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Mardu Aristocrat (Singular)

Standard Competitive RBW (Mardu) Tokens



Calling this "Aristocrats" may be a bit incorrect because I only have one Aristocrat in the form of the Butcher, but the deck is basically a Tokens variant that is very okay with creatures both entering and leaving the battlefield.

  • Butcher of the Horde : The key player in this deck. Not only is he a great flying body on 4cmc but because there is no cost to sacking to him it allows cheeky plays. Someone plays Magma Jet targeting Rabblemaster? in response sac Rabblemaster to Butcher, Magma Jet no longer has a valid target, the opponent doesn't get to scry. Anger of the Gods gets played with Bloodsoaked Champion on the field? sac him to Butcher in response so he stays in the yard. This turns directly into damage when Outpost Siege is out where you can literally sweep your own board to deal the killing blow or sac a couple tokens to remove a creature.

  • Outpost Siege : This card is Value City, playing it early with Dragons gives the deck both direct damage to the opponent AND the potential to remove creature threats. Not to mention the damage trigger is anytime a creature leaves the battlefield, so if something gets sent to exile via Banishing Light I still get a damage trigger off of that. Topdecking this lategame is also fantastic because of Khans, allowing a better chance for me to find the card I need to finish out the game.

  • Crackling Doom : While (much like Butcher) it is mana-intensive in its colors, this card is prime. Simple burn damage and removing what will almost always be the biggest physical threat on the board is a steal for 3cmc, especially at instant speed.

  • Purphoros, God of the Forge : while only a two-of, having Purphoros on the field equates to massive potential damage. Sultai Emissary, Hordeling Outburst, Raise The Alarm, and Rabblemaster all give means of getting extra ETB damage triggers off him. Great synergy across many of the cards in this deck.

  • Bloodsoaked Champion : This card has hilarious synergy with multiple cards. Outside of the obvious triggers with Outpost Siege and Purphoros, he is a healthy sac target for Butcher because he can come back and Rabblemaster guarantees a successful attack phase for Raid. A+ one-drop. This is mega-cheeky, but after a successful attack phase you can bring back Champion as many times as you have mana for. So if you have Butcher and Purphoros, you can continuously sac and bring back Champion for Purphoros triggers, once again thats mega cheeky but its not a bad way to get 4-6 damage to end out a round.

  • Goblin Rabblemaster : no explanation needed, it makes creatures appear and disappear, it always gives me a successful Raid trigger, it wins games.

Most of the rest of the deck is pretty self-explainable, Athreos, God of Passage either keeps things in my hand or tacks on extra damage but should only be a two-of, Outburst and Alarm create tokens, Stoke and Downfall are additional one-ofs just because most of my removal is creature based and i'd like something a little more well rounded. Sultai Emissary is mega comical in how much value it gives.

The sideboard is still a bit of a work in progress- Dictate of Erebos allows me to sac tokens to clear an opponents board- Elspeth, Sun's Champion in longer matches she helps out immensely with token creation - Erase gets rid of a million things that I want gone- Glare of Heresy unsure of this card to be honest, but will side it in against Abzan - Gods Willing, Thoughtseize, Valorous Stance all come in vs Control


the deck's original run brought me success, a lot of success actually as it preformed very well against multiple archetypes. With DTK being legal I felt the need to see what could use some updating

  • Athreos, God of Passage was a massive dud, The card sits there on turn 3 and does nothing to impact the board state. In almost every game he was sided out. I have replaced him with Kolaghan's Command. the same CMC with R/B is an upgrade in easier castability and the card should prove to be much more impactful on the game.

  • Raise the Alarm is a great card and it has worked wonders in this deck, but I'd like to see what Dragon Fodder can offer me. Is the added synergy of T2 Goblin Tokens into T3 RAbblemaster worth the sacrifice of Instant speed casting ability? also I put 1x Secure the Wastes with one day making it 2x. The longer the game goes the better it becomes, but during the first four turns I really dont gain much by playing it in comparison to Fodder/Alarm/Outburst. Basically this card wants to be played for MAX damage after Outpost or Purphoros is out. We'll see how this works out.

-- S I D E B O A R D --

  • Dictate of Erebos was a total bust. Either you're already in a good enough board state to win where it becomes a dead card in your hand OR you're behind on the board state and never get a rightful opportunity to cast it and reestablish.

  • Some minor shuffling happened, A Valorous Stance went to mainboard. 1x Seize became 2x Duress for better consistently (and with the meta shaping up to be high-power, low-cost spells like the Commands helping aggro im not sure i want to start the race 2 health down. we'll see). Also 2x Roast went in because that card can just MURDER creature games at a very nice cost.

Here's hoping these changes are for the better! Mardu Aristocrat brought me a lot of success and I hope it can only get better!

(but Virulent Plague scares the poop out of me)


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 4 Rares

8 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.29
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Goblin 1/1 R, Manifest 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C, Warrior 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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