Marath, Commander of Peasants
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 27 | 102 COMMENTS | 19234 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS
ElderDinosaurHighlander says... #2
Cobthecobbler , Hey Cob I'm in the process of brewing up my own Marath list and I had a few questions about your deck. 1. I noticed that very few of your creatures make tokens and I wanted to know if you ever ran into issues generating tokens, ie if Marath has gotten too expensive? 2. As a whole Marath has a lot of synergy with several enchantments and a hand-full of artifacts, is there a particular reason you didn't include cards such as Enlightened Tutor Idyllic Tutor Hardened Scales Purphoros, God of the Forge ? 3. How does the deck play? How does your playgroup react to it/does it draw ire? Thanks in advance!
Cobthecobbler says... #1
Those actually are in the deck, this list is way outdated and the new list is a lot better haha. If you wanna see the new version let me know
February 1, 2016 10:09 p.m.