cooldad123 says... #2
Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the deck needs something more aggressive, and I like Spiteful Returned to serve that purpose. I think adding in 3-drops like the ones you suggested would probably mean taking out Herald of Torment , which would leave me concerned about flying. I think that Fate Unraveler + Master of the Feast would be a good addition, as they work together and also are "more aggressive" creatures.
July 8, 2014 9:28 p.m.
Glad to hear that! I think that Fate Unraveler +Master of the Feast is a great substitution for the Herald of Torment . Maybe Nyx Infusion could be a nice add, as long as you only have enchantment creatures, and Extinguish All Hope too.
Javaz says... #1
Exquisite Blood for a 1 damage win with Sanguine Bond on the battlefield. Just a thought.. If you want more aggressive enchantment creatures, there is Spiteful Returned .Other random creatures are Lagonna-Band Elder , Scholar of Athreos , Ghostblade Eidolon , but I think you need something more aggressive there.. Good deck tho, +1!
July 7, 2014 3:46 p.m.