Marath, the Poisonous (Disassembled)

Commander / EDH MortisAngelus


erabel says... #1

Okay. Of the cards you suggest removing for Meglonoth , I'd probably go with Ravenous Baloth . Pure lifegain really isn't worth much in EDH. It's also a sac outlet, but only for ten percent of the deck.

As for Ulvenwald Tracker ... I dunno. I wouldn't take out Drumhunter , because it's nice card advantage and technically ramp. Considering about 15 cards in the deck are 5/5 when they show up (including Marath and the Soulbeast), plus Cathar's Crusade and Beastmaster Ascension making them bigger, he's not the fastest, but basically a guaranteed card per turn.

January 6, 2014 8:28 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #2


Thanks for the thoughts!

I'm split about the Ravenous Baloth . Basically I think like you: that life gain is unnecessary in EDH. However, someone pointed out, that when some one casts Wrath of God (and someone will in EDH) it is nice to be able to sacrifice all your beasts. And if I have my Mirror Entity on the field, it is safe to say that I'll have a lot of beasts to sacrifice; minimum of 2 beasts.

January 7, 2014 7:04 a.m.

Nickosis says... #3

I really like how yours goes straight to the face on the attack. Mine takes its' time to eat the face of my opponent, yours just jumps on them. I'd like to try the two out against each other.

Basically you've got a really nasty combo in: Marath, Will of the Wild , Juniper Order Ranger , Mana Echoes , Illusionist's Bracers , Ivy Lane Denizen , Cathars' Crusade and anything that doubles counters: Doubling Season , Primal Vigor and Parallel Lives . This is an Infinite combo because, if you just have one of the doubling enchantments, you create a Elemental token with Marath, Will of the Wild , which makes 2, then the ability is copied, putting 2 more into play, which puts four counters on Marath, Will of the Wild and then use the Mana Echoes mana, to do the ability becomes really silly really fast. Also Midnight Guard and Elemental Mastery or Presence of Gond . Trust me, I've got this deck going now and it is stupid fun. Mikaeus, the Lunarch doesn't hurt.

January 21, 2014 9:12 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #4

@Nickosis: My first EDH-plan was to make a Rhys the Redeemed EDH, but playtesting that one taught me one thing: Combos are a hard game to play; every single time I got a nice combo going generating tokens there was a freaking board whipe around the next corner. Thus I'm avoiding comboing enchantments anymore. Mana Echoes is very tempting, but it is only good if I have e.g. Cathars' Crusade on the field. I'm trying to focus on enchantments that really works on their own, so if there is a board whipe, I just simply play another annoying enchantment instead.

Currently I have 4 - 5 cards I'd like to get into this deck, but I have no idea what to remove. What is your thought about War Cadence ? I can't really decide if I should keep it or not....

Tip for you: Burgeoning + Ghost Town is just insane in multiplayer with e.g. Rampaging Baloths or Avenger of Zendikar

January 23, 2014 10:15 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #5

@Nickosis it should say above...

January 23, 2014 10:16 a.m.

Nickosis says... #6

I understand the need to not be combo heavy, which is why I like not making it too obvious until I do it. But yes, burgeoning and ghost town is cute.

January 23, 2014 10:23 a.m.

Nickosis says... #7

Okay, if nothing else Midnight Guard and any Aura that makes dudes when you tap the creature Elemental Mastery leads to that infinite on your turn allowing you to swing for the win. No one expects Midnight Guard as a power house card, but it can do it.

January 23, 2014 8:57 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #8

You asked for suggestions for things to cut. I also have a Naya deck over at Mayael, Friend of Monsters EDH. The only thing on your deck list that I don't like is Harmonize , which I found to be hard to afford for the benefit most of the time.

Personally I would rather use Eternal Witness than Nature's Spiral also, as she has a body that can be revived by Deadwood Treefolk or otherwise interact with your creature theme.

Also, I'd like to note you have 10 Beasts in the deck plus 1 Changeling, not counting Marath (as he's not on the decklist). There are 4 cards I see that make Beast tokens (none of them make tokens bigger than 4/4). You have 11 creatures with power 5 or greater as printed. I don't know if you had noticed that, I just thought I'd mention it. :)

March 6, 2014 4:25 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #9


Thank you so much for your suggestions. While I do agree that Harmonize is a bit expensive, I don't agree that it is not good enough. I think it can provide some minor card advantage.

Eternal Witness is nice... If I would put in that one, I would have a total of 6 creatures utilizing Conjurer's Closet instead of only 5. Yay!

Thanks for the count-up, but I was aware of it. BTW: There's now only 9 beasts, not 10 (+ Marath). It has been 10 so far, but I just replaced Baloth Woodcrasher with Aurelia, the Warleader , so the beast-count dropped with 1. If I would get Godsire into the deck it would be back up to 10 + Marath.

What do you think about angrycelery's idea of taking out Gruul Charm for Tooth and Nail ?

March 6, 2014 5:25 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #10

angrycelery made some good points. In my meta Gruul Charm gets some use as there are a few decks like Talrand, Sky Summoner floating around sometimes; additionally, it can either crush all flyers or force a deck without them to be unable to block entirely. My meta is also inordinately fond of stealing effects.

I stopped running it though because I needed more consistent threats; it was often countered for me, and I have a hard time abusing "alpha strikes" in my meta, and I found Homeward Path (and Tempt with Discovery to fetch it) to suffice for slowing down stealing effects. My decks usually have to win by chipping opponents down a little at a time and outpacing their ability to stop me.

I think he had a valid point about Conjurer's Closet , but I'm not sure he took the four enchantments you have that can benefit from it into account.

March 6, 2014 5:38 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #11

@nobu_the_bard: That are some very nice arguments. I must think about it... Currently there's only 1 deck in my meta that plays mind-control (+ an other that has like a 3 - 4 cards that take over others creatures).

Haha. Not even I remembered the enchantments and how they also benefit from Conjurer's Closet . I'm sorry, but now I don't want to get rid of that artifact. =)

In the end, so far I've had no need for a card as Godsire . I'd like to have him, because he fits my theme (and creates HUGE tokens), but this deck is dangerous as it is. And in its current real-life state I don't have any Gods or planeswalkers and I still manage to be annoying as hell.

Finally I want to ask you: I took out Pandemonium today from the deck. First I had it be a supplementary card for AEther Charge and Warstorm Surge , but it was not before today that I realized it was triggered by ALL creatures (not only mine). And it got me killed. Am I right in taking it out? I guess in a 60-card play it can be good if you can build around it, but in EDH ALL players have huge creatures that will lead to a lot of indirect damage.

March 6, 2014 6 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #12

Fervor is a great card for Naya decks. Being able to attack instantly is pretty handy.

March 6, 2014 6:54 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #13

@NoPantsParade: I just removed Fires of Yavimaya and replaced it with Xenagos, God of Revels . It is seldom that you'll get more than 1 creature per turn with this deck (due to high cmc) and therefore I think Xenagos should be sufgicient for this deck.

Anyhow I thank you for your suggestion.

March 6, 2014 7:13 p.m.

angrycelery says... #14

Looks a lot better, nice work! +1

March 8, 2014 1:03 p.m.

Nickosis says... #15

Okay first: Sword of Kaldra on Marath is hilarious, second Sword on Butcher Orgg is just as funny, look him up. I like what you went with in your Marath deck mine,Marath and the Infinite Wilds went a completely different route. I tried the Deathtouch thing and didn't really have that much success, but if it works for you stick with it. For SnGs I did Mareth and Mana Echoes+Ivy Lane Denizen for infinite mana and 1/1 tokens. I did that too so for all the combos In the deck, and there are a lot of them, I knew I'd always have that 3 card I need. Also, using Midnight Guard+Elemental Mastery with Purphoros, God of the Forge means game over man. These are just some ideas if you wanna steal from me, haha. But no I like how yours functions. I might have to go dig up my Sword for fun. I hadn't thought to do that. I just get infinite tokens/mana and burn people.

January 17, 2015 9:11 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #16


Oh, man! First of all, thanks for the suggestions.

However, it has been such a long time since I changed anything here on tappedout on this deck. My IRL-deck still misses some of the cards listed here due to economy, and 2 additional EDH-builds. :D I'll have to investigate your combo-suggestions a bit further when I have time.

But once again, thank you!

January 17, 2015 10:27 a.m.

Nickosis says... #17

One card I always ran when I played Marath was Mana Echoes . Gives you infinite colorless mana to make more dudes and then punish with Marath.

May 4, 2021 12:29 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #18


Whoa, that is an excellent suggestion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this combo you talk about is when you have Cathars' Crusade out, right? Otherwise I dont see how this will be infinite.

May 4, 2021 10:33 a.m.

Nickosis says... #19

Yeah, you're right, I'm dumb sometimes. You need the crusade in play, or anything that lets you put counters in something when something enters, but yeah, otherwise, it's three cards you gotta have for tons of fun. But I've also found that with all those counters, it gets super annoying to keep up with. But yeah, definitely need the crusade or cards like it. My apologies.

May 4, 2021 11:08 a.m.

Nickosis says... #20

Or also, something that doubles counters or something like Hardened Scales because then you can remove a counter, to out 2 on Marath. It's a lot of annoying shenanigans, but it does work, even something like Essence Warden and Archangel of Thune for when you make a dude you gain a life and put a counter back on Marath. Like I said, lots of silly interactions.

May 4, 2021 11:13 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #21


Those are good suggestions indeed. I will look into these in the future perhaps. As mentioned in the description, I have just updated Marath, and I will now focus on my other decks. Just bought the new Lorehold and Quandrix commanders, and I am also gathering cards for my Atraxa build.

If you have time, I would be very glad if you could check my Atraxa plan that is listed on my profile. Your experienced input would be much appreciated.

May 4, 2021 1:52 p.m.

Nickosis says... #22

Also, if you wanna make it more "Janky", with Mana Echoes you can also add, Elemental Mastery and Umbral Mantle . So you can enchant, equip, tap and make infinite dudes with Mana from Echoes. Very much extra work, but funny.

May 13, 2021 8:35 p.m.

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