March of the Dusk Legion

Commander / EDH LordBlackblade


Filipp_bor says... #1

Why you not use cathars crusade?

November 14, 2017 6:12 a.m.

LordBlackblade says... #2

I've considered it, the only issue I have is that it seems to be more of a win-more card. I've been considering cutting Vein Drinker. I haven't been getting good mileage from her. Perhaps I could shoehorn it in there.

November 14, 2017 8:54 p.m.

Filipp_bor says... #3

After few games i found that cat. Crusade is very slow and replace it with coat of arms. Vein drinker is bad imo)

November 16, 2017 3:48 a.m.

Shadow79 says... #4

I haven't tried the deck yet, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate all the effort you put into explaining your strategy/choices. The drop downs and links, man as a person who values organization above maybe all else, I must say that I wish all decks on this site were set up this way.

February 7, 2018 3:19 p.m.

LordBlackblade says... #5

Shadow79: I'm glad to hear you appreciate the organization. I feel much the same way. If a deck's description is too lacking or cluttered, I feel it detracts a lot from the overall appeal of the deck. This deck is a prototype in a way of the new organization style for me, so hearing you like it is awesome!

February 8, 2018 7:18 a.m.

Mick-Tis says... #6

Boros Charm & Rootborn Defenses for boardwipes.

February 21, 2018 3:54 a.m.

LordBlackblade says... #7

Mick-Tis: Out of curiosity, what would you take out for either of those cards? I often find that to be the hardest choice to make.

February 24, 2018 5:28 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #8

Cathars' Crusade for sure; it's too slow for my taste.

Maybe Markov Blademaster idk about the second thing to cut. You got a good list.

Here's my version if you're interested Castlevania

February 24, 2018 6:59 p.m.

LordBlackblade says... #9

My experiences with Cathars' Crusade and Markov Blademaster have been phenomenal. Crusade is a great finisher. I drop it in, followed by a low drop or two and my board grows by +2/+2 or +4/+4. Blademaster may seem bad a first blush, but if she can connect even once, she becomes a serious threat. Couple her with Stensia Masquerade or Rakish Heir and she's a beast.

In my meta, the wipe I'm facing the most is unfortunately Cyclonic Rift. In order to combat this, I'm re-adding Teferi's Protection to the deck. I'm also adding Boros Charm, as that instant-speed indestructibility for two mana is hard to beat. As to what to take out, I'm going with Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond combo. I know it's a black staple, but it's not really how the deck wants to win, and more importantly, it's an extremely telegraphed play. You play one half, the whole table will descend o you because they believe the other half to be imminent.

February 25, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #10

You got door of destiny. I thought about running both, but that'd make me a bigger target.

How do you make the blastmaster unlockable? I can see how she roids out quickly, but you gotta do damage to a player.

I'm sure you can cut something to play protection & with BC & defenses. The blood & bond combo is a good start.

February 26, 2018 12:55 a.m.

When I play Edgar I'm already a big target, so I figured I'd go for broke and run all the threats I can. As for Markov Blademaster, making her unblockable helps, but isn't 100% necessary. When the stars align, I get Cover of Darkness out before her. Otherwise, there is usually a vulnerable player who has a weak boardstate and she can slip through. For instance, a lot of players won't block with their commander if they know they'll lose it just to prevent Markov Blademaster from getting a couple of counters. By the time they realize their mistake in letting her grow, it's too late.

On another note, I'll mosey over to your list and give you a couple of ideas. I'm no authority on Edgar, but I've tinkered with the deck quite a bit.

February 26, 2018 1:45 a.m.

Mick-Tis says... #12

I can see you put a lot of thought in your list. It was well written.Yourchoice odd cards make sense after you explained it

February 26, 2018 2:04 a.m.

glintzy says... #13

Consider adding Necropolis Regent. It does many good things. And it's a Vamp.

March 5, 2018 2:36 p.m.

Perhaps this is nitpicky, but I think Forerunner of the Legion belongs more in 'General Tribal Support.' It doesn't actually give you card draw and since there is no tutor section, I think it best fits in tribal support due to its second ability.

Otherwise, amazing/detailed primer for a solid EDH deck.Absolute nightmare to play against btw, I was directed here by someone who copied your list and let me tell you, I got my butt kicked!

March 5, 2018 7:19 p.m.

glintzy: I do have Necropolis Regent in the deck. She can be found under the heading of Counter Generation. SHe doesn't do a lot of things per se, but she does make counters really well, as such I consider her one the the big finishers in the deck when coupled with a strong board position.

VanillaBean_MTG: I see where you are coming from; however, I intended for the General Tribal Support category to show off cards that are strong in any tribal deck, not just Vampires. I agree that Forerunner of the Legion doesn't really fit into the Card Draw category though. As such, I'll probably end up tucking him into the Solid Vampires catch-all category.

I'm ecstatic to hear that people are starting to play the deck! It can be a bear to play against depending on the meta. I'd appreciate your friend's feedback on what he does/doesn't like about how the deck plays, as of now it's based nearly entirely on my own experiences with the deck.

March 7, 2018 6 a.m.

wilkinjf says... #16

Hey man Rly like what you're doing with your deck. I'm new to TappedOut and I was wondering how you were able to get your panel titles to be in the center, and how you were able to get an image of the Edgar Markov card to automatically appear in your commander panel? I've tried figuring it out with the tutorial but I can't get it to work

April 20, 2018 6:03 p.m.

CaptainFuture says... #17

Have you had a look at Shadow Alley Denizen? Card's amazing, every time you play a vampire, no matter what colour it is you get to give a dude intimidate triggered from the black vampire token entering. If you play a black vampire you get to give TWO dudes intimidate, or one dude TWO intimidates, if that's your speed.

May 23, 2018 2:50 p.m.

CaptainFuture: I've definitely looked at it; however, I'm just not sold that it is worth the slot. I really like where the deck is at, and am even cutting Cover of Darkness due to the large amount of black and artifacts in my meta. With the majority of my creatures being black, intimidate is basically fear. Evasion is good, don't get me wrong, but I don't think intimidate is the most feasible answer in my playgroup unfortunately.

June 14, 2018 9:11 p.m.

Vlasiax: THanks for having a look! I appreciate your input! As an avid Black player I love Cabal Coffers; however, there are two issues with running it in this deck. First, I haven't included any way to reliably get both Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth at the same time. This ties in with my second issue, which is that there are only ten lands in the deck with the swamp subtype. For Cabal Coffers to be efficient, you need a minimum of four swamps in play. Those two factors are the primary reasons why I haven't included Cabal Coffers in the deck.

As for land count, its mostly out of my own frustration more than anything else. For a long time I ran 37 lands (I think), but nearly every game I would get mana screwed. I'm talking like four out of five games I'd miss the majority of land drops. I have no real explanation other than a run of REALLY bad luck, but I was fed up with it so I upped my land count. With Mardu having so little access to ramp, making every land drop is crucial. The increased count has helped, and I feel more comfortable that when I do miss a land drop, it's just bad luck and not a flaw in deck design.

Finally, let's talk about the search lands. I already run all of my on-color fetches. I have had lots of discussions with my friends about the merits of running off-color fetches. In the first three or so turns of a game they provide superior mana fixing compared to a basic land; however, I personally don't feel that the minor increase in mana fixing warrants the increase in monetary cost (particularly when I'm trying to foil out the entire deck). As for Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse, they play like slow lands, and I've done my best to remove any lands that enter tapped without any way to work around it.

December 2, 2018 5:17 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #20

I'm not sure how reliably you get to , but Together Forever may be worth testing. It came out after I'd already retired my Edgar list, or I'd give a first hand account. It does wonders for saving key pieces in my Reyhan/Ishai counters deck though.

I'd also work on your draw engines. Skullclamp 100% needs a spot and you should also consider Dark Prophecy , Necropotence , Greed , and possibly Herald's Horn . I'd drop Read the Bones, one time draw doesn't do much for aggro.

I'm guessing you've either seen my list already or at least one of my many many posts advocating Reconnaissance... but just in case, Edgar's Dega Vampires. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated.

June 17, 2019 10:08 p.m.

Last_Laugh: Together Forever does seem interesting! It's one of those cards that slinks under the radar in a "less played" set like Battlebond. I may have to check it out, for now I want to see how Etchings of the Chosen works out. SO far it has done very well in the few matches it has come up.

I am super conscious of the need to improve my card draw, that said I think I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on the power of one-time draw. One-time draw is super consistent and actually does stuff the turn you throw it unlike cards like Dark Prophecy . Speaking of Dark Prophecy , I tried running Skullclamp at one point ant my deck ran into two issues with it. First, my vampires are usually way to strong to just die to Skullclamp . My tokens are usually 2/2's at the minimum I'd say 90% of games. Tied to that, I don't a sufficient number of sacrifice outlets to fuel cards like Skullclamp and Dark Prophecy . If anything I'm likely to add cards like Night's Whisper or Syphon Mind as they give you instantaneous draw and are more color friendly. I also already run Herald's Horn , great card and I'm glad I bought a precon because of that price tag on an uncommon!

Funny story about Reconnaissance , a friend of mine at my LGS showed it to me, and I loved it! Picked it up for a couple bucks and I worked it in pretty early in the deck's life cycle. It puts up great results every time it comes out!

June 18, 2019 1:13 p.m.

VampRamped says... #22

Quite competent Edgar list relative to many I have seen. I have a lot of experience playing Edgar Markov which leads to several questions about your list. The main question I have for this list is why include swords to plowshares and path to exile. From my experience I find that there are not really any decks that have creatures too problematic to attack through and the amount of stax type creatures that impact Edgar Markov seem to few. The main creatures I find are problematic are voltron creatures which normally cannot be targeted by single target removal. Would not austere command and/or merciless eviction better choices to deal with artifacts and enchantments are often more problematic

July 2, 2019 11:37 p.m.

VampRamped: Competent is what I'm going for! I think we view Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile as different tools. It sounds like you would use them to "plow the road" for your vampire army, so to speak. I view them as defensive tools to protect myself from the crack back that inevitably comes when you swing all-out at someone.

Artifact and enchantment removal is definitely something I need to improve upon. I currently run two unconditional removal spells, and one each for artifacts and enchantments. I'm hesitant to run board wipes due to the deck's glass-cannon nature. That is to say oftentimes a board wipe would put me in a more difficult recovery situation than my opponents more battlecruiser/midrange decks.

It's honestly been a minute since I took a good, hard look at a lot of my decks and done a reevaluation for meta changes and overall shifts in the deck itself. Maybe its time for a review.

July 3, 2019 12:32 a.m.

VampRamped says... #24

LordBlackblade I absolutely agree with Edgar Markov being quite the glass cannon deck,especially when your creatures get wiped that is why I suggested Austere Command and Merciless Eviction . As they are modal and you can choose to not wipe your own creatures. Also if you find yourself blown out alot by a boardwipe and you did not have teferi's protection or Boros charm available I would strongly recommend playing Living Death and Patriarch's Bidding . I found that once I included these cards a boardwipe was not much of a setback. I also have a lengthy piece on many of the other very practical and powerful things you can do specifically with living death within my own list you are more than welcome to check out.

July 3, 2019 9:51 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #25

LordBlackblade I really like your vampire tribal commander deck

August 27, 2019 6:23 a.m.

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