Here's my stab at playing the current standard meta.
With the scry lands and fetchlands in full swing, many people are running 3 color decks because the mana curve can be stable enough to support it (plus great cards like Siege Rhino have been printed). My aim is to run something more stable, that can try to take control of the Macro game.
My initial strategy is to ramp into a strong mana base with Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid in order to quickly play Ember Swallower and make it monstrous if beneficial. Against rush decks with 18 or so lands, and 3 color decks this strategy can be very effective. Both have mana bases that can be very susceptible to disruption, and with my mana dorks and Xenagos, the Reveler I can usually capitalize on this. Courser of Kruphix is practically mandatory for green decks, and can further help with land drops as well as giving a little boost to life.
Along with this initial idea, I also wanted to explore using Hornet Nest in a constructed format. I like the effect that it has on the board, as well as synergy with Crater's Claws and the monstrous effect of Polukranos, World Eater, as well as extra damage from Arc Lightning.
With my extra slots, I ran Bow of Nylea for a good toolbox of effects and a single Stormbreath Dragon for an extra little push.
My lack of more than one fetchland is simply that I don't own them... yet.
Anyways, this is my pet project. I'd love some comments on this, and really want to try and make this as successful as I can with this current standard rotation. I WOULD build an Abzan (most likely superfriends) deck because it's always been my favorite color combination... but because of its current popularity, I'm compelled to try something different.
I've been struggling with a few things, the first of which is whether or not to include instant-speed removal. Seems like including Lightning Strike could be a useful inclusion for dealing with most planeswalkers before they affect the board. However, I still think that replacing them with Crater's Claws was a valid choice because I can effect the game considerably better with it. Plus the x spell can also sit well as an extra kill condition.
The sideboard is always up for change, but I tried to make it effective enough to deal with a mostly unknown metagame (when I started to design the deck). Comments/ideas are ALWAYS appreciated.