Make No Gravetide Image (cEDH Muldrotha Primer)

Commander / EDH* Spleenface

SCORE: 137 | 63 COMMENTS | 66246 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

coldray says... #1

Hi mate,

I've been toying with a Muldrotha deck myself. You can see it here for reference:

Unfortunately, your Flash Hulk combo doesn't work without a sac outlet or a stat decreasing effect due to Mikaeus giving ballista a static +1/+1.

May 23, 2018 2:08 a.m.

Spleenface says... #2

I have a Viscera Seer?

May 23, 2018 10:41 a.m.

enpc says... #3

Tasigur feels a bit out of place here. I get that you can draw your deck given infinite mana, but there are better and cheaper maan sinks outside of him. Even a main deck Thrasios, Triton Hero would achieve the same thing. have you thought about Executioner's Capsule over Seal of Removal?

Other than that, the list looks pretty solid.

July 10, 2018 12:36 a.m.

CanibalKaiser says... #4

Love the deck and got near all the pieces but LED

Is there a way to make the deck viable without LED???

September 24, 2018 5:52 a.m.

Spleenface says... #5

CanibalKaiser Unfortunately, not really. In a slower meta (I.E. not cEDH) you could get away with running slower combos (Perhaps DEN/Phantasmal Image + Palinchron or Mikaeus + Walking Ballista/Triskelion), but in a full competitive environment, not having LED kills your primary wincon.

September 25, 2018 11:31 a.m.

Pseudo-ception says... #6

Hey, this deck looks super interesting! What are your secondary wincons if you no longer have access to LED?

November 6, 2018 8:26 p.m.

Spleenface says... #7

Pseudo-ception Grind value and beat people to death with a 6/6 commander, 7/7 Nez and 8/8 Flample Raz.
Since the addition of Dance of Many the other combo pieces have become much more resilient(as it can replace either one), so you could consider swapping one of Animate Dead/Necromancy for either Riftsweeper or some other backup win like Smokestack, Second Chance or even Possessed Portal

November 7, 2018 11:19 a.m.

PussInBoots says... #8

I think you mean Seal of Primordium in your "Early Game" section.

And I like that you play Zur's Weirding I think it is one of the most underrated cards in a Muldrotha list. I makes opponents control each other and realy wreaks havoc in my more casual Muldrotha list.

December 6, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Spleenface says... #9

PussInBoots in that instance I was thinking of Razakats, Hulkweaver, Gitrog, Selvala, and Grenzo, where Seal of Removal is actually the relevant one, so thanks ;)

December 6, 2018 9:24 a.m.

VaeVictisMTG says... #10

As a suggestion you can add palinchron and deadeye navigator as well as aetherflux reservoir to kinda smooth your wincons especially with image plus animate dead and led already in the deck

December 25, 2018 5:41 p.m.

Spleenface says... #11

VaeVictisMTG Thanks for the advice, and sorry for the slow reply

I used to have DEN in the deck for the LED + Muldrotha combo, but trying to cast DEN as my wincon just seemed impractical. It's a 6-mana spell with pretty much no utility outside the combo.

Aetherflux seems wholly unnecessary, as there are already so many outlet cards in the deck, plus the opportunity to reanimate/copy an outlet (notably Thrasios) from an opponent.

Palinchron just isn't very good because having 7 lands that don't hurt, at least 4 of which produce blue isn't always realistic (The deck only plays 18)

January 2, 2019 1:15 p.m. Edited.

chimala says... #12

How am I getting my outlets like Bitter Ordeal with no cards in my hand?

January 11, 2019 9:51 p.m.

Spleenface says... #13

chimala If in deck, draw into it with one of the dig effects, or tutor it with Sidisi/Razaketh, if you discard it, find E-Wit. Ballista is the better outlet for the combo, Ordeal is there because it can work, and it is pretty easy to get 5 or 6 copies on a regular turn.

January 13, 2019 11:42 p.m.

Crakers91 says... #14

A little confused as to how Nihil Spellbomb is a win con?

March 25, 2019 11:44 p.m.

Spleenface says... #15

Crakers91 it just digs you to Ordeal/Ballista

March 25, 2019 11:54 p.m.

Can you clarify on the interaction between LED and KtGC?

June 5, 2019 10:42 p.m.

Spleenface says... #17


The mention of the Karn/LED interaction is just to point out that your opponents need to exile at least 2 pieces in order to shut off the combo. Before Karn was added to the list, if LED was exiled, you couldn't combo at all. Now with Karn, you can buy back the LED. Phantasmal Image and Animate Dead already had redundancy in the form of Dance of Many and Necromancy, respectively, so LED was the narrowest point, but now it isn't!

June 6, 2019 9:41 a.m.

Kilgohre says... #18

Hey man!

I really like your list! I was wondering a few things:

How do you find your card draw? Do you ever feel short or cards?

You're playing life from the loam but none of the cycle lands? You'll see the cycle lands played in tasigur lists along with life from the loam. Do you find them to slow or not worth the resource

July 7, 2019 11:09 p.m.

Kilgohre says... #19

Oh. I see you're playing the new horizon lands.

July 8, 2019 10:31 a.m.

Spleenface says... #20


I feel short on cards in games where I can't stick Muldrotha, but apart from that, she gives more than enough to do.
I don't play the cycling lands because they don't really combo with Muldrotha, I don't want to use my Land Play to play a tapped land from the yard. The reason they go in Tasigur is because regular cantrips are less good because everyone will just give your them off of Tasigur activations.

The Land-Based card advantage really helps, often tutoring for Expedition Map (especially with Trinket Mage) lets you set up, first with Cavern, then for value lands like Coliseum or Strip Mine

July 8, 2019 12:18 p.m.

Icenhard says... #21


I didnt get you explanation towards karn, the great creator. What do you mean by buy back led or pieces combos?

Thank you!

July 19, 2019 12:12 p.m.

Spleenface says... #22

Icenhard Basically, before Karn TGC, if my LED was exiled, I couldn't combo, that was it. I had redundancy for Image in the form of Dance of Many and Animate Dead in the form Necromancy, so you would have to exile 2 of those to take me off the combo.

Now with Karn, I can get back an exiled LED, so in order to take me off my combo, you have to hit 2 cards, not just one.

July 24, 2019 11:27 p.m.

zenan says... #23

Would you be willing to outline your card advantage and why you chose them? even briefly would be sweet

July 28, 2019 2:53 a.m.

zenan says... #24

Also without something like sinister concoction do you just rely on seal and spellbomb for reusable creature removal? love the deck though! I wish I could afford LED

July 28, 2019 5:08 a.m.

MordMetal says... #25

Doesn't the Eternal Witness + Winds of Rebuke win condition have a possibility of decking us out too since we have no way to return cards to our deck?

July 30, 2019 3:25 p.m.

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