Marchesa, Grixis Immortal

Commander / EDH* PlatnumxStatuS


ferretersmith says... #1

While Grave Betrayal is a good card. I don't think it will be as good in this deck as you may think. Should the creatures die again while under your control they would come back to life but revert back to their owners control.

August 7, 2014 1:59 p.m.

ferretersmith says... #2

Actually after rereading Marchesa I realize that it wouldn't revert back. Just ignore my other comment.

August 7, 2014 3:34 p.m.

ferretersmith says... #3

The picture of the card says it returns to the battlefield under your control but the text description of the card on tappedout doesn't. That is why I was confused, I trusted tappedout.

August 7, 2014 3:37 p.m.

PlatnumxStatuS says... #4

ferretersmith No problem, haha.

August 7, 2014 6:29 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #5

I'd personally run Grave Pact in addition to Dictate of Erebos .

Phyrexian Dreadnought works really well with Warstorm Surge and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed . 1 mana for 25 damage! Add marchesa to go infinite as i'm sure you're already aware. Also Pandemonium is a cheaper version of Warstorm Surge that works for everyone.

another card similar to War's Toll is Mana Web .

Insurrection would be hysterical if you had a sac outlet. Steal all of your oppenents creature, attack them with their own creatures, sacrifice them to gain some sort of benefit and if you had Mikaeus out, to top all off, you then get them all back on your field to use next turn, and they're bigger!

Triskelion is a 2 card infinite damage combo with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and also Marchesa, the Black Rose if you have a sac outlet. Ping two targets for 1 damage each and use the last counter to kill itself off (for mikaeus) or Ping two targets for 1 damage each and then sacrifice it (for marchesa). Both ways bring it back endlessly (dealing 2 damage per ressurection = infinite damage!) YAY!

Demonic Tutor is better than Diabolic Tutor

Consider Mephidross Vampire

Lastly Power Conduit gives you the option of tranferring extra +1/+1 counters to other creatures at instant speed (thus saving it). It can also be used to convert ANY type of counter on any permanent you control to a +1/+1 as mentioned before or potentially a charge counter for Everflowing Chalice .

August 9, 2014 4:19 p.m.

PlatnumxStatuS says... #6

outofnothing0 Phyrexian Dreadnought makes me tear up in happiness. :') Lol. I'm definitely adding that in.

Just a clarification though, Marchesa only brings back creatures with +1/+1 counters on them on the end phase, so I can't necessarily go infinite with her like I can with Mikaeus.

I've used the Triskelion + Mike combo and it's ehh. It got boring after a while and I'd only go to it if the game dragged on too long or in dire situations.

Demonic Tutor is obviously better in all aspects over Diabolic but I need to save up for that, haha.

Mephidross Vampire would be awesome in this deck. I was thinking of putting in Necropolis Regent in here but this deck doesn't really focus on attacking (although it can) so Mephidross is a better version for me.

The only thing I'm worried about with adding in Pact or Insurrection is the heavy color cost of BBB and the CMC, respectively.

As for the rest, I will look out for those to add in.

Your suggestions are very, very helpful! I highly appreciate it. :)

August 9, 2014 8:48 p.m.

Zacoly says... #7

Both of our Black Rose decks are based on deaths and entries of creatures.

The Circle of Slaughter Is my deck with the same commander. It has lists of cards in the description with similar effects. My deck makes use of several general purpose Powerful Grixis cards and generous card draw to supplement the combos created by Marchesa.

Solemn Simulacrum is a good creature with those effects in mind.

Mind Slash Is a great way to get to know what people are up to... and stop them >:D

Also Mephidross Vampire is AWESOME! I don't know how I missed that!!!

September 1, 2014 7:44 p.m.

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