Just needed to post this, it is as much fun to play as it looks, i get to 7-8 lands, you lose hehe
Ill work on the description in a few days if people seem to like it
I added 2x Izzet Charm for 1x Farseek and 1x Scapeshift, Izzet Charm, every option on this card is useful to us, and the draw gives us more potential to to draw a Scapeshift or Farseek anyways
----Tinkering with my sideboard----
With the new addition of Bring to Light to Scapeshift we need to rethink our game plan. Why add Bring to Light you may ask, well not only is it like having 8 Scapeshifts in our deck, it also gives us lots of versatility in the way that we can deal with threats. so what is the goal of Scapeshift, it is a very single minded strategy in which our only goal is to Scapeshift with 7-8 mana so we can play 6 mountains with our 1-2 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and win. Simple enough, so then what just ruins our game plan, well anything that screws with mana bases (ie. Blood Moon), kills mana (which is more a nuisance), or just kills us faster than we can assemble our 7 mana.
Main 60:
Combo: Self explanatory why these cards are here
Ramp: How we are going to get all our mana, and more importantly all our colors
Farseek this card is amazing here as we can pull shock lands with it though they still enter tapped
Search for Tomorrow Bread and butter spell for ramp in Scapeshift
Sakura-Tribe Elder very very good, but the former two are better in comparison, can block a threat though
Counter Magic: Main goal is just to stall long enough to pull off your 1 card combo
Cryptic Command Ramp just makes this card that much stronger
Remand the bread and butter of stalling, plus it nets us a card which can be huge late game when you need that 1 last mana to win
Spell Snare the best last option to main board, solid against most strategies.
Protection: Counter magic isnt everything and you need to crush anything that threatens your way of life
Abrupt Decay seeing as we splashed black, we can take some of the most overpowered destroy spells in the game, makes Blood Moon my @#*$
Maelstrom Pulse Speaking of, this is your catch all, works great in a pinch with Bring to Light
Lightning Bolt deals with small stuff and can lower your opponent to 17 life for the 7 mana kill shot
Anger of the Gods a great sweeper that is easy to cast and can be easily cast by Bring to Light, Damnation doesn't work here as double black is too much of a stretch on our mana base
Side Boarding: Our biggest weakness is Discard, Burn, Affinity
Abrupt Decay Jund, Junk, Zoo, Merfolk, Twin Exarch. any deck running lots of 2-3 mana creatures, BloodMoon effects
Chalice of the Void Discard, Burn, Affinity, Living End. Anything playing lots of 1 drops
Dispel Grixis Control, UWx Midrange, UW Control, Scapeshift, Ad Nauseam. Control, Combo
Harmonize Gives us more draw against control instead of Anger of the Gods
Orbs of Warding Discard, Burn
Rakdos Charm
Living End, Gift Control, Snapcaster Mage. Also a better Lightning Bolt against affinity as we have lots of ramp to support it
Slaughter Games
Catch all, Combo
Spell Pierce
Grixis Control, UWx Midrange, UW Control, Scapeshift, Ad Nauseam. Control, Combo. When Spell Snare is bad and Abrupt Decay, Terminate are not the answer
Spellskite Twin Exarch, Infect, Burn.
Terminate Jund, Junk, Zoo, Merfolk, Twin Exarch, Tasigur, the Golden Fang. A better Abrupt Decay for creatures only