Marchesa, Political Queen of Pillows

Commander / EDH MegaMatt13

SCORE: 237 | 152 COMMENTS | 38794 VIEWS | IN 132 FOLDERS

Bloodytrailz says... #1

I absolutely love rites of the raging storm, I've gotten it into play twice so far, once alongside duelists heritage, once on it's own.

The time i got it out with duelist's heritage, it was still a 4 players alive game.... within 2 turns, peoples life totals were devestated while I sat comfortably watching them beat each other to death witha 5/1 double strike/trampler. The time i got it out on it's own, it was in a 1v1 scenario and it just turned into a problem over the course of the next few turns for my opponent and let me push for combat damage lethal with just rites of raging storm alone.

I forgot to buy curse of opulence when i ordered my cards last time (but i ordered 5 gold tokens.... lmfao) so I don't have experience with it yet, but I'm super excited to play it. In the case of this curse, I have no problem getting my bloody hand on this weapon. I'll either target it against people I know won't have early game blockers, or against somebody i perceive as my biggest threat. While it makes 1 person angry at you, it makes 2 people angry at them... a good trade IMHO, if they attack you in spite, they are open to getting 3v1'd in return.

Orzhov advokist is something I actually am putting into my final list currently, but also don't own. I've talked with precociousapprentice about it on his page before so i'm going to just copy paste what I posted there back in may.

Orzhov advokist - I love love LOVE this card, but I accept it's not necessarily amazing. It's like a political handshake of "i'll help you if you don't attack me next turn" by force (even if it leaves play, the condition still applies for the rest of the turn). It buffs creatures up around the board, keeps me "safe" (it either lets me know I won't be attacked or if they don't take the counters, it lets me know that something is up, advanced warning system sort of) and the buffed up creatures make for better aikido targets, splashing back even more damage than they would have without the counters :) Just seems like it touches every aspect of the deck in some way.

To which preciousapprentice responded (Speaking also of Vow of Malice/Lightning/Duty which is what is meant by "Vow")

I also have been thinking about Orzhov Advokist. It is a dangerous card to run, but it has a very interesting effect on the game. People are often happy to get a long term pump to their creature for redirecting an attack away from you. This also creates somewhat of an arms race amongst your opponents, as no one wants to be hit with a rapidly growing creature without defending themselves. Before you know it, your opponents are duking it out with ever growing creatures, leaving you to watch them beat each other. This is exactly the kind of situation that benefits an Aikido general. I also ran the Vow cycle early in the evolution of the deck. The problem was that just because they could't attack me doesn't mean that they can't block me. I found them to be a little problematic, and I think Orzhov Advokist is likely exactly the same.

July 4, 2018 2:15 p.m.

Sorry MegaMatt13, my comments about Erebos, God of the Dead combined comments on my deck with comments on yours. I meant that I am considering adding it into mine. The addition of denying opponents life gain is not lost on me. There is a Karlov deck in my meta that is super strong. Only Solemnity stands between me and a blowout in most games.

To chime in about Orzhov Advokist, I do now run Solemnity. It won't find a way into the deck unless I move away from Solemnity and the other cards that support it. Right now, Solemnity is a total beast. Counter hate is amazing in EDH, and if there was another copy of Solemnity, I would consider adding it. Even when I want people's decks to work for them, there are too many counter engines that will run away with the game if not dealt with. It has become a common tutor target in my deck.

July 4, 2018 2:51 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #3

I can definitely see that although it's definitely a meta call. I picked up solemnity + phyrexian unlife and i find them very low value but there's almost no counters in my meta (and it's lower powered 100-200$ decks tops). But I also don't have the high end supporting cards to turn solemnity into an offensive powerhouse like Dark Depths.

I'm also sitting on the edge with erebos, I've added/removed him from my final list a few times now. I feel comfortable with my current level of draws, but a repeatable and hard to remove card draw might be nice...however I don't have many opportunities to utilize my life as a resource due to not much life gain in the deck and having a cats tribal player. (That arahbo +3/+3 eminence really knocks chunks out of my HP before i can get some pillowfort up to dissuade him)... If i make the change, I will likely swap out commander sphere for him. (I'm also considering changing command sphere to mirrage mirror, but there's not too many amazing hits in my meta... probably the best thing available to mirror is Mirari's Wake.)

Maybe If i make 2 cuts to add something like Kambal, Consul of Allocation + Erebos, i might be more comfortable with it. It basically turns kambal into a card draw engine lol.

There is some lifegain in my meta (a couple lifelink artifacts) but usually not too much, so that affect would be appreciated but far from necessary.

July 4, 2018 3:47 p.m.

Given the amount of combo and even storm I am seeing now, I have considered Kambal, Consul of Allocation. I wish that there was a storm wincon in Mardu that was instant. I will have to depend on Fork and Reverberate to deal with any true storm cards. Kambal, Consul of Allocation is a passable substitute.

July 4, 2018 3:59 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #5

I've been thinking about Thrilling Encore and how one could make it more proactive and a couple cards sprung to mind Blasphemous Act and Toxic Deluge.

With enough creatures on board, blasphemous act becomes a 6 mana, 2 card insurrection probably. (Some things live the damage, but you should get a good number of things back)

Toxic deluge is pretty much guaranteed based on how much life you are willing to give up but for 8 mana. Benefit here is that you can nab people's indestructibles through this.

Thrilling encore is interesting, but I don't know if I want to spring for the package (I have blasphemous but deluge is $$$) and figuring out the cuts for it would be terrifying. It seems like a nice 2nd insurrection but I would want to have the option to use it more pro-actively...and currently the only way to do so with this list costs 11 mana. (You were also mentioning bringing in board wipes again and I think if you are keeping thrilling encore you might consider these to play it both as an anti someone elses wrath and a proactive insurrection maybe?)

July 5, 2018 12:41 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #6

I guess my evaluation of thrilling encore might also be a meta call for me. I'm primarily the wrath player. We have a cats player with Rout and Divine Reckoning in his deck, a derevi player with no wraths (and no cyclonic rift), and the other player usually has 0-2 wipes (and it's usually kindred dominance or cyclonic rift which are both asymmetrical.)

July 5, 2018 1 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #7

Bloodytrailz, thanks for your feedback regarding Thrilling Encore. I agree that it's a meta call to an extent. My meta plays with quite a lot of wraths as control is the most common archetype in my playgroup. It's almost guaranteed that someone will wrath the board as the table becomes cluttered with creatures. I have been using Thrilling Encore in response to their boardwipes, not my own. Having said all that, the card is a little conditional. I'm not entirely convinced yet that it's worth holding up 5 mana for. I'm testing it out but it could find itself on the chopping block.

July 5, 2018 1:19 p.m.

I think it is worth trialing, and I am glad you are looking into it, but I have a hard time thinking that holding up that much mana on a very conditional card is a good idea. That being said, I run Comeuppance, so what do I know?

July 5, 2018 1:42 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #9

precociousapprentice, true but I think Comeuppance is somewhat less conditional. it has the flexibility of punishing a greedy X spell to the face as well as being a one-sided boardwipe. Plus it's one mana cheaper which is relevant. I'm very happy with Comeuppance while Thrilling Encore is wait and see :)

July 5, 2018 1:53 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #10

I mean, holding up mana is also less punishing if you add in alterior mana sinks like greed, erebos, thaumatic compass etc. Just need some repeatable ways to spend mana and it feels a lot less bad to hold mana up through a turn.

Kind of a problem I see with thrilling encore is due to the CMC being unique within the deck it's hard to bluff without having other ways to spend your mana off turn. Most effects you want to keep mana up for are only 2-3 CMC effects, so people might get suspicious if you start holding up 5 mana really quickly.

July 5, 2018 1:54 p.m.

Older20 says... #11

How does Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts perform for you? You have a few No Mercy effects built into the deck with Teysa being the most expensive. She is essentially unblockable which would be good for gaining monarch back but I feel like something like Sun Titan would strengthen the deck a lot (Aside from the anti-synergy with Rest in Peace and Merciless Eviction. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

If I could recommend adding one card I would suggest Mirage Mirror. Its one of those cards that perhaps you have to play with a few times to really appreciate but I know for certain its one card that will never be taken out of my list.

July 31, 2018 8:32 p.m.

Older20 I agree completely. Mirage Mirror fills so many roles in my deck it is almost silly. I am not sure it has ever hit the table and not changed the game in my favor. The thing that is extra good about it is that, just like counterspells, no one ever expects clone effects in Mardu.

July 31, 2018 10:47 p.m.

JMarostica says... #13

I was waiting for you to upgrade the deck, and see the inclusion of the Xantcha, Sleeper Agent.

August 15, 2018 4:33 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #14

JMarostica, thanks for your interest! I've been busy with a couple new C18 commanders, Kestia and Aminatou. I hope to get back to this deck soon!

August 15, 2018 6:17 p.m.

JMarostica says... #15


MegaMatt13, I'm always too embarrassed to post comments, my English is not good. But I'd like to say that I also have a Queen Marchesa deck.

Today, my Queen Marchesa deck is my favorite commander to play MTG with my friends. Since I chose this commander, I follow your updates here, on the tappedout!!!

Your deck is really cool and has always been a source of ideas and inspiration. Since the C18 spoiler, I've been waiting to see your updates and see the inclusion of Xantcha, Sleeper Agent.

Thank you!

August 16, 2018 10:33 p.m.

I like all the changes, and look forward to hearing more about the new cards. Both seem good.

August 20, 2018 2:23 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #17

Older20, sorry for the late response...somehow I missed your comment! Teysa performs reasonably well, neither an all-star or a dead card. Her usual role is as late-game finisher. You're right that I have a lot of "No Mercy" effects in the deck and I probably don't need that much redundancy. At 7 mana she is the most expensive of the bunch. I've purposely decided to not include any reanimation effects, including Sun Titan. I've built the deck to hate on reanimation strategies which are everywhere in my meta. Hence the inclusion of Rest in Peace, Scavenger Grounds, Rakdos Charm, Merciless Eviction, and recently putting back in Hallowed Burial. I like your suggestion of Mirage Mirror. It performs well in my Keranos Loves Other People's Cardboard deck.

August 20, 2018 2:29 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #18

Glad to see treasure nabber & xantcha working out; definitely looking to include them when i make a purchase to finish off my deck in the fall! I'm a little sad to see the exclusion of Orzhov Advokist just because I'm in love with the card haha. I might keep it in my list but I also run sun titan instead of dread; so i have a bit of extra appreciation for 3cmc creatures. (Also why Kambal is in the list).

Question for you; I know you cut diabolic tutor with your more recent update... however; in a hypothetical... if you did not have the monetarily expensive tutors (vampiric & demonic) would you consider playing the more mana expensive tutors (diabolic tutor & mastermind's acquisition) or would you just shy away from them all together?

I'm still actively working on my list Queen Marchesa, Politics & Pillow Forts

August 25, 2018 12:48 a.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #19

Bloodytrailz, sorry I missed your comment from a month ago!

Yes, I would include Diabolic Tutor and Mastermind's Acquisition as budget options. They are perfectly respectable substitutes. This deck often plays as a "toolbox" deck so I think it's important to have at least a couple tutors to fetch exactly what you need.

September 26, 2018 7:57 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #20

MegaMatt13 S'all good haha, my current rendition cut them for now, I might look to slot them back in but it'll be hard to cut 2 cards at this point, I feel like i have a pretty lean list that i'm really happy with for now. Although I do enjoy the tutor effects, gonna playtest without them for a bit and get a feel for how badly i miss them in the list and adjust if I feel I want them in again.

September 26, 2018 10:02 p.m.

zenia says... #21

Did you revise the current cards from Guilds of Ravnica? I have my own Queen Marchesa build and always valued your very thought trough opinion.

November 15, 2018 7:49 a.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #22

zenia, I didn't really notice any cards in guilds of Ravnica that fit in here. it was a great set for my other decks though!

November 16, 2018 11:31 a.m.

JMarostica says... #23

Dear MegaMatt13,

As I've said before, I have a Queen Marchesa inspired on this deck. I do not know if you're following the latest Ravnica Allegiance spoilers, but I can tell you that there are some very interesting new cards from the Rakdos and Orzhov guilds that could be tested with Queen Marchesa.

I'd like to know your opinion on cards like Captive Audience, Macabre Mockery, Smothering Tithe and Bedevil.

Any other cards you would be interested in testing on the deck?

January 10, 2019 6:29 p.m.

Bloodytrailz says... #24

Bedevil is decent dealing with any threat but an enchantment and is sunforger fetchable.

Captive audience if I wanted to hose 1 player over I would run overwhelming splendor instead.

Macabre mockery is very meta dependant and not all that great of an effect for 4 mana. I will give it some credit as a 4 mana Instant though... you could sunforger a creature from the graveyard to block in a pinch.

Smothering tithe is interesting but I would want to lean towards having some pay X spells to utilize the treasure gains. Could work in tandem with revel in riches as an alternate win con.

A card I've got my eye on for potential is revival // revenge.. I personally have a lot of good 3 cmc creatures and revenge + reverberate would quadruple my HP and drop two people by half.

January 10, 2019 7:15 p.m.

JMarostica says... #25

Bloodytrailz, thanks for the contribution!

I take this opportunity to to comment that I really like your Queen Marchesa, Politics & Pillow Forts too. I consider Hide / Seek an excellent choice for Politics / Pillowfort decks.

One day when I have the time and patience I post my version of Queen Marchesa.

My opinion about the cards:

Bedevil is the card with the highest chances of having an opportunity on the deck, powerful effect, very good to solve problems quickly. In addition, it can be used with Sunforger. Could it replace Utter End or Anguished Unmaking?

Captive Audience, what can I say about it? These cards do not match with Control and Pillowfort. But I'd like to test it on a long match. I loved this card.

Macabre Mockery, I ask about this card precisely because of the possibility of using it with Sunforger. This is a card for very specific situations, maybe a card that in many moments may be useless.

Smothering Tithe is the type of card that will not stay long on the battlefield. For a match with 3 or 4 opponents, you can have a very large advantage in a few turns. I understand that MegaMatt13 avoids cards that can be easily seen as a target by opponents. But even while remaining short on the battlefield this card provides Draw advantage. More than Underworld Connections.

January 10, 2019 8:49 p.m.

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