
Creature (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (1)

This deck is BIG, this deck is Mean and it's a brutally wrecking faces in commander rounds! My personal favorite Maelstrom Wanderer.

This is an updated build of my old Riku of Two Reflections deck called Enter the Battlefield... please make it stop.

I switched to Maelstrom Wanderer as a Commander because I had the feeling he is more resilient to removal. Just cast him again and go for full value mode cascading. And then do it again! Also I personally like the RNG-like feeling this deck has, because it adds to the fun of a multiplayer round. And with all those nice big creatures and spells you're almost guaranteed to hit nice things.


Flash + Worldspine Wurm for just two Mana you get three 5/5 trample bodies on the board, Instant! Talk about fairness on turn two?

Awakening Zone + Proteus Staff or Dragon Broodmother or Hornet Queen or if you're lucky and didn'tuse one of the few low drops like Fierce Empath to block: In all likeliness thanks for the fatty. Also great to get rid of those pesky enemy Commanders.

Gruul Ragebeast + Hornet Queen kill all the stuff that's bothering you and maybe even more.

There are also the obvious ones, mostly based around Deadeye Navigator:

Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron --> Infinite Mana

Deadeye Navigator + Phyrexian Ingester --> Repeatable target Exile.

There are so many more Interactions, just be creative!

Greater Good + Maelstrom Wanderer , because drawing cards is always nice and it's a sac outlet for recasting my commander.

Maelstrom Wanderer + Prime Speaker Zegana , via cascade so much value!


To succesfully cause havoc and laugh maniacally we need a lot of mana and be quick about it. Harrow, Cultivate, Explore, Exploration, Farseek, Kodama's Reach, Urban Evolution, Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Awakening Zone, Solemn Simulacrum, Khalni Heart Expedition, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Oracle of Mul Daya, Coiling Oracle all suit this role.


Homeward Path --> Great against Bribery- or Control Magic-type effects. Also nice against Reanimate-Spells on my own creatures

Hunter's Prowess --> Since most decks only run a very small amount of spot removal in commander, the amount of cards this can draw outweighs the risk of running it. That's a personal meta choice though.

Prophet of Kruphix --> a.k.a. We now play Archenemy for the next few turns. Pray for a board wipe or this guy will go to town and swing games around in no time.

Dack Fayden --> As early as Turn three no one is prepared to deal with a planeswalker in commander. It can hijack all those nice ramp artifacts Sol Ring etc. or cycle a lot of cards to smooth your progression. Never got around to steal a blightsteel collossus though. :/

That's about it, guys!Thank you for reading and if you like what you saw please upvote and commend!

