TheBestPony says... #2
Cinder Pyromancer is overall a better card with higher burn value, but I chose to use Goblin Fireslinger is because he comes out on turn one, and it's actually quite rare that I'll hit three mana. With Cinder Pyromancer , its really just a personal preference on land count.
Thank you!
May 13, 2014 10:52 p.m.
I do not particularly like a couple of the list choices: - 1 fireblast, -2 goblin fireslinger, -1 searing blaze for 4 Manamorphose to make this a 52 card deck. And, you really do not have that much space, but Needle Drop is very, very good.
June 9, 2014 2:58 a.m.
TheBestPony says... #4
I originally included Needle Drop , but too often it threw off the curve of my burn spells, and I haven't considered Manamorphose before. I'll test the inclusing of both, fine sir.
June 9, 2014 4:32 p.m.
TheCouchPotato says... #5
Why is Chain Lightning so freaking expensive these days? Fun deck. Really great to hurl bolt after bolt at the opponent.
August 10, 2015 12:36 a.m.
I usually have in my sideboard the Mardu Scout. It's good against control decks, like MBC or Teachings, whose will side most of their creature removals to play more Dispel and Duress. Mardu scout will act as a Lightning Strike with dash, to return to your hand to be played over and over.
April 26, 2016 5:37 p.m.
crookedsidewalks says... #7
Firebrand Archer is a good card thats been printed recently- it essentially allows you to play 8 thermo alchemists. Good sideboard!
December 31, 2017 12:34 p.m.
fatalzintomyum says... #8
even with 3 Forgotten Cave, this deck has more lands than what is now seen as best for burn. Consider cutting down to two caves and perhaps even another mountain, and of course, as I believe is now stock, and for a very good reason, replace molten rain with Cleansing Wildfire. It can be hard to pass up the damage, but having it be two mana is so important purely because the deck can sometimes stop at that number, and drawing a card is worth 2 damage, like in the case of Needle Drop.
Dragonpecnaz says... #1
In my oppinion, Cinder Pyromancer is better than Goblin Fireslinger
May 12, 2014 8:08 a.m.