This deck is an improvement on an old deck of mine, Voracious Appetite, hence MAH BOI. It includes the color black and theros cards for maximum power and actually decent removal. I will never forget the insatiable hunger that heralded the creation of this beast... A voracious appetite.
Thoughtseize: I gain way more than enough life to mitigate the health loss. Also, this feeds my ooze if I take a creature.
Unflinching Courage
: Gives things an ancient power...
Archangel of Thune
: Amazing, or what?
Erebos, God of the Dead
: Gives me that emergency card draw, since I gain a ton of life.
Hero's Downfall : Unconditional removal. Many a time have I wanted to kill an Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and been unable to, because of Selesnya Charm 's condition, which is what I used to run because no black.
Abrupt Decay : So you like creatures with very high power for their mana cost, or any other such cheap permanents like Domri Rade ? I think not.
Voice of Resurgence : But of course.
Desecration Demon : Causes my enemy to sac his dudes, which feeds my ooze and triggers my archangel.
Kalonian Hydra : Great all on his own.
Putrefy : Unconditional instant-speed removal. Also pwns those pesky artifacts.
Blood Baron of Vizkopa: Gains me health and is hilariously hard to remove. With all the strength he would be gaining if an archangel is on the field, I don't even need him to be a 10/10 flying lifelink.
Whip of Erebos : So it turns out that I accidentally got my Kalonian Hydra killed... No matter. It comes back, swinging in a crack-fueled rage as an 8/8 lifelink trampler, in its last bid for power.
Scavenging Ooze: Got an archangel on the field? Exile 3 cards from a grave and everyone gets 3 counters, and the ooze gets 6. Bring a dead hydra back from the grave and swing for game with this powerful tool.
In the sideboard, I have some nice tricks up my sleeve:
Duress: Goes in against control to remove silly things.
Golgari Charm: No boardwipes today, thank you very much.
Celestial Flare
: Hexproofers? Blood Baron? Nope.
Fade into Antiquity
: Enchantments, gods, or artifacts that AREN'T MINE?!!??!? Absolutely not!