Make Tokens, Steal Life

Modern* MadMarbleHead


IronApparition says... #1

Viscera Seer is the best sac outlet in the format, I would take a look at him. Also the scry helps you find your combo pieces. Spectral Procession is another excellent token producer.

Plea for Guidance just seems...really bad. Maybe Diabolic Tutor as a budget option that lets you stay on curve a bit more? If you don't mind dropping a bit of more money Enlightened Tutor is probably what you want.

October 15, 2016 11:10 p.m.

MadMarbleHead says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions, I do have a playset of Diabolic Tutor on order. I might shift out Raise the Alarm, for Spectral Procession. Viscera Seer could replace Quest for the Gravelord and Always Watching .

October 16, 2016 1:45 p.m.

I'm not quite sure what the focus of the deck it, it's a little all over the place. You have some sacrifice, but you don't have an awful lot that takes advantage of it. If you're making tokens to sacrifice, then it seems counter intuitive with running Intangible Virtue. You're making your tokens powerful, but then sacrificing them. The deck would be so much stronger if you focused more on one thing, and really strengthen it.

Firstly, if you want sacrifice, then think about running Zulaport Cutthroat, not as good as ze ol Blood Artist of course, but as you can't run 8 Artists, the Cutthroat does okay lol. So, if you want to be sacrificing, then you want cards that can take advantage of it. Things such as Bloodsoaked Champion, Carrier Thrall, Bloodghast (if you've got some serious money to throw at it), even Vengevine (again, money... it's grimly expensive). Things like that. Or if you want a more zombie feel, Gravecrawler with Sultai Emissary and, Geralf's Messenger which I love.

For tokens you have Carrier Thrall... sort of... Here are some token themed cards to thinnk about (some better than others lol)

You can run Doomed Traveler which I love, Myr Sire which I don't love so much lol Hallowed Spiritkeeper is awesome if you're a little more creature heavy, but awesome anyway I think. I know I know, not enough owls, well, here you go :D Jtun Owl Keeper! Promise of Bunrei is great value and works well in a sac deck. Elgaud Inquisitor and Mausoleum Guard aren't all that good, but decent sac outlets, and make tokens of course. Or add a little cruelty to the deck with Seize the Soul, and Belfry Spirit.

IronApparition is right with Viscera Seer being a really sweet sac outlet, but there are others if you want something a little different. Bloodthrone Vampire lets you sac and she can get mighty big for potential novas! If you did go more vampire based Cliffhaven Vampire works well along the Artist and the Cutthroat. I'm also partial to a one of Vampiric Rites, not a free outlet, but it draws cards!

Not the best card, but I card I also love is Chalice of Life  Flip, win through life gain feels nice.

Anyway, that's probably enough for now lol, stuff to think about at least.

October 30, 2016 6:40 p.m.

Burila24 says... #4

i feel like your deck is one of the few that can use well Eliminate the Competition. Double the effect with Dictate. In conjunction with the steal life theme, Cliffhaven Vampire would do well on this deck.

November 11, 2016 1:47 p.m.

MadMarbleHead says... #5

Thanks for the feedback! Once I get a sideboard together, at least one or two copies of Eliminate the Competition will go in, and as far as Cliffhaven Vampire goes, it's too much mana for me to get out, this deck preferably plays multiple cards in a single turn, to keep the pressure up.

November 12, 2016 1:19 a.m.

Dredgar says... #6

Looks fun!

November 27, 2016 2:38 p.m.

MadMarbleHead says... #7

Glad to hear, I enjoy playing it, and am planning on upgrades to make it better in Modern.

November 27, 2016 4:51 p.m.

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