Commander / EDH* switch


chilbi says... #1

Really like the approach here, +1 from me! Ever thought of Tainted AEther to replace Lethal Vapors?

December 3, 2013 3:46 p.m.

valendras says... #2

Sol Ring bro....every EDH deck needs Sol Ring and Sensei's Divining Top . Also, if you want to draw cards, play Kami of the Crescent Moon Howling Mine Staff of Nin . And since you're Esper, Sphinx's Revelation

December 5, 2013 12:28 p.m.

senken12 says... #3

Teferi's Puzzle Box and Notion Thief . They put their whole hand at bottom, draw 1 card, and you draw the rest!

February 9, 2014 6:21 a.m.

senken12 says... #4

February 9, 2014 6:28 a.m.

switch says... #5

i don't think you read the description , i usually play this deck 1v1 thanks for your suggestions, anyway the cards you suggested me would be a better fit in a Nekusar, the Mindrazer

February 11, 2014 8:26 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #6

Why are you not running Necropotence , Mystic Remora or Rhystic Study ?

February 21, 2014 6:02 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #7

The problem here is that an awful lot of decks in French contain Aven Mindcensor and other nasty cards.

Also - I know it's surprising but I don't think this is fast enough. Whilst it does follow a rough shell shared by other decks (control outline with combo win condition), it doesn't share any way to accelerate the combo. For example, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV is one of the most popular generals in these kinds of colours simply because he accelerates every spell in the game. You don't have that kind of power.

February 21, 2014 6:05 a.m.

switch says... #8

Interesting thoughts you bring to meChiefBell i'll check the french banlist about Necropotence that i will gadly add;

considering Mystic Remora (never tried) , Rhystic Study (used to be here) i need to draw instantaneously and resiliently, i often play against heavy creature builds and those cards could be a gambit if not in a multiplayer set

About the fastness (hahaha sry i'm french) of course you are right but sometimes you just don't wanna play green But playing this deck don't make me fear of cards such as Aven Mindcensor i usually have great control over the board if i don't counter/discard my opponent hand

February 21, 2014 7:10 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #9

I apologise. Necropotence is banned in French.

February 21, 2014 7:53 a.m.

Your list is pretty good.

Right now, you lose to Sadistic Sacrament, or even Jester Cap or a well placed Castigate. You should run Pull From Eternity, and at least 1 alternate win condition. Maybe Magister Sphinx.

You should run Pact of Negation, it's so useful for this deck. What's the point of Zur's Weirding here?

Future Sight costs too much, and triple blue, so I'd cut it. Check out my list if you are curious:

Here are some more Doomsday piles you might not be aware of:

Quick Win 1 Gitaxian Probe 2 Predict 3 LabMan 4 Unearth 5 Street Wraith Requires: 1UB + 4 Life. Generally risky without counter magic or Silence in hand.With Protection (Reanimate) 1 Abeyance 2 Predict 3 Laboratory Maniac 4 Unearth 5 Street Wraith Requires: 2WUB and 2 life. If you have a cantrip with a converted mana cost of 1 in your hand, you can substitute Abeyance with Silence.With Laboratory Maniac in Hand (Reanimate) Frantic Search Gitaxian Probe Street Wraith Unearth Peek Requires: 1UB, 4 life, and 2 Extra cards. The low CMC cost here makes it easy to keep mana open for counterspells.With Laboratory Maniac in Hand (No Graveyard & Double Protection) Ideas Unbound Street Wraith Pact of Negation Gitaxian Probe Dispel Requires: 2UUU and 4 life.No Graveyard & Protection 1 Gitaxian Probe 2 Ideas Unbound 3 Laboratory Maniac 4 Pact of Negation 5 Street Wraith Requires: 2UUU and 4 life.With Phyrexian Arena/Dark Tutelage in play (Reanimate & Protection) 1 Silence 2 Predict 3 Laboratory Maniac 4 Unearth 5 Street Wraith Requires: 1WUB and 2 life.With Phyrexian Arena/Dark Tutelage in play (Reanimate + Counter) 1 Pact of Negation 2 Predict 3 Laboratory Maniac 4 Unearth 5 Street Wraith Requires: 1UB and 2 life.With Phyrexian Arena/Dark Tutelage in play (No Graveyard & Protection) 1 Gitaxian Probe 2 Careful Study 3 Laboratory Maniac 4 Pact of Negation 5 Street Wraith Requires: 1UUU, 4 life and 2 extra cardsPermanent Removal (Hypothetically Ethersworn Canonist/Rule of Law is on the battlefield)1 Banishing Stroke + Any Cantrip (Gitaxian Probe, Ponder, Peek, etc.) 2 Predict 3 Labman 4 Unearth 5 Street Wraith Needs: 1WUB, cantrip in hand, and 2 life, This combo still works without the cantrip by passing the turn and winning on the following turn.

March 6, 2014 3:31 p.m.

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