M14 Life Deck

Standard paraluke


yak300 says... #1

For me personally, this deck contains too many 2 drop creatures. If you keep it like that, maybe you could add Immortal Servitude , and for 5 mana, you bring all your creatures with cc of 2 back on the battlefield?

I had great results using Fiendslayer Paladin , if you can add it I definitely would if I were you. 2/2 lifelink AND firststrike plus the "protection" agaist red and black spells is awesome for 3 mana.

So you're growing your lifelink-weenies with Archangel of Thune , but what if it gets countered or otherwise removed? You can "protect" it by taking it back to your hand with Orzhov Charm , but it'll lose all counters again. Have you considered Brave the Elements ? This could work great as it can protect your Archangel of Thune or give your white creatures the opportunity to get through most defenses of your opponent without getting blocked. The restriction for white creatures is not a problem as most of your creatures are at least partially white (except your back flyers). You should also consider Blood Baron of Vizkopa I think he would fit great in this deck. Keep in mind, with this deck, if you're facing a Baron against you, there's nothing you can do against him, as he has protection from white and black, and you have no creature control that can target him.

August 10, 2013 7:24 a.m.

paraluke says... #2

Hey thanks yak300! I would greatly consider your pointers!

August 10, 2013 12:15 p.m.

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