Lyra Dawnbringer: Seek & Destroy

Commander / EDH Forkbeard


Demarge says... #1

Quicksilver Amulet overall probably functions better than the portal, Dawn of Hope is a mono white card draw engine if you can gain life. Quicksand can let you rattlesnake away tenma's. Armageddon and similar Cataclysms are really where mono white has it's strength, as considered the weakest color in commander it's but one's right to use it's biggest power. Felidar Sovereign is probably a better test, your starting lifetotal triggers it after all.

January 6, 2019 7:49 a.m.

hydrothermia says... #2

I'm particular to Mass Calcify, considering you don't have any planeswalkers I'd suggest having The Immortal Sun as an option. I too am working on a mono-white EDH deck at this moment.

You'd have to make a few changes to really make this work, but Phyrexian Unlife, Solemnity, Greater Auramancy and Worship would make it very hard for the opposition to kill you.

January 6, 2019 9:47 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #3

Thanks Demarge! I like all of those suggestions, cheers. I've been going back and forth on the MLD cards simply because they're feel bad, but I could test the play group waters with them I suppose.

January 6, 2019 4:18 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #4

Interesting lock down suggestions hydrothermia and I agree, The Immortal Sun would definitely be a good addition here.

January 6, 2019 4:23 p.m.

Demarge says... #5

The main key of mass land destruction is using it when you have a board presence, especially good with original avacyn, it only feels bad when all it does is set the game back several turns with less cards in hand, if there's a good chance you'll win after casting it, a mass land destruction feels about as bad as a combo being assembled.

January 7, 2019 1:58 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #6

That's a good comparison actually as we're certainly not strangers to combos. I could always add them, try them out and see how much fury is invoked, heh.

January 7, 2019 6 p.m.

lukas96 says... #7


January 23, 2019 10:13 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #8 and deSTROY

January 23, 2019 10:33 a.m.

SomaCruz says... #9

Angels :D

As someone who has three mono white decks (Avacyn, Odric and Lyra - I really should put the decklist of Lyra up here sometime....) so I have "some" experience with that color.

Angels you might want to add: Almost everyone that can deal with problems - Angel of Jubilation, Angel of Condemnation, Angel of Sanctions, Admonition Angel, Sunblast Angel or gives other immediate benefits - Karmic Guide or Dawnbreak Reclaimer.

Dawn of Hope is a great card and so is Smothering Tithe. Geier Reach Sanitarium helps with digging and setting up the graveyard for some reanimation, also your Archive and the mentioned Smothering Tithe get even better.

I second The Immortal Sun.

Inventors' Fair and Thalia's Lancers are great at what they do. Idyllic Tutor would also find you good cards and Weathered Wayfarer/Expedition Map for your Utility Lands.

For what to cut... you might want to take a second look at cards like Angelic Skirmisher. Your whole team has already lifelink, the First Strike is irrelevant most of the time (thought it can be helpful) and vigilance can be given by Angelic Field Marshal for 2 mana less and with better stats.

I could go on more, but I think these is enough for now.

February 23, 2019 7:43 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #10

Thanks SomaCruz, lots of great suggestions here. I really wrestled with the angel decisions for this deck - there's so many amazing ones. I debated as to whether or not I should include each of the ones you've mentioned so I'll try to explain the 'why' behind my omissions.

Angel of Jubilation is excellent, love the casting cost and lord effect but she didn't make the cut because I need to be able to pay life for one of my win conditions, Aetherflux Reservoir . Angel of Condemnation and Angel of Sanctions are good removal options, but ultimately I decided that I'm running enough removal. I may revisit that line of thinking if it becomes a recurring problem, perhaps replace Angel of Serenity with one of these cheaper, less win-more options. Now having said that, looking at Admonition Angel again, yeah. That needs to be in here. You're also right about Angelic Skirmisher so I think I'll take that out and swap in Angelic Field Marshal , good call. Sunblast Angel is awesome and is indeed in here already. I thought about Karmic Guide and Dawnbreak Reclaimer as recursion options but I am actually comfortable with the current recursion amount ( Bruna, the Fading Light , Emeria Shepherd , Reya Dawnbringer , Defy Death , Buried Ruin & Emeria, The Sky Ruin ).

Dawn of Hope and Smothering Tithe make a lot of sense and should probably be in here, I'm just not certain what to cut for them yet. I'm luke warm on Geier Reach Sanitarium and Inventors' Fair in here but I see what you're getting at, likewise with Weathered Wayfarer & Expedition Map .

Thank you for the good ideas and let me know when/if you post your Lyra deck, I'd be keen to check it out.

February 23, 2019 8:30 p.m.

SomaCruz says... #11

Here is my deck.

Also a little secret: Magus of the Moat

I'd put some more cards in there, but it already performs well without them - will get cards like Idyllic when I feel I need them.

February 24, 2019 3:34 p.m.

KayneMarco says... #12

A couple other cost reducers to consider are:

March 2, 2019 1:01 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #13

Nice suggestions KayneMarco, I've never actually seen Semblance Anvil before. Pretty sweet!

March 2, 2019 1:42 p.m.

nerovampyro says... #14

This has slowly become one of my favourite decks. And in the process of testing it out.

March 12, 2019 5:40 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #15

That's awesome nerovampyro, thanks for saying so. Enjoy!

March 13, 2019 2:34 a.m.

ZombieCat says... #16

Hey Forkbeard,

I've got some suggestions for you that will hopefully help you out..

Blinding Angel - Can help stall decks that are highly aggro if she hits.

Grand Abolisher - Keeps you safe from having your stuff countered on your turn.

Beacon of Immortality - To help out with your two win cons.

Hall of the Bandit Lord - Haste in mono white?!

March 15, 2019 10:12 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #17

Excellent suggestions ZombieCat, thank you. I'll have to consider what I'd swap out to make room for these additions.

March 15, 2019 11:23 p.m.

budlaorf says... #18

How about considering Luminarch Ascension . Great angel token maker, esp. with all the dead mana you may have in late game.

Also, some other great angels to consider are Angel of Finality , Angelic Guardian , Radiant, Archangel , Angel of the Dire Hour .

May 2, 2019 7:49 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #19

Good calls budlaorf. As much as I like Luminarch Ascension , it paints a great big target on whoever casts it. Probably worth trying it out though because you're right, an amazing late game mana sink. All of the angels you've pointed out are fantastic, Finality + Dire Hour were included in the first iterations of my build. I really struggled with which angels to include and eventually settled on what I have now. I'm curious to hear your opinion though, if you were to cut 4 cards to make room for these beauts, what would you choose?

May 4, 2019 12:26 p.m.

budlaorf says... #20

Maybe Defy Death , Norn's Annex are 2 that I can think of. You could replace Boon Reflection with True Conviction , as pretty much all of your life gain comes from lifelink, you will get the "double life gain" from double strike and it will give you another life link source. You will also get more damage and it can also add more devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .

May 9, 2019 8:55 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #21

I see where you're coming from budlaorf. Insightful, cheers.

June 4, 2019 11:51 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #22

Hey Forkbeard

I was wondering what your thoughts were on Serra the Benevolent and Brought Back ? I was thinking of Serra for her tokens and either brought back or Defy Death for recursion.

July 18, 2019 12:48 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #23

Hi ZombieCat!

I want to like Serra the Benevolent more than I do. Amazing angel flavor win, just too underwhelming IMO. Her +2 for a temporary anthem effect is pretty weak, her -3 for a Serra Angel is just ok & her ult is moot in my deck due to the lifegain theme. The one thing I like is that casting cost + 4 loyalty, I just wish she had a little more impact y'know?

Brought Back looks like a great recursion option and I want to include it in here, I'm just struggling with what to cut to make room for it.

July 20, 2019 3:23 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #24

I agree on the Serra the Benevolent points, I was really on the fence on whether to try her out or not, thanks. I'm going to find a slot in my build for Brought Back and test it out. I love how you can bring back anything with it, including enchantments.

July 20, 2019 7:10 p.m.

Joe_Ken_ says... #25

Have you thought of using True Conviction in the deck over Boon Reflection ?

November 10, 2019 1:45 p.m.

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