The most unfortunate thing about control decks is that you have to tweak your deck to your meta, and Divine Reckoning does nothing as my meta relies on one creature typically, a clean board wipe is more useful then one that leaves a creature (in my meta.)
If you enjoyed the deck at all leave an upvote, my quest to 50 has been long~
March 1, 2018 6:31 p.m.
Try out Three Dreams, Heliod's Pilgrim, and Plea for Guidance.
Cards like Leyline of Anticipation and As Foretold are good for their value, but not for your strategy. Try battle limiters, like Silent Arbiter or Static Orb to your opponents' suppress damage.
Are you a fan of extra turns? I am! Check out Time Warp, Medomai the Ageless, and Walk the Aeons. Hopefully some of these will help you out
April 11, 2018 6:51 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #4
Eldrazi Conscription. Why is there no Eldrazi Conscription? ;)
Beyond that, I've played against a good number of Bruna, Light of Alabaster decks, and the issue I usually see is that the deck just sits around looking sad if its commander is not on the field. Thus, smart opponents will keep her off the board if able (and it's a LOT of mana to cast her and hold up protection).
Have you considered Retether and Replenish to replicate her effects onto other creatures?
I also saw that your deck has some staxy elements - have you considered Rule of Law/Arcane Laboratory/Eidolon of Rhetoric effects? I find they're some of the strongest stax pieces (completely shut down many combo decks), and they don't affect you much.
In your counterspells, I'd cut Disallow for...any 2-mana counterspell, particularly Mana Drain if you have the money (and Arcane Denial, if you don't). Speaking of money, if you have some of it, I'd invest in strong mana rocks (Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, etc) - they're invaluable in a Voltron list.
To hit harder, there's not much better than Duelist's Heritage. I like it much better than Battle Mastery (sticks around when the creature dies, can use it to play politics, etc), though you probably should run both.
Other assorted good cards: Academy Rector, Spell Pierce, Mother of Runes
(Oh, and I'd cut Baird, Steward of Argive and Solemn Simulacrum. The first doesn't seem necessary - you're already running 3 better versions of the ability - and the latter is always one of my first cuts from my decks.)
My Voltron list is equipment-based, but you're still welcome to take a look at it in case it gives you some good ideas:
Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH | *PRIMER*
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 571 | 549 COMMENTS | 57413 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS
April 11, 2018 8:22 p.m. Edited.
Unfortunately I'm flat broke for the moment, but my birthday comes around (or I am able to save some money from my job) I'll invest in a Mana Drain, too good to deny myself it!
Duelist's Heritage is pretty good, I forgot about it when I was remaking the list
The deck is also made for a multiplayer environment, games that stretch on for a LONG time (usually at least an hour), so Spell Pierce would most likely not be able to counter any spell effectively, I'd rather just have a hard counter spell.
Eldrazi Conscription is so good, I always was questionable about its mana cost but I'm thinking its worth it
As for Disallow, this card's versatility and options it displays has saved me every time I draw it, whether it be stopping Sorin Markov from setting my life to 10, a heavy hitter from hitting the floor etc. etc.
Academy Rector is way to expensive now:(, someone I think did a buyout a few days before I was going to buy it (this was months ago) but now I just can't justify the purchase, same goes for the mana rocks, I don't have the money to afford them:(
As Foretold is game changing, that free spell every turn changes how games are played, the same with Leyline of Anticipation.
Too many tutors could be an issue as I'd run out of things to get lol, so I think I might only include Plea for Guidance and Heliod's Pilgrim
April 12, 2018 8:22 a.m.
I have a Rule of Law it certainly couldn't hurt to use it as my friends like to c-c-combo
April 12, 2018 8:23 a.m.
changes will be made when I get the chance, In school now
April 12, 2018 8:24 a.m.
I'm thinking of adding two or three extra creatures to target with Aura's should I need too, I'm thinking Graceblade Artisan (early game threat that can act as a catalyst for Bruna, and a card who's art I love so I might not be able to resist), Baneslayer Angel because it's an amazing card and one of my favorite, and Azor, the Lawbringer because he's a good threat and is a Sphinx's Revelation on a stick
April 12, 2018 12:27 p.m.
That or Mirran Crusader because I have one and its excellent
April 12, 2018 12:28 p.m.
Might want to consider using Unquestioned Authority instead of or in addition to your Spirit Mantle, so you get a cantrip effect in addition to the protection from creatures effect.
You might also want to consider adding in a couple more mana sources, whether those be lands or artifacts, as 6 mana can take a while to reach, let alone enough mana to both cast it and protect it same turn, and then you're in trouble if your commander somehow dies. Perhaps Azorius Cluestone or Azorius Keyrune, so they won't be a dead card if you find you have plenty of mana.
April 25, 2018 2:39 a.m.
casual_competitive says... #11
ahhh i remember always playing voltron decks, fun times.
ZendikariWol says... #1
Is Fate Foretold a little slow? It seems a little slow. Still, you forgot the best voltron boar wipe of all time: Divine Reckoning.
March 1, 2018 2:29 p.m.