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Commander / EDH* UBR (Grixis)




Hello All,

As the title states, I am trying to make Nekusar, The Mind Razer a tier 2.5, 2.0, or if I am really lucky I can maybe get him up to 1.5 (highly doubt it) but I thought I would give it a shot. So today I am sharing my deck that I spent and entire deployment, putting together it is based on a more discard/Mill version then the traditional draw. I would love criticism good or bad, anything that will make this deck better. But please leave out hate.

This deck has a very high kill potential as I have won games at turn 3 through 7, and anything past 7, I win 80% of the time, however this is just my meta. However I dont think that this deck, as is, will compete with a well built Zur the Enchanter but it should do well against Tier 2 decks which is why I am posting this deck.

Angrath, The Flame Chained should actually be in the deck however Tapped out says that he is not EDH Legal so I put him in the maybe board and replaced him with the LAnd Equilibrium

it late right now and I will post Combos and Synergies as I get time


Waste Not + Wheel of Fortune effects equal quite a bit of things in the deck.

what's the you discard a land I will get two black mana, discard a creature I will just put a 2/2 black zombie token on the battle field, you discard anything else and I get to draw, what's not to like?

Helm of the Ghastlord + Nekusar, the Mindrazer equal your opponent will not get any hand size and work extremely will with wheel effects

Nekusar, the Mindrazer + Sigil of Sleep and you get to bounce a creature whenever Nekusar deals damage to them, only downsize is that it is a must effect.

Enter the Infinite + The Locust God + Winds of Change make as many 1/1 insect tokens with haste as you draw, leads to very effective kills provide nekusar cant kill.

Dream Halls + Omniscience = once Omniscience hits the battlefield you win. dream halls lets you cheat it out earliest turn 3. only downside is that opponent are free to cast spells without using mana as well.

Enter the Infinite + Sphinx's Tutelage equals mill win. you can always cast Enter the Infinite and then cast Sphinx's Tutelage then cast winds of change for the same effect. still 80 instants of sphinx is enough to eliminate two opponents.

Archfiend of Ifnir + Whispering Madness effects lead to clear board states.

Nekusar, the Mindrazer + Tainted Strike lead to a very dirty, yet very easy win.

ulamog is there only to reshuffle graveyard and will rarely get cast. however if you mange to pull it off turn 3 there is pretty much nothing your opponent can do. short of a swords to plowshare or similar effect

Reforge the Soul + Sangromancer effects equal a lot of life gained. can save your life in a pinch. also exquisite blood can achieve the same effect and is a little bit harder t get rid of.

Nekusar, the Mindrazer + Sakashima the Impostor two Nekusars for the for double the damage


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