JewsStoleMyName says... #2
Hordeling Outburst is in the deck under Anger of the Gods because it's not in the database yet.
September 13, 2014 5:11 p.m.
JewsStoleMyName says... #4
Yeah, and I think I like him better than Elspeth, Sun's Champion right now. I'll make the change.
September 13, 2014 5:23 p.m.
I played the deck as is, and running Anger of the Gods seemed to work /really/ well. Most of your aristocrats live through it (save Rabblemaster) and you can open the way to wreck face.
September 13, 2014 7:03 p.m.
JewsStoleMyName says... #6
I'm running a lot of tokens right now, and they all go to waste if I use Anger of the Gods unless I have Butcher of the Horde .
September 13, 2014 7:52 p.m.
the temples are nice, but you would be better off with Bloodstained Mire
CoachCudaback says... #1
How about Hordeling Outburst instead of Raise the Alarm
September 13, 2014 5:09 p.m.