with the idea of incorperating some control and scy, which makes Dissolve a natural fit for the deck so I'll have to make a decision about what to pull to make some room. We keep coming back to Sphinx's Revelation , which to be honest I just realized is an instant not a sorcery, and that makes it sOOooooo much better. I didn't like the idea of having to use up my mana during my turn to draw something and then have to wait to use it. Now I'll just cast at during my opponent's endstep. Awesome. I have to make some room for this somehow.

the Ordeal of Thassa is a possible swap for Unflinching Courage but having trample is huge, and plays well when I cast Azorius Charm after the opponent has declared a blocker. I up the blocking creature back on top of its controllers deck, and the damage now goes to the defending player thanks to trample. works especiall well with Daxos of Meletis which will now exile that creature and give me life.

Thanks again for your feedback fellas and your votes

March 7, 2014 8:57 a.m.

zerotwo says... #21

Blackblade Ugggghhhhhh Hidden Strings is such a troll card.

Prophet of Kruphix would ensure you were ready with mana for counters OR Ready / Willing might just counter it directly?

March 7, 2014 6:53 p.m.

zerotwo says... #22

Oh wait I completely didn't see Ready / Willing correctly, I thought Willing was Blue/Green. Sorry. If you can, delete it?

March 7, 2014 7:39 p.m.

Blackblade says... #23

Ready / Willing is useful, and currently have it in the sideboard. I think the next step is to find a good replacement for Kiora's Follower with something a little more aggressive. I may have to wait until the last set in the theros block comes out for that.

March 7, 2014 10:10 p.m.

Blackblade says... #24

@Fuss78, @zerotwo, I'm debating a minor swap.
remove Unflinching Courage gasp! for....Aqueous Form
reasoning behind this switch would be for my reasoning for the unflinching courage in the first place, which was to allow Daxos of Meletis to get through, which would still be accomplished but now with the added benefit of having scry1.

March 8, 2014 9:50 a.m.

Fuss78 says... #25

I think that Zameck Guildmage might be a better creature than Kiora's Follower . I agree with zerotwo that Ordeal of Thassa would be a nice addition to make it more aggressive. And like I said before Thassa, God of the Sea is a nice addition for scry and unblockable. Even though this deck is standard it held up well against modern :)

March 8, 2014 9:51 a.m.

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