Mana Bomb (Competitive Green Devotion)

Standard* Byronyk


Complexbullet says... #1

Hate to say it but, Kalonian Hydra is not standard anymore, I miss that card :(.... Maybe replace it with Hydra Broodmaster or Heroes' Bane, if it's hydras you fancy?

February 9, 2015 8:35 p.m.

Byronyk says... #2

@Complexbullet I'm open to more cards than just Hydra's as long as my deck theme is mostly hydra xD Arbor Colossus seems like a good choice for swapping two 5 mana fatties, but I'm unsure.

February 9, 2015 9:26 p.m.

pidgeon says... #3

Looks good. I run almost exact same thing. I have 3 genesis hydra and 1 hornet queen. This allows me to find what I need faster. There is also an 8/8 trample for 3GGG that's can't be countered, I forget the name but it works well here.. +1

February 17, 2015 7:51 p.m.

Byronyk says... #4

pidgeon - I'm guessing you mean Terra Stomper. He's a big one for sure. I'd probably pick Mistcutter Hydra over him though (in my side board) since it has haste and protection blue (though haste is the real reason).

I might switch up my Hornet Queen and Genesis Hydra count as you said. My only caution would be that the current meta is running a lot of phoenix's, dragons, etc. Besides going into my sideboard, my deck can't handle flying creatures without Polukranos's monstrosity or Ugin's +1/-X.

Thanks for the +1!

February 17, 2015 8:14 p.m.

vanmem says... #5

i don't think the fetch lands are a really that good in this set up.

February 17, 2015 9:44 p.m.

Byronyk says... #6

vanmem - Can you go into detail why? As the description says, I'm new so any advice is appreciated. The main idea I had was that the fetches would thin my deck giving me access to critical cards quicker. On top of that, having 1 or 2 Courser of Kruphix in play is very common. That means that I either net 0 health from the fetches or +3 with 2 coursers out (The last game I played I had 3 coursers out which was absurd). Likewise, running Nylea's Disciple makes sure I get a boost when needed.

February 17, 2015 10:10 p.m.

Drevin says... #7

Fetch lands are awesome with Courser. It's not about life gain or thinning, it's all about card selection. Played you land for the turn and see a card you don't want on top, shuffle it away and get a new one. Keep the fetches. What you really need here is more lands. 21 lands, even with all that ramp, is just not enough to be casting the spells you want for how much you are casting them for. 24-25 would get you where you want to go. Another big change I'd suggest is the full 4 of Genesis Hydra. He is the engine that makes the whole thing tick. There is almost never a turn you don't want to pump most of your mana in him just because he is more value than any other spell you can play. Would you rather have an Ugin or an Ugin and a 8/8 Hydra? Gene goes to work for you all day and that lets you run less copies of other things because Gene can find them for you. I'd drop the Nylea's Disciple down to 1 copy in the main and put the other 3 in the board. I think you can drop the Whisperwood Elementals as well. They are nice but they are really only helpful against control match-ups. That screams sideboard card at best, but Nissa, Ugin and Gene are usually more than enough for control matches so I might just leave them at home completely.

February 17, 2015 11:49 p.m.

skarcrow17 says... #8

i think the fetches are great in according with the courser, so long as you know how to time them. allows a dif card with the top reveiled so if you dont like the card just shuffle. all in all its pretty good. i would drop a ugin, for another nylea, simply because it destroys a mana curve for the amount of high cast creatures that you have. just a thought dont know how it would work in play testing

February 17, 2015 11:49 p.m.

Anomadaris says... #9

I tend to think you're running too much mana acceleration and not enough threats. I'd drop to 3 or 4 of the Elvish Mystics, 3 or 4 of the Voyaging Satyrs and drop the Sylvan Caryatids entirely - you're not running other colours and they're taking up space that you could be using for threats. You'll have ample acceleration with the Frontier Sieges so even running 6 mana dorks is probably excessive. Your land base is about the right number and you'll get an upshot with the Courser of Kruphix certainly but 8 fetch lands is excessive, I'd run four max. I'd put at least 1 or 2 of the Nylea's Disciples in the sideboard and bring it out against aggro, otherwise you could be using the space with something bigger. Alternative threats you may want to consider are Terra Stomper (3 green to increase your devotion), Reverent Hunter is also useful but not that great in a vacuum, Hydra Broodmaster is a useful mana dump, Temur Sabertooth is a worthwhile threat while being of good use for defense, it also pumps devotion, Sandsteppe Mastodon is also useful in this sense. Other cards you might consider as 2-ofs are Abzan Beastmaster, Eidolon of Blossoms or Shamanic Revelation

February 18, 2015 3:25 a.m.

Anomadaris says... #10

Another good addition would be a few Chord of Calling

February 18, 2015 3:26 a.m.

Byronyk says... #11

Anomadaris - The problem with dropping those mana dorks is that it slows the deck down far too much. I dropped one voyaging satyr and so far in playtest it feels fluid.

Ive added Nylea's Disciple to the sideboard since as you say, for aggro it helps quiet a bit. Of the mana dumps you listed, I'd really only consider Temur Sabertooth to bounce my cards to avoid removal or take advantage of cards like hornet queen.

Thanks for the suggestions!

February 19, 2015 4:08 p.m.

vrajan says... #12

I actually run a very similar deck, the main differences are that i only run caryatids for extra mana.

Other than that it seems very similar, u can check out my deck if you click on my profile.

February 19, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Byronyk says... #13

vrajan I like using Voyaging Satyr because of Nykthos abuse. I'm curious though how your deck has fared with so few mana dorks. Even with my deck, I've had the rare occasion where I don't draw into one. I would assume you just survive till you drop down a Courser or something, but I feel like that would play a bit too slow for my tastes.

I'll look more over your deck, thanks!

February 19, 2015 4:53 p.m.

tisueboxcandy says... #14

Haven't seen mono-anything but red in a while now, congrats.

Noticed how it sorta ran out of steam against a pretty counter heavy deck --I think running out of gas has been a thing with mono colored decks.

I'd -1 Whisperwood and -1 Queen for +2 Mistcutter Hydra from your sideboard. I see what you're doing with the triple green + Nykthos but three of her is overkill and the Elemental is sorta the odd man out in this deck, you're not really relying on creature advantage all to badly. You can replace the Hydras with those two you'd cut back in the sideboard if you want.

February 19, 2015 5:10 p.m.

Byronyk says... #15

@tisueboxcandy - I really like that idea. My general thought was to keep mistcutter in the sideboard for when I faced control decks. Here's the issue though. From what I've seen, a large portion of the standard meta is running around with phoenix's, stormbreath dragons, and so forth. Hornet queen is such an amazing card by itself, but with those match ups even more so.

As for the whisperwood, I could sub him out. He's basically there to protect against board clear and provide 2 devotion, but honestly with just one in the deck it's not that reliable.

February 19, 2015 5:26 p.m.

Warmonger says... #16

Have you considered using Nessian Game Warden along with the Genesis Hydra. The two really allow for some deep digging into your library. Plus it's not a small body either.

February 20, 2015 12:58 a.m.

Est19XX says... #17

February 20, 2015 1:31 a.m.

leraanvistaan says... #18

If your looking for an insane mana ramp, go for Whisperer of the Wilds. with all the massive creatures you have, by turn 3-5, you could have 5+ mana. then you drop Sylvan Caryatid. you increase your mono-mana by either 1 or 2.Otherwise not bad

February 20, 2015 3:41 a.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #19

I'd suggest Karametra's Acolyte and Hydra Broodmaster! Getting a bunch of 20/20 hydras on turn 6 is very, very viable in this deck.I like having Hydra Broodmasters as a win con because you can't use targeted removal such as Hero's Downfall to stabilise against an army of baby hydra tokens.

February 20, 2015 7:38 a.m.

Byronyk says... #20

@Warmonger - I've considered Nessian Game Warden and actually had it in my original iteration of mono-green. It's a pretty great card, but I'm not sure if it fits the mana curve as my deck stands.

@leraanvistaan - I'm really interested in Whisperer. I would most certainly sub out sylvan caryatid for it, but I'm cautious. Sylvan is stronger and has hexproof which makes it very difficult to deal with early game. On the other hand, Whisperer has higher mana generation. I'll do some testing.

@GODDAMNIT - I've spent some time considering Broodmaster, but I'm not sure what I'd replace it with. The most appropriate replacement would be the mistcutters, but I like them for being uncounterable and with haste. Another replacement choice could be Arbor Colossus, but with how many decks in the meta are running phoenix's, stormbreath dragons, and mantis riders, that seems like a poor choice. Any suggestions?

Thanks guys for the solid suggestions! I'll be finalizing this deck today or tomorrow and buying all the singles. Looking forward to it :D

February 20, 2015 9:47 a.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #21


I'm not a fan of the Genesis Hydras, I'd cut those for 3 - 4 Hydra Broodmasters and maybe 1 more Voyaging Satyr.You can get a 7/7 with 6 mana (which is already a big deal) then pump it up later when you have a lot of mana to spare.

Both die to removal anyway, but getting Broodmaster out earlier isn't a bad thing, because you have an opportunity to make it bigger.

But by doing this, you might have to mainboard Shamanic Revelation for card draw, and I'm not sure what you think of that!

You can also look at Lifeblood Hydra for card draw. You shouldn't put all your mana into it (maybe around 6 mana), or else you'll mill yourself and draw 20 cards at once. It's a good card that you can play when you don't want to make 20/20 Hydras yet.

I'd rather have card draw than the creature from Genesis Hydra (imagine getting a bunch of Genesis Hydras), but that's just my opinion. I haven't looked at the cost yet either, so feel free to stick to your deck list!

February 20, 2015 10:39 a.m.

Byronyk says... #22

@GODDAMNIT - I'm a pretty big fan of Genesis Hydra because it's just too good. Pumping it to 8+ and pulling Ugin from it is just too satisfying. Broodmaster is very good, but I don't think as good as Genesis.

As for Lifeblood Hydra, I don't think that's standard legal. That card is damn amazing though....

February 20, 2015 10:51 a.m.

Add another Nylea, God of the Hunt!!!

February 20, 2015 4:02 p.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #24

@ Byronyk

I think you should put in one Broodmaster though, it's basically a win con when you trigger its monstrous. If you plan on putting your mana into Genesis Hydras, then you can replace 1x Polukranos, World Eater with 1x Hydra Broodmaster.

Oh, and putting in card draw, like 1x Shamanic Revelation into the mainboard is a good idea. I would take out 1x Hornet Queen for 1x Shamanic Revelation or 1 more Nylea, God of the Hunt.

February 20, 2015 8:32 p.m.

Byronyk says... #25

I'm thinking about mainboarding +3Temur Sabertooth by removing -2 Nessian Game Warden and -1Arbor Colossus. While NGW gives me more draw potential, I feel underwhelmed as my deck typically generates mana from devotion and not pure forests. By using Temur Sabertooth, I can:

Avoid targeted removal

Bounce creatures like Polukranos, World Eater and Hornet Queen, for added affects

Have access to devotion earlier.

Give Temur Sabertooth indestructible by bouncing a cheap minions

The downside here is that I would be losing Nessian Game Warden as a powerful beatstick/defender (as well as card advantage I discussed earlier).

What do you think?

February 23, 2015 8:28 p.m.

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