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malcolm/kediss treasure combo

Commander / EDH* UR (Izzet)


heyo i made this Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator and Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar deck because i really like the idea of a cheap pair of commanders and because i really wanted to try out parters. i chose malcolm and kediss because of their amazing synergy in that when both are in play and you hit any opponent with malcolm, kediss will trigger and malcolm will give you a treasure per opponent.

There are three main parts to this deck: pingers, type changers, and curiosity effects.

Since for some reason wizards decided that malcolm did not need to trigger specifically from combat damage, pingers like Lightning-Rig Crew work especially well with him, as they will give three treasures per activation. we run a suite of some of the best pingers in the deck for instant and sorcery cast triggers, however many of these are not pirates by themselves. This is where the type change effects come in.

We run a suite of type changing effects to work with our non-pirate pingers and grant us the ability to make an absurd amount of treasures to overwhelm our opponents or cast whatever we want. Some notable includes are Maskwood Nexus to work with Magda, Brazen Outlaw, Unnatural Selection and Arcane Adaptation are tutorable with our transmute cards, and the rest are pretty self-explanatory. After setting up our pingers and turning them into pirates, we need a way to ensure we can always use the mountain of treasures we produce. Enter curiosity suite..

Our curiosity suite consists of all of the Curiosity-type effects that we can run, including Ophidian Eye and Tandem Lookout. to help find them we run tutors like Dizzy Spell, Drift of Phantasms, and even Gamble. these cards combined with our now-pirate-pingers and large amount of instants and sorceries allow us to quite easily draw through our entire deck to find our wincons. speaking of which..

WINCONS: this deck has two main wincons: Glint-Horn Buccaneer and Reckless Fireweaver.

-glinty is a two card combo with malcolm which essentially goes like: attack with glint-horn, activate his ability for two mana and discard a card, glint horn will deal 1 damage to each opponent making three treasures, activate again...

-reckless fireweaver is a three card combo as it needs to be a pirate before being able to combo with malcolm. after making it a pirate, we just need reckless to trigger once, and then it will make three treasures, triggering itself, and will continue until the table is dead.

-another notable combo is Niv-Mizzet, Parun and Curiosity. this will draw through as much of your deck as you want, and if niv is a pirate, will make that many treasures. this will likely be enough to kill one opponent outright and find reckless fireweaver to kill the rest.

overall, the deck is very powerful and really easy to make a on a budget as there are budget alternatives to a lot of these cards that malcolm can enable simply by generating enough mana. it's super fun to play, and super cool to show off what a pair of "meh" looking commanders are capable of. of course any card suggestions are appreciated, enjoy!


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100% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

31 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Elemental 4/4 UR, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Treasure
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