

My take on the new Vampires with Madness from Shadows.

I've noticed a lot of other BR Vampire brews are trying to be more midrange rather than true aggro, so I've made my curve as low as possible to really get the beaters out there.

I have to say that Liliana, Heretical Healer   is the deck changer here, she makes the deck go from mediocre to actually competitive.

Consistency is becoming less of an issue which is promising. More tweaking may be needed and recommendations are most welcome.

Card Choice Discussion

One Drops Show

Insolent Neonate - Perfect fit for this deck and I feel it offers the most versatility. It is a Madness enabler, a draw engine, and a potential instant speed sac outlet to transform Liliana, Heretical Healer  . Did I mention it has Menace?

Indulgent Aristocrat - A 1/1 with Lifelink that isn't a dead draw in the mid to late game. for a counter on each Vampire I control is very useful.

Zurgo Bellstriker - The odd man out, but is a beater that fits the curve. It can also be made a Vampire (and a 3/3 with haste) with Olivia, Mobilized for War

Two Drops Show

Asylum Visitor - Having 0 cards in my hand is an inevitability and it can be as early as Turn 3. This card seems to be the most contentious when discussed in this brew and well, generally actually. But, in playtesting I have found it to be incredibly useful. It's a 3/1 beater, has Madness without the Falkenrath Gorger and it's draw mechanism has always proven relevant. Personally, I prefer running this over Tormenting Voice.

Ravenous Bloodseeker - A good 2 drop, but not a great one. Mainly used as a discard outlet but is also a good early game blocker and can potentially swing for a bit of damage. Only running 2-off for this reason.

Three Drops Show

Drana, Liberator of Malakir - She is a lightning rod for a reason.

Olivia, Mobilized for War - She makes everyone mean and is a worthy discard outlet. The best T3 and T4 play are an Olivia into a Drana which is just insane value.

Liliana, Heretical Healer   - This, other than Zurgo, is the odd card out but it makes perfect sense and I think takes this deck to another level. Obviously the goal here is to get her to transform and all her Planeswalker abilities are perfect fits for this deck. She gets a plus 2 for being a discard outlet, and she can immediately bring back any non-legendary creature in my graveyard. Her ultimate, thought I doubt will ever happen, is also very useful. Plus she makes a 2/2 Zombie. Having 8 sac outlets also makes her easy to transform if she is being targeted.

Removal and Utility Show

Fiery Temper - Essentially a Lightning Bolt in this deck, but I have cast it for 3 in times of need which isn't that bad.

Alms of the Vein - Essentially a Lightning Helix in this deck, but again I have cast it for 3 in times of need which again isn't that bad for a 6 life swing.

Sideboard Show

Maybeboard Show

Olivia's Bloodsworn - A nice little flyer whos ability is still relevant in the late game. Definitely considering dropping the two Zurgo's for this

Kolaghan's Command - Awesome, but a little expensive and might not be needed.

Cards I have ruled out Show


Updates Add

Played with friends who have modern decks, one is a Jeskai Delver, one is a mono-red Burn. and the other an 8-Whack Goblin deck.

Went 2-0 against the Jeskai Delver. Was able to overwhelm with creatures both games and his 1 for 1's weren't able to keep up. Luckily he didn't draw a Supreme Verdict either game.

Went 1-1 against the Burn. Lost to an Ensnaring Bridge on game 1, then raced to 0 game two. Alms of the Vein did a lot of work.

Went 1-1 against the 8-Whack. Game 1, curved Olivia, Mobilized for War into Drana, Liberator of Malakir, flew over the top and smashed face. Game 2 I only had two lands on Turn 4, and three 3 drops in hand... Couldn't keep up.

Really happy with how it went.


Revision 11 See all

(8 years ago)

-2 Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip main
+2 Smuggler's Copter main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #14 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 2 Rares

20 - 5 Uncommons

5 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.92
Folders Fun decks, Deck Ideas, Test, decks to look at, 40, Decks, Vampire, Vampire, Standard, cool ideas
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