March of the Elephants
FMN Report/Changes —Jan. 30, 2017
I went 2-1, I could have gone 3-0 but I missed played a few pivotal points in round one.
That was running the deck you see now minus Minister of Inquiries, Lost Legacy, and Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter. In the main board, it was 4 Dryad instead of 3+Minister. The sideboard contained Commencement of the Festivities, World Breaker, and Reckless Bushwhacker.
I removed Commencement + Reckless Bushwhacker for Lost Legacy(s).
Commencement of the Festivities pretty much did nothing for me, as I was either going off too fast, or had enough of a field their attacks didn't matter. Additionally, Aggro isn't played much at my locals.
Reckless Bushwhacker was cut because he's dead unless you get the combo with a Servant of the Conduit already on the board.
The reason Lost Legacy was added is so you can counter any main strategy your opponent had that you want to dismantle, or, ruin your opponents side board by naming Yahenni's Expertise and Lost Legacy. Other great targets would be Radiating Flames, Disallow, Grasp of Darkness, Murder, Ruinous Path, etc.
Saphiron says... #1
Thanks for the attention.I love your take on the deck. You should be able to combo off way more othen than the original vertion, possibly at the expense of a slower bratdown plan but, let's be honest, that isn't as fun.
The reason for the world breakers it a bit unclear but my thought at the time was that they are a way to deal with a prizy encantment or artifact on a stick with reach, I noticed flyers might be an isuue when I was first thinking about being more midrangey. Now that I think about it I should probebly cut them myself, probebly to add heroic intervention.
I have also updated my deck but as a copy as I don't acctually know if the changes made it better and if I know how to lik correcly the copy should be here Paradoxical mana elves copy, now i just have to find a good way to splash black for this perfect tezzeret....
January 29, 2017 10:43 a.m.