

Feedback please:)

Manabase:The temples are for scry aid. 20 lands seem to be fairly on par with what this deck needs.

1 to 3 drops:I run 20 low drop cards(excluding the kitty win condition). The 4 boon satyrs are nice for any matchup where your opponent isn't pulling a lot of creatures. 4 damage every turn for 3 mana is very descent. The 4 sunblade elfs have a good place in this deck. A 1 drop 1/1 that can very easily be a 2/2, and the pump effect can win you the game, if used correctly. Eidolon of countless battles is a good finisher, he drops down for 3, and just wrecks in aggro. He's also automatically a 2/2, that just keeps on pumpin himself up. Loyal Pegasus is nice because, in aggro you're usually attacking with multiple creatures, and having a 1 drop that attacks for 2 in the air every turn, is just pure awesome... Start that 10 turn timer. Fleecemane Lion is a bomb. He hits for 2, as a 3/3, that can pump to 4/4, for 5 mana... As well as once he's monstrous, he's very difficult to get rid of.

Token generators:Raise the alarm is just a basic spell that makes a couple tokens. Launch the fleet can win the game for you though, it's not just making tokens for very cheap, but is making them attack on the first turn, can cause a damage count that not neccasarily will finish it up, to a damage count thet will finish it.

Other spells:The 3 Banishing light are very, very good removal. The get rid of basically any permanent without hex proof or blinking effects(like obzedat or AEtherling). Spirit Bonds is awesome. It allows you to get out fliers, that can get you those last few points of extra damage to pull them down to 0. Spear is just obvious. Deicide is just insane in the current meta, especially post rotation, where we have master of feasts, courser of kruphix, gods, and decks based just on enchantments(like Junk Enchantress, Junk Constellation, etc.), definitely worth my 2 slots in my main board.

Sideboard:Phyrexian revoker is like the new (less attractive) pithing needle, but there will no longer be a pithing needle, Mistcutter Hydra again is like a big bitch slap to the ball sack if your playing mono blue, or anything that has a lot of blue. I just have 3 to add for anyone who is playing more than a splash of blue:D The extra banishing lights just for matchups where I need more permanent hate. Gods willing are good for decks that have intense creature hate, as well as additional scry aide. Last Breath is for mirror match ups. Hopeful Eidolon is just a good trigger for ECB, but I put him in my sideboard, for decks where I'll need life gain, especially with an aggro deck, lifeline is the way to go.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 5 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.05
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Decks i may build, to buy later
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