

OGW: Hedron Alignment MAKE IT HAPPEN. Copy Encahantment and Clever Impersonator could get two of them, though I don't think either of them retains their identity off the battlefield, and I have no idea how to 'fake' HA in my hand... Think it over.


This deck was made because my current metagame is prone to cold wars and aggressive turtling. We all sit around the table, we build and build and build some more, and the first one to look like too much of a threat, leave himself open, or sneeze too hard gets curb-stomped or triggers a board wipe.

And that's fine! Politics are great and all, but I wanted to make a deck that thrived in a cold war type setting; one that didn't really need to interact with an opponent to claim victory. And so, this deck is crammed with every arbitrary, asinine, independent insta-win combo that I could find.

Ultimately, this deck operates on the theory that as long as you have twenty plus cards in your hand, you should be able to win some way. Early game focus should be on establishing regular card draw and removing your hand size limitations.

COMBOS:1) Laboratory Maniac + Enter the Infinite + Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur. Sundial of the Infinite can help the combo finalize more effectively. Also, given the prohibitive mana costs associated with this combo (23-25 total), Omniscience and/or fist of the suns are a must.

2) Biovisionary + Rite of Replication. Again, Sundial of the Infinite helps finalize the trigger.

3) Mycosynth Lattice + Hellkite Tyrant. Flash the Tyrant into play if at all possible (Leyline of Anticipation, Alchemist's Refuge, or Shimmer Myr).

4) Mayael's Aria + Lorescale Coatl/Overbeing of Myth/Psychosis Crawler + ten or so cards in hand.

5) Eternity Vessel + Dismantle + Darksteel Reactor. Alternates: Dismantle Lorescale Coatl when Mycosynth Lattice is out, or just target the Reactor itself if it has ten or more counters.

6) Maze's End. It's... yeah whatever. Not difficult.

7) Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind + Curiosity. Again, not hard to figure out. Flash him into play if at all possible.

8) Barren Glory + Oblivion Ring, while Mycosynth Lattice (and preferably Unwinding Clock or Seedborn Muse) is on the field. Ideally, play Glory and O-ring on someone else's turn, or way before you plan to trigger it. Anyway, when the player to the left ends his turn, activate Alchemist's Refuge, play Merciless Eviction targeting artifacts, then One with Nothing while it's still on the stack. Then you win (unless someone countered it, bounced Barren Glory, or punched you).


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I've begun trimming the deck again... Biovisionary got cut (and by extension Rite of Replicationfoil and Sundial of the Infinite) because, and I realize how stupid this sounds, they were too easy. I won a game with Biovisionary and simply felt empty and lost inside because there was no theatricality to the victory. Winning with Barren Glory or Maze's Endfoil or Laboratory Maniac feels satisfying because they're ridiculous and huge, but Biovisionary just bored me.

Mayael's Aria is on the chopping block as well, less so because of it's theatricality and more so because it's very rare that I actually get it to trigger. Archivist got switched out for Mind Unbound, and Meishin, the Mind Cage got swapped in for Godhead of Awe. More expensive in terms of mana, but hopefully better at their respective jobs. If not, then, eh. I can always switch 'em back.

In their place, I've added some discouragement and further defensive measures. Dissipation Field and Norn's Annex rank among my favorite disincentivizers (totally a word), while Phyrexian Unlife + Melira, Sylvok Outcast fits the theme of the deck by virtue of being simultaneously impractical and ridiculous (I could just get a Platinum Angel but THAT WOULD BE TOO EASY). Fortune Thief also helps in the survivability department, and Soul Conduit will help counter lifegain decks and disincentivize (see?) attackers (or at least provide a nonessential target for them to nuke). Plus, it doubles as a political tool for multiplayer, potentially saving weakened allies while crippling enemies. Also it's funny, so there's that too.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 2 Mythic Rares

46 - 9 Rares

20 - 1 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.75
Tokens 1/1 WU Token Creature Bird, Boar 2/2 G, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Morph 2/2 C
Folders EDH
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