
Welcome to the world of the mad rabbit known as Kwain.

When you play this deck, don't expect to win all the time, as it is mostly a deck to have fun and see a bit of chaos erupt.

With this deck a favorable opening hand would be 2 to 3 lands(with at least one island and plains), something that can untap a permanent, and some mana rock ramp, or something to benefit off the drawing. Early game I usually start with a turn 2 Kwain, just to get as much value from him as possible, as not many people will be fond of Kwain later in game.

Ramp is quite hard with this deck as it is in azorius, but that's why we have permanent untapppers and certain cards like Tempting Contract and Master of Ceremonies. Hopefully our opponents are fond of us giving them draw, and they could do some little favors for us in return. We also have Azor's Gateway  , which would be the ideal ramp, but you can't take it out without having something to untap it a few times really fast, otherwise an opponent might get rid of it before we get to flip it.

Besides that, we just draw... a lot. Try to build up our value from having Kwain out with cards like Alhammarret's Archive, Toothy, Imaginary Friend, Omnious Seas, Psychic Corrosion, and all that good stuff.

Kwain will most likely die at some point during the game but that's why we have other ways to draw, such as: Cosmos Elixir, Archivist, Otherworld Atlas, Tenuous Truce, and many more. And if we still have all of our value cards out, then we're still benefitting the most from the draw.

Now with wincons, we have quite a few ways. Aetherflux Resavoir can be a really big threat on the table and can take out the biggest threat easily, and we have a few ways to gain a lot of life with Fumigate, Venser's Journal, and Heliod's Intervention, as well as Kwain. Approach of the Second Sun is also another really fun wincon, cause we have a lot of draw going on and some ways to tutor, which makes it quite easy to pull off. Atemsis, All-Seeing is one of my favorite ways to get a player out of the game, especially if they had a super explosive turn but left themselves completely open, or without flyers, and since we have a lot of cards in hand, chances are we'll pull it off. Halo Fountain is still a wincon i have not pulled off, but we can still value from it by using it to untap creatures we control, and still draw more in the process. Laboratory Maniac is also always a reliable wincon in a draw deck, if you have it out with Shabraz, Sky Shark and Drogskol Reaver then it's an automatic win. If one of your opponents has a game winning board, then you could just steal it with Reins of Power and let them borrow your little bunny. Prosperity can just mill your opponents out or you could have Narset, Parter of Veils out and be a greedy mf. Finally Illusionist's Bracers, with this card and any untapper, you could do bonky things like: get infinte mana, draw your whole deck out, and i mean what more do you want?

The rest of the deck is pretty straight foward, but you can do a lot with it and have fun!

Let me know what you guys think and what things you would replace or how you would improve the deck. Thank you for taking your time to check this out!


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96% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 8 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens Citizen 1/1 GW, Copy Clone, Foretell, Knight 2/2 W, Kraken 8/8 U, Morph 2/2 C, Pegasus 1/1 W, Treasure
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