Mana Bomb (Competitive Green Devotion)

Standard* Byronyk


leraanvistaan says... #1

If you like the card bounce Idea, I find that See the Unwritten works much better in a big monster deck. Yes it is more mana that Nessian Game Warden but if you do use Whisperer of the Wilds it won't be a problem. Plus you can put ANY creature down, no matter what it's size is.

February 24, 2015 2:05 a.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #2

@leraanvistaanThe six mana that goes into See the Unwritten would rather be used on an Arbor Colossus or a Genesis Hydra (which would allow you to put a permanent onto the battlefield anyway). Genesis Hydra can also get things other than creatures, like a Nissa, Worldwaker or a really needed Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Nessian Game Warden will draw you a card anyway, plus you can play it earlier and it gives you a 4/5, and 2 devotion. See the Unwritten is subpar and should not be used.

Whisperer of the Wilds is okay though, but it only gets better after you play a large creature, so if you're running Whisperer you need creatures that are big and can get bigger through Monstrous (Hydra Broodmaster, Polukranos, World Eater, Arbor Colossus) instead of creatures that need X mana or aren't huge (like Genesis Hydra, Hornet Queen)

Seeing that he's using Genesis Hydra as his win-con, you'd rather run other cards such as Sylvan Caryatid over Whisperer of the Wilds (because hexproof and +1 toughness).

February 24, 2015 3:01 a.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #3

@ Byronyk

Using 6 mana to bounce these creatures is quite a waste though. You shouldn't rely on bounce to further your board position, Nessian Game Warden and Shamanic Revelation work better.

February 24, 2015 3:05 a.m.

Yo dawg, I herd you like Arbor Colossus. Only 4 are allowed in the 75 though! Also, you cannot grab lands with G-Hydra, so forget about snagging that Nykthos.

Anyway, Temur Sabertooth is far greater than Game Warden or Revelation. Take it from a very seasoned mono-green player in Standard. I have literally tried every viable option in a mono-green shell, as that's what I always play in Standard. Sabertooth is a fuckin monster who can create so many combat tricks it's ridiculous. Imagine continually bouncing Nylea's Disciple and Genesis Hydra every turn. Just sit back and ponder that for a moment. He can also nullify bad effects such as Outpost Siege's ability to ping you, by bouncing blockers before combat damage. Yes, that has come in handy more than once. The possibilities with Sabertooth are all but endless. The only problem becomes clogging up the 4-drop spot. But he's really a 6-drop anyway because you want mana open for his ability. I will say though, that Hydra Broodmaster is also a stud, and has won me countless games. Monstrous for X=4+ on that dude and you're golden, which is very easy to do. Problem is, what to take out for him? There are so many options for green devotion it's crazy, and so many of them are so good in their own right. The balancing act is finding what cards synergize with each other, and are not just good on their own. If you plan on adding Sabertooth, keep all the Queens, maybe add Disciple to the main, and if you really want some gg card draw, just run Eidolon of Blossoms. Trust me, people will try to kill it immediately, which leaves them defenseless against the later game hogs. Check my page for a plethora of green devotion lists (some with other colors splashed), all of which are constantly evolving and adapting to my meta. I think you'll find some good ideas there. Best of luck! +1

February 24, 2015 2:25 p.m.

Byronyk says... #5

@CrovaxTheCursed - Huh, I thought I fixed the SB for -1 arbor awhile ago (Thanks!) I looked over your "Oh My!" deck and it's pretty sweet! The only thing I'm skeptical about is the exclusion of Voyaging Satyr. In terms of pump, that card is nuts when combined with Nykthos.

In any case, your deck has given me a lot to think about. I'll put some thought into it..

February 24, 2015 2:44 p.m.

Warden of the First Tree could be cool with all that devotion mana.

February 24, 2015 2:59 p.m.

Ah crap it takes white or black mana nvm

February 24, 2015 3:01 p.m.

Byronyk says... #8

WonderingSage - Haha, I was going to say! That card would literally break this deck (in a good way) if I had access to it.

February 24, 2015 3:29 p.m.

Est19XX says... #9

February 24, 2015 6 p.m.

Byronyk says... #10

@jayjp86 That's not standard legal. It's too bad, I could use a creature to fill that curve.

February 24, 2015 9:23 p.m.

GODDAMNIT says... #11

Hydra Broodmaster is a six-drop :>

February 25, 2015 5:40 a.m.

Dadouuxx says... #12

Hi guys!

I like this kind of deck and i actually play almost the same since Theros was released. I fall in love with the Bow of Nylea + Nylea, God of the Hunt combo (and combo well with Polukranos, World Eater btw).

I actually don't really like the Frontier Siege because you usually need burst of mana for big Genesis Hydra or montruosity. Two mana each main phase is good but not as strong as getting some other usefull cards like Chord of Callingor even Setessan Tactics to clean the board. Also with fetches in standard i actually start splash red in my deck for Xenagos, the Reveler (mana + bud always usefull for us) and Crater's Claws i have to say that it's more frightening that you think because people don't wanna take a 22 fire ball in the ass. And i already kill some guys at FNM with just the crater's claw for 20+. You also should consider Whisperwood Elemental as it can save your ass against controls decks. As it's on the board they can't counter your manifest creatures and have to deal with 2/2 each turns. Also if they clean the board, sac him and manifest as hell! I use to remove my Genesis Hydra when it come in because you can't flip them :(


Check my version of the monogreen devotion :

Sorry, you just got trampled.

February 25, 2015 11:49 a.m.

Byronyk says... #13

@GODDAMNIT - Haha, keep on pushing that Broodmaster. It's a great card, but I feel like it's just a 'win-more' card. I'd rather take a Scuttling Doom Engine to deal with token decks (and that 6 damage!).

@Dadouuxx - I run Setessan Tactics in my sideboard, but feel with Genesis Hydra and Nessian Game Warden, I don't really need Chord of Calling.

That being said, the next deck I build will probably be a R/G or G/R deck with Xenagos, Crater's Claws, and Whisperwood at the forefront. As it stands, this deck is trying to maintain the mono-green theme. If you have a suggestion in recommending a G/R deck with those cards in mind, feel free to drop it and I'll check it out!

February 25, 2015 3:41 p.m.

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