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Marchesa, The Immortal Rose 4.0

Commander / EDH UBR (Grixis)


Marchesa serves as a primary/co-secondary way of recurrign creatures in this deck, acting more as an enchantment for creature recurral. The main features in this deck are: Cauldron of Souls + Dross Scorpion + Flayer of the Hatebound + Novijen Sages + Ashnod's Altar For infinite Damage; Tap Cauldron of Souls , Sac Dross Scorpion to Ashnod's Altar , Untap Cauldron, Dross comes back, Graft a +1/+1 counter from Novijen Sages to get rid of the -1/-1 counter, Dross does damage to any target via Flayer of the Hatebound

2nd Combo: Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch + Grimgrin, Corpse-Born + Marchesa, the Black Rose Marchesa and Exava on field, cast Grimgrin, Corpse-Born , sac Exava to Grimgrin, untap him, Exava comes back at end of turn. On other players' turns, continually sacrifice Exava to Grimgrin to build up coutners and untap him. As long as marchesa is on field, Exava will come back with haste at End step.


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96% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

34 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.87
Tokens Construct 6/12 C, Fish 3/3 U, Horror */* B, Kraken 9/9 U, Manifest 2/2 C, Squid 1/1 U, Whale 6/6 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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