Luxuria (Hottest RDW)

Modern Busse

SCORE: 748 | 168 COMMENTS | 248408 VIEWS | IN 326 FOLDERS

chriswu98 says... #1


Obviously I am not experienced either, but I still disagree with the concept that Burst Lightning is worse than Lava Spike

Both cards have their ups and downsBurst Lightning is an instantLava Spike is a sorcery

Therefore Burst Lightningcan be played in situations in where a sorcery cannot. For example, Burst Lightning is used on an enemy's creature or face on the enemy's turn, but Lava Spike is not. Essentially what would make Lava Spike far better than Burst Lightning is if it were an instant as well.

Chandra's Spitfire and Kiln FiendYou have just explained to me about how these cards are terrible, but wouldn't most creature cards be terrible then if you just said they would be played into removal. The fun thing about any card game is understanding when to place down a creature or gamble on the creature. There would be no point of playing when most of the time is just used thinking "I can't put down my creature because my opponent will have removal."

Now I can see why you would dislike Thunderous Wrath, but I think it is pretty good. Basically a one mana instant spell that deals five damage when drawn first any turn. Yes, redundancy is needed in decks but not all the time.

Quest for Pure Flame may be a terrible topdeck. However, how I see it is that when you are stuck with having to topdeck, the game should already be over or your opponent has stabilized and you have not enough burn left.

P.S- It should not be too slow considering the amount of low mana burn spells in the deck.

Maybe running five fetch lands with Searing Blaze could be good, but I haven't experimented with fetch lands as much. Ten seems a bit too much.

Chandra, the Firebrand was addressed a while ago. Read comments #3 and #4- they should suffice more than I can explain.

Reverberate This card is not only for the red burn deck but for your opponent's deck as well. As an instant, you can cast Reverberate after your opponent decides to Doom Blade your red creature, thus redirecting Doom Blade somewhere else.

Assault Strobe- I think the priority of this deck is to be red, so protection would make it have to be splash another color and changing the meaning of the deck. Isn't playing around or into RNG fun?

Earthquake is good when you are behind such as when your opponent is at 5 health and you are at 1 health, also when you have no creatures and he has a bunch. Another part about the spell is the control of how much mana you want to put into X, so your creatures could sometimes stay alive and kill his creatures too in the right scenario.

January 4, 2017 10:43 p.m.

megonia says... #2

Of course Lava Spike isnt strictly better then Burst Lightning but you cant use a burn spell defensively like Mutagenic Growth and you dont want to cast it at your opponents turn while you have a kiln fiend. In a burn deck its a huge difference whether it deals 2 or 3 Damage

I didnt say that kiln fiend is bad (in fact he is a staple in a tier 1.5 deck) but you need to Build around him, If you do he is good but at best your tapping out on turn 2 for him (while you have the chance that he wont survive and if he dies it was probably a bad trade for you ) and even then he wont win you the game often.Eidolon of the Great Revel is a staple in Burn (Legacy and modern) but he at least trades kind of like a 2-1 (Removal+2 life/ Eidolon)

Chandra's Spitfire is just a worse version of Kiln Fiend as it is at least dangerous to tap out at your 3. turn

As this deck doesnt has much interaction you will probably have to kill your opponent at your 4. (at best 5.) turn there you will have 3-5 cards. there you will draw 7 cards and it can be akward if you want to cast a turn 2 Kiln Fiend and miracle Thunderous Wrath

against a slower deck they will have removal and Discrad/counterspells against your burn and a surprisingly good clock. There you cant afford any dead draw

Quest : you will need 4 burn spells and this and 2-3 lands (or you will be to slow) if you have activated Quest you probably wont have any burn spells left and even if you have one you will get just something like a boltif you have kiln fiend then you wont have either burn spells or mana

Fetch lands : their Cost is pretty low (not the cost) but they give Searing Blaze "Instant Speed" and will often turn them online where you couldnt do that with just mountains

Even the new Chandra is not good here since it just costs 4 mana and its hard to cast it with 20 lands

Reverberate: if you are using this as a 2 mana Path/A. Decay... its quite bad since you dont have enough burn spells/"Burn creatures" (Goblin Guide will often be a shock that then will become 2 more damage) and your creature will be gone so youre at a bad spot

you dont need to splash another color Apostle's BlessingMutagenic Growth

Earthquake is at this point a dead card anyway and it s a bad burn spell or bad with kiln fiend

January 5, 2017 7:10 p.m.

abbeycat says... #3

I play this deck with a few changes:

January 5, 2017 7:13 p.m.

Busse says... #4

Hi to almost everybody!

  • GofyTomcat1: strange mix you did with the deck, but / Burn always turns out well!

  • Ghosty: I had Temur Battle Rage for a while but costing instead of just has a very noticeable effect in terms of tempo, and prevents that lovely T3 kill.

  • chriswu98: I should look into the Mountain + Lightning Bolt combo, but I fear it could be Legacy banned any moment now :O
    Thanks for backing the build against that headless bastard, your analysis regarding the cards in the deck is pretty accurate.
    I hereby name you Chriswu98, Attorney in Magic.

  • Midn8: The fetch lands are mainly for Searing Blaze landfall's trigger. Deck thinning, as you said in your comment and source, is pretty marginal on this sort of cases.

  • abbeycat: I used to run 3x Apostle's Blessing , probably you saw that build somewhere in the past... it's pretty cool to bypass defenses with it. Thanks for supporting the deck and commenting here. Cheers! :D

  • megonia: Okey, let's start with this: if I wanted this kind of opinions, I'd ask for them in the description. Your analysis is at least 80% WRONG, considering you are dealing in absolutes and I'd bet you haven't even playtested this yet.
    The folders-issue, that I can't control. That's the people adding this deck to their own damn folders. Blame them, personally, on each case. And this deck has changed over the years between Modern and Legacy categories.
    Also, the Hubs are relative and change over time, and this is a tempo build wether you like it or not.
    Your verdicts about the creatures used is not accurate, as both perform quite efficiently, being Chandra's Spitfire a little less effective in the early stages.
    Most of the sorceries and instants that are in the deck are there because of something, that includes the Reverberate (that can mean free Doomblade, Counterspell or Stone Rain ... don't know, chances many here), and the Earthquake , that acts as an equalizer for the multiplayer matches (which this deck tends to win, btw).
    Also, to finish this, as I'm tired of reading your aggresive comments over and over again, this is my deck, my build and I pilot it HOWEVER THE FCK I want, so now please... PLEASE, stay away from my profile and decks :)*

Thanks to all the other decent people visiting this deck and the others in the cycle! It's always a pleasure to read you all. Cheers, and happy playing!

January 9, 2017 2:25 p.m.

kiln fiend is a nice add on but will easily be countered or destroyed start of game. same with the chandras spitfire.

February 3, 2017 8:59 a.m.

Busse says... #6

Same goes to about other 3000 non-shroud creatures in the game.
In this deck early game is T1, mid game T2 and late game is T3. So not much to worry about.

February 3, 2017 9:04 a.m.

Forestxavier20 says... #7

Shouldn't this be budget? I can afford nearly $40, and I don't have a full time job.

April 28, 2017 1:43 p.m.

Ghosty says... #8

how is this deck working in competitive environment?

May 14, 2017 3:16 p.m.

Busse says... #9

Good question

May 14, 2017 3:30 p.m.

Ianco says... #10

Hi Busse, great deck, great analysis and really good answer to megonia. I agree on your stance with him, he was highly unprofessional and even abusive. Good one.

I love how your deck is very unique and not a classic Burn. Keep it up. :)

June 8, 2017 9:17 a.m.

I love the deck Busse, Burn is powerful, and this deck is a blend of power, and pure headstrong tactics, it has won me a lot of games, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

September 19, 2017 1:27 p.m.

Mark1408 says... #12

Very aggressive, I like this plot, maybe its main problem is Leyline of Sanctity can make the game to prolong too much and give the opportunity of victory to white decks that protect very well, especially if it comes in the initial hand, a remover of permanent or enchantment would be something to think about a sideboard maybe, have to see if the red owns or maybe some artifact.

September 22, 2017 7:01 p.m.

Mark1408 says... #13

Liquimetal Coating + Smash to Smithereens can get rid of some eventual problems like Leyline of Sanctity and still burn the opponent

September 22, 2017 7:59 p.m.

GofyTomcat1 says... #14

I think Monastery Swiftspear has a lot of synergy with this list. Prowess is a strong mechanic.Same with Soul-Scar Mage for the longer games, possibly out of the sideboard.

November 6, 2017 4:47 p.m.

tw4 says... #15

Hey I think I may have found an error in your longer match turn breakdown.

It says you can pull of Chandra's ult on T6, but she starts at 3 points. So if you use her +1 on T4 as soon as you play her, she'll be at 4. But then you wouldn't hit 6 until AFTER you use her +1 on T6, so actually I don't think you could use her ult until T7. Is that correct?

March 4, 2018 2:01 a.m.

Yutsumon97 says... #16

might i suggest titans strength instead of rush of adrenaline. more bang for your buck and it scrys

September 5, 2018 1:36 p.m.

Yursumon, there is a difference with the cards that makes Rush of Adrenaline better - Trample instead of scry. If you can give Kiln Fiend doublestrike and trample, there is a good chance of a turn three or four win

September 13, 2018 8:04 a.m.

7Solinvictus7 says... #18

I DL this deck and played it in a Modern event. This deck sucks....

No little wipes theres like 1 or 2...


April 12, 2020 11:13 a.m.

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