Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!
Commander / EDH
Rzepkanut good idea, I'm not sure what I'd cut for it though.
August 25, 2018 7:46 p.m.
+1 for the theme and to not include any infinite combo.
September 5, 2018 4:40 a.m.
Since your life is growing at an increased rate due to landfall, an Eternity Vessel would be a good addition.
September 28, 2018 2:19 a.m.
You can't have enough lands! +1 from me. I have some suggestion that may fit into your deck
- Blighted Woodland the colorless aman hurts, but it comes into play untap and nets you two carddraws.
- Baloth Woodcrasher with enough landfall triggers a real beast
- Deep Reconnaissance don't know if it is good enough for the deck but I think it is definitly better than Search for Tomorrow in your maybe board
- Nissa's Renewal maybe to high on the manacurve bit 3 cards, 3 lands and 7 life for six mana is good.
- Khalni Heart Expedition I like it a lot in my landfall deck.
- Sword of the Animist most of your creature don't want to attack, so maybe not that good here.
September 28, 2018 2:30 a.m.
Yume72, Vessel does synergize with Aetherflux Reservoir, but it's also pricey at 6 mana and there isn't anything worth cutting to justify running the card.
xram666, Blighted Woodland actually seems decent with the untap clause, again I don't think there's anything worth cutting though.
Baloth Woodcrasher is just a big dumb beater that can still get removed easily. I have much better landfall cards in the deck already and I'd rather use Rampaging Baloths.
I have Search for Tomorrow in my maybe because I can suspend it for 1 early on if I need to which is a potential turn 1 play. Being able to cast my ramp spells early on is very important to me because I want to be able to get my commander out ASAP, which is why I don't run Nissa's Renewal either.
Khalni Heart Expedition is too slow for me.
The problem with all of the suggestions from both of you is that you don't also give me ideas of what you'd cut for these cards, and I don't think they're better than anything I'm currently playing with unless yall can give me further explanation.
September 30, 2018 3:39 a.m.
You make a good point. I guess if I pulled something off of your deck to make room for it, I would most likely pull Glacial Chasm. It seems to be a wasted land in a speed-based deck, due to its inability to produce mana. It is great defense, but so is Eternity Vessel. And with all of your land fetch cards, you won't hurt for land in hand. I also wouldn't rule out KHE (above) because even though it is slower, the landfall it gives can make up for it. Not sure what to cut for it though. All in all, the deck looks good.
September 30, 2018 3:59 a.m.
Yume72 Glacial Chasm is actually a recent addition I made as a way to protect myself from being ganged up on or attacked before I can establish a board presence (I made this change after a game where my commander was stolen and I was triple teamed). I previously had Maze of Ith in the slot.
The reasons why Chasm seems better to me compared to Vessel are the fact that I can tutor it (I don't have artifact tutoring in this deck), I can copy it with Thespian's Stage if I need to dodge removal or the upkeep cost, and also because lands are generally harder to remove than artifacts. Lastly, I can still die with vessel on board if my opponents have more power on board than I have life since it doesn't prevent any damage to me whatsoever. Like I said, the only thing Vessel has going for it is the synergy with Aetherflux Reservoir.
September 30, 2018 3:53 p.m. Edited.
chickenekcihc says... #10
Maybe some hydras would be good cuz of how much ramp?
October 14, 2018 1:28 p.m.
chickenekcihc What would a hydra do besides be a big dumb beater? What hydras would even be worth running?
October 16, 2018 1:23 a.m.
chickenekcihc Again, this guy is just a 6 mana dumb beater that's easily removed. That doesn't help me too much here, and he's not better than any of the cards in my list.
October 17, 2018 12:06 a.m.
SufferFromEDHD says... #15
Scorched Ruins and Lotus Vale the drawback is countered by Crucible and Ramunap Excavator.
Deserted Temple is great alongside Cradle and the other lands I just suggested.
Academy Ruins to protect your few artifacts and Yavimaya Hollow to protect your creatures.
Tolaria West would already be useful but becomes ridiculous alongside Life from the Loam.
Trade Routes might be strong here.
Arcane Denial over Deprive in a lands list?
October 17, 2018 11:07 p.m.
SufferFromEDHD wow, these are all solid suggestions. I'll definitely try to acquire a Lotus vale and Tolaria West soon. I don't run Ruins because I don't particularly care about losing my artifacts (even Aetherflux; I have other win conditions in the deck)
I had Trade Routes in an earlier version of the list but I ended up cutting it because I rarely ever found myself using it and I wished it was another ramp spell every time it was in my hand.
Deprive is in my maybe, but I'm mostly iffy on running it because of the UU cost (it's actually kind of hard to get UU early in the game despite my mana fixing). If I did I'd possibly replace counterspell instead of the Arcane denial. It also doesn't help that I don't already have a copy of it.
October 18, 2018 3:38 a.m.
Nice Tatyova deck, kudos on keeping out combos. I have a few cards that may or may not interest you...
Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar- it's more than just a dumb beater, I love that its ability to recur itself can fuel additional land drops, and it counts lands in your graveyard as well in play. Flying looks like a real weakness of this deck too. Multani looks like a higher impact card than say psychosis crawler.
Alchemist's Refuge - vedalken orrey effect on a land, a great way to suprise opponents and give threats psuedo-haste. I'm unsure which land would go for it however. Yavimaya's coast maybe? Tough call.
Sylvan Awakening- the indestructible bit sells it for me. With a lot of lands and an overrun effect(from say Garruk or Craterhoof), this card can win games. The card to swap for is trickier. Perhaps brainstorm? Feels kind of like a waste in a deck with all this draw power. Ponder and Preordain are better imo, brainstorm feels like a safe cut.
Titania, Protector of Argoth- on the pricier side, but this looks well suited for this deck. Lots of land-graveyard interaction here. If Multani doesn't work for you, maybe this for psychosis crawler.
Reality Shift - a pet favorite card of mine, I don't know why this card doesn't get more love. Path to exile for non-white decks, there is no other card in simic's bag of tricks that does this. The manifest effect can quite often act as a 2-for-1 too, keeping all sorts of cards stuck on the field as a 2/2. The card to swap? Counterspell looks fairly uncompelling, at least compared to the other counters in the deck.
Hope this was helpful, and not too too wordy ;)
December 4, 2018 8:43 p.m.
redace10 I actually do like your suggestion for Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar. Originally, I left it out because it was 6cmc, but now that you've presented your argument for him, I do want to try testing him in place of Psychosis Crawler.
Alchemist's Refuge basically just makes anything I would want to cast an extra 3cmc (I do have to tap Refuge for the ability), which I often don't have. Plus, it's another colorless source and I do need to watch how many colorless sources I run in here. I certainly don't want to swap out a dual color fixing land for it.
Sylvan Awakening seems cool but I'd rather run Rude Awakening because of the untap clause and hold a counter for any potential mass removal. I also don't think Brainstorm is the right cut here. It's very useful in the early game when I'm trying to set up my engine, or later in the game if my draw engine gets crippled. If I didn't run as many shuffle effects as I do I would agree with you, but as it sits the hand sculpting power is great here.
I can get a land cycling engine going but most of the time I don't have lands hitting my graveyard often enough to justify Titania, Protector of Argoth. I'd rather run Multani instead.
I'd also run something like Beast Within over Reality shift because I can hit artifacts, enchantments, lands, and planeswalkers with it. I'd personally rather have the versatility over the exile clause. If I did switch out Counterspell for something though, it would be a Mana Drain.
December 4, 2018 10:22 p.m.
fuster I brought up reality shift only because this deck has no answer for an indestructible creature. If you don't have a counter for it, cyc rift and turnabout are the only cards that interact, and those aren't truly answers, those just stall for a turn. Just food for thought.
December 5, 2018 9:47 a.m.
redace10, I wonder what indestructible creatures I'd truly care about with this deck to be honest. The scariest one that's commonly played is Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and I usually am fine with ignoring it if I don't have a counter for him. Most times, I can just not care about such creatures and just win the game with Hoof or Aetherflux. Worst case scenario I can just stall out until I win with cards like Constant Mists or Glacial Chasm.
December 5, 2018 9:29 p.m. Edited.
Rude Awakening is a pretty nice kill con in decks like this. Especially when paired with Craterhoof Behemoth or Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
December 13, 2018 2:31 a.m.
Hey, big fan of casual decks that benefit from drawing that dreaded land in a grindy matchup. +1 for inspiritaion!
Obviously, I'd throw in as many "play an additional land" cards as possible.
December 13, 2018 3:36 p.m. Edited.
Dankey Yeah, I have all of the good cards that let you get extra land drops in here minus Fastbond bc it's banned. It lends itself to some pretty insane storm-like turns when you have Aetherflux and a bunch of cheap spells that let you dig more.
December 22, 2018 3:48 a.m.
What do you think of Mana Vortex, Words of Wind, and Mana Breach? They're definitely asymmetrical in this sort of list while leaning towards being able to compete against faster combo decks.
December 22, 2018 5:15 p.m.
Dankey Mana Vortex is a bit steep for me and I only have 3 ways of getting lands back from the graveyard. The deck would have to be retuned and kind of built around Vortex a bit and I don't think it's just worth it.
It would be way too easy for my opponents to abuse Words of Wind with their own ETB effects. Plus I don't like that the replacement effect eats up a mana every time.
I generally don't get enough extra land effects on board (despite how many I run) to justify a Mana Breach.
Rzepkanut says... #1
Abundance makes sure you get maximum value from Tatyova, and its like cheating if you have Azusa out too.
August 24, 2018 10:11 p.m.