Dwarf Tapping goes Brrrr

Assuming you have Magda, Brazen Outlaw, An artifact Dwarf (Example: Bloodline Pretender) and Clock of Omens in play:

Note: If you play Maskwood Nexus, you can search it into play via Magda, turning your vehicles in play into artifact dwarf vehicles, fulfilling that portion of the clock combo (Also note, while vehicles are not allowed to crew themselves, they can crew each other!)

Once 100k+ tapped treasures are in play, we can always respond by searching for artifacts into play, untapping and reactivating our combo. From this gamestate, you can continue to all additional steps listed in this combo guide at instant speed.

Additional Artifact Dwarves

Dwarf + Liquimetal Torque, Metallic Mimic, Adaptive Automaton, Bloodline Pretender, Universal Automaton, Mirror of the Forebears

With our combo-piece-card-value goals in mind, there are a few fairly efficient ways to create infinite untapped treasures, which can provide infinite mana as well as infinite untaps with Clock of Omens. Here is the one I am playing, as well as a few favorites I am not playing:

Maskwood Nexus

Grinding Station Not in deck

  • Find Grinding Station
  • Repeat Clock of Omens combo, but this time instead of using your new treasure to untap the Artifact Dwarf,
  • tap your Artifact Dwarf and Grinding Station to untap your dwarf.
  • When the treasure comes into play, Grinding Station will untap, allowing you to continue the Clock Combo without tapping your treasures, resulting in infinite untapped treasures

Academy Manufactor

Find Academy Manufactor

  • Repeat Clock of Omens combo, except this time due to Academy Manufactor you will also create clue and food tokens.
  • Repeat Clock of Omens combo, except this time use your clues instead of your treasures
  • Repeat Clock of Omens combo, except this time use your foods instead of your treasures or clues, resulting in infinite treasures, clues and food

Reckless Fireweaver (my current go-to as plan A)

Simple/clean and avoids graveyard loops now so we don't need to work about that form of stax with this

Skarrgan Hellkite

  • Find Maskwood Nexus
  • Find Xorn or academy manufacturer
  • Repeat the Clock of Omens + metal dwarf loop to create infinite tapped treasures and infinite untapped treasures (since Xorn will create an extra treasure each time)

Generate Infinite Untapped Treasures

  • Find Skarrgan Hellkite, choose to put the +1/+1 counter on him with the Riot Trigger
  • Spend 80+ mana per player to assign lethal damage, win the game. If opponents respond, kill them again in response.

Battered Golem Our Clock Replacement

Cloudstone Curio

Cloudstone Curio NOTE: Can also use Cloudstone Curio and a dwarf tapper to convert turn our untapped lands mana into treasures by responding to the bounce trigger by tapping the dwarf

Absolute Beatdown

This can be a go to if we run into an unanswerable Null Rod effect or a Collector Ouphe preventing us from using our clock combos: In mono Red, the best form of removal is player removal

  • Find Utvara Hellkite before our turn
  • Find Maskwood Nexus or Cursed Mirror if we want to cause an explosive boardstate
  • Profit into a game winning or palyer removal position that needs to be answered - Maskwood Nexus out does allow our "dragons" to generate treasures from swinging

Note: Before you tutor up Utvara Hellkite you can fit in Dockside Extortionist (which is now tutorable through Maskwood Nexus and make a copy of him through Cursed Mirror to net a bunch of treasures allowing you to fetch up either more functional dragons to untap with or stax pieces to protect your Utvara Hellkite

These combos have been replaced with ones that don't crumble to graveyard hate

Memory Jar Combo (Combo Removed from deck as LED is mainly a dead card outside of combo and graveyard loops are becoming more difficult to pull off due to stax)

Repeat above until players have drawn out their libraries. This combo can be completed without Xorn, Maskwood Nexus, slobad, Skarrgan Hellkite or Bogardan Hellkite. If trying to be a purely aggressive combo deck, these would be the only combo pieces I would choose to include

Alternate Loop: Draw your deck one card at a time.

Repeat above until you have 100k+ floating mana

Repeat as many times as you like, drawing one card at a time

Underworld Breach Combos

Lion's Eye Diamond, Underworld Breach, Wheel of Fortune or Jeska's Will, Underworld Breach, Wheel of Fortune

NOTE: Many Combo lines come from Elixir of Immortality but graveyard hate with Dauthi Voidwalker type effects made me rethink these alternate loops

Memory Jar - To be searched up after Demonic Consultation/Tainted Pact has resolved but Thassa's Oracle ETB is still on the stack, drawing out the player attempting to win

Soul-Guide Lantern and Unlicensed Hearse - To be searched up if an Underworld Breach or other graveyard line is threatening to win (be mindful of timing, if you wait too long it can sometimes be too late to interact with Brain Freeze)

Winter Orb - If getting into the midrange and beginning to lose out to Kraum or Tymna, Winter Orb can be one-sided and potent since we don't use our lands for much past turn 4 or so.

Bogardan Hellkite - Coming in to kill someone else's creature-based wincon or block Kraum is pretty great.

Utvara Hellkite - When playing with one or two additional stacks decks, games often digress into beatdown plans, during which there is no one better than Utvara Hellkite. this card is definitely a secret MVP of the list.

Liquimetal Torque - I try to keep an instant-speed Shatter effect in hand so that I can respond to unknown permanent interactions by finding this card turning their problematic permanent into an artifact and then shattering it.

Sculpting Steel - This can come into play as a copy of any artifact in play. such as academy manufacturer or Cursed Mirror copying something

Cursed Mirror - ETB as any creature even our opponents creatures! I like targeting Dockside Extortionist be it ours or an opponents. It can also be a surprise blocker for a Kraum/Tymna or a wild Najeela

The One Ring - New card! Also dummy good! Neat draw engine with some protection if we cast it

Cavern-Hoard Dragon - Another New Card I am playtesting around. Might be a good way to have constant ramp or spend 5 mana to tutor this out and make 6+ as a pseudo ritual as well as if we are on a beatdown plan.

High-Speed Hoverbike - can tap down a Najeela as a secondary use

Spine of Ish Sah - Instant speed Destroy any permanent? Very useful for dealing with permanent based wincons or stax

Portal to Phyrexia - this card is neat, if we can grab this early on against certain decks, we basically wipe our opponents boards setting them far behind in board state, ramp or card draw based on the decks we are against and each turn we get the bonus of reanimating for any graveyard. Including our own if we want to send Magda to the graveyard over the command zone to avoid that pesky tax...

This is the gamestate I expect to live my life within. As before, the first decision is to be reactive or proactive. If we are reactive, we are going to make sacrifices to prevent opponents from winning, while building a stronger gamestate. If the gamestate is one in which we are happy to deploy stacks (we have a few dwarves in play and a safe way to accrue treasures each), then grabbing some stacks while we get our beatdown ready is a great option. Depending on gamestate, for stacks-searches I would first consider Tangle Wire, Trinisphere, Winter Orb, Sphere of Resistance and Sculpting Steel. My goal-gamestate for stacks (without Clock of Omens) would be working a Goblin Welder or two (Sculpting Steel-->Goblin Welder) with tanglewire and Winter Orb to keep my opponents locked out of the game.

If we are being proactive, I firmly recommend Maskwood Nexus, as it will allow us to generate 3/2 dwarf dragons that will apply damage pressure while increasing our treasure flow. Maskwood also increases our search options, and primes the board for an Utvara Hellkite swing.

** For example: ** Imagine a gamestate where we have 4-5 creatures (three are dwarves, one vehicle and dockside); Clock of Omens was exiled to Force of Negation; our dwarves are tapped down, we have 4 mana open, and 5 treasures. Somewhat typical right? No clock, no artifact dwarf, nothing too threatening. Until...

  • At opponent's end step, we search up Maskwood Nexus, still in their end step we create a 2/2 shapeshifter for 3 mana.
  • Now we untap, draw, use maskwood to create another 2/2, use 3x dwarves, the summoning sick 2/2 and dockside to crew (+5 treasure, count 5), sac (-5 treasure, count 0) to find Utvara Hellkite.
  • Now we swing with the changeling we created at endstep + vehicle to create two 6/6 flying dragon tokens and two more treasures (+2, count 2).
  • Opponent casts thoracle or win creature to win, we crew with Utrava and our two dragons (+3, count 5) and sac to search (-5, count 0) Memory Jar or Bogardan Hellkite to keep them from winning.


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91% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.38
Tokens Clown Robot 1/1 W, Clue, Dragon 6/6 R, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Food, Scorpion Dragon 4/4 R, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders My actual decks
Ignored suggestions
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